Ravi Lamontagne


Omicron Persei 8

Dahmer - Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story

it was a good show. It's hard for me to really say how accurate the portrayal was as I never really watched any documentaries on Dahmer, and I don't really care to. However the acting was great, the story was interesting.

the only issue I had was some of the embellishments made by the writers. I had to research some of the scenes to see if anything like it was ever reported. one scene displayed police officers making racist and threatening calls to the father of one of Dahmers victims. i couldn't find anything to confirm that narrative.

it's pretty obvious that the police officers that were called out to investigate a child found wandering naked through a building were incompetent and careless in their "investigation". The neglect led to the death of a 14 year old boy. This is verifiable, the additional scenes regarding the officers, unnecessary and complete malarkey from what I could gather. I believe when you're telling a story based on real events you should carefully choose your embellishments, they did so poorly and in bad taste here. For that reason, 7/10.

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@essentialmindz must be one of those back the blue guys... Did you speak with the family in your need to investigate calls of racism? Interesting that this is what got your head spinning.

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Review by dogg724
BlockedParent2015-02-20T00:57:40Z— updated 2018-01-30T04:22:42Z

I feel like this a low rent Nashville that makes black people look terrible. The music is mediocre, the story generally lazy and hacky. It's like a show that were it given the attention of an HBO or Showtime might make you feel immersed in, but you're left with seeing how much Terrance Howard and Taraji can carry the series. (edit: Nov 2016 I recently finished watching Power which is a glimpse at what Empire might've been like on a different network) Extra points for making me hate Cookie so much, that's powerful acting or character development.

The relationships are soap opera like, the writing fairly blah and redundant. What could be compelling story lines are wrapped up quickly or ignored all together. It feels like the show can't pick a direction. I don't understand why it's so hyped, it certainly can't be from the song quality, and the superficial glance at the scatter-brained roles each character is supposed to play doesn't endear me to any character in particular. There's way too much TV to compare this to for this to stick out for any other reason than Black-ish does. It caricatures black people and requires zero effort to follow. (Black-ish has laid off the accelerator...a bit)

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@dogg724 As I continued to watched the show I came to the conclusion that it was a soap opera. Not a fan of R&B and Rap but the music captures my attention, mainly those sung by Jamaal though. I agree that the story line is all over the place. I got mixed feelings about this series, but I still watch it. Oh and the younger son acting is horrible.

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