Kid Cosmic

Reply by Daley

Really nice art-style, interesting base story, but pretty lacking character development. No backstory, or any sort of deep emotional toil to connect us to any of the characters ... it's nothing more than a few actions sequences that always get resolved within a few minutes of the same episodes. The episode time varies quite a bit too (22-14 minutes) getting shorter and shorter as the season went on.

It's more than half-way through that we even realize his parents were dead , but it doesn't play any sort of central role. Some questions left completely unanswered: Where is Flo's dad ? Why is Rosa always left running around on her own ? What's the story behind the biker lady ? The European sounding cook ? Why did the delivery guy have all the stones ? Why so they all live in the middle of nowhere ?

I can't remember much of the "lessons" of the series, there were maybe one or two. Maybe make the kid learn lessons along the way (I mean more than the single one he kinda did).

Just kind of a bare-bones show for now. Maybe if it gets a few more season they could eventually flesh it out more, because this felt like a quick intro that could have been condensed down to 2-3 episodes.

Not bad-bad, but not yet good.

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@alexnader Actually, when Jo (Flo is her mom) is in Kid's room looking through his stuff, she glances at the newspaper clipping about his parents' death. Besides, why else would he be living with his grandpa? What does Jo's dad have to do with anything, especially when we have one protagonist who doesn't have either of his parents? Can't answer the Rosa one, apparently Jo is her babysitter but I don't know if that includes while she's working at her mom's diner. The other characters are just minor characters as far as I can tell. They're likely in the middle of nowhere as a semi-reference to Roswell (not sure exactly what state that they're in), and there are enough stories about city slickers. Some of your complaints seem a little nitpicky, honestly.

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