

Desa 3

Recs to Waldner

Reply by batfos

Recs to @waldner11, № 2 (7–12):

  1. Unusual romance, favorite film from this decade.
  2. Another Mizoguchi. I like this more than Sansho.
  3. A must-see miniseries.
  4. Something like Close-up, but not the same.
  5. Another side of Chungking Express.
  6. Thriller… one of this decade’s best.
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@waldner11 BTW, check out Roma (2018). It’s just released, and it’s so good!

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Recs to Waldner

Reply by batfos

Recs to @waldner11, № 2 (7–12):

  1. Unusual romance, favorite film from this decade.
  2. Another Mizoguchi. I like this more than Sansho.
  3. A must-see miniseries.
  4. Something like Close-up, but not the same.
  5. Another side of Chungking Express.
  6. Thriller… one of this decade’s best.
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@waldner11 Good, good. I’m glad. I’ll do more, but not so soon. Kinda back to the busyness of life, haha. Cheers!

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Recs to Waldner

Reply by batfos

Recs to @waldner11, № 2 (7–12):

  1. Unusual romance, favorite film from this decade.
  2. Another Mizoguchi. I like this more than Sansho.
  3. A must-see miniseries.
  4. Something like Close-up, but not the same.
  5. Another side of Chungking Express.
  6. Thriller… one of this decade’s best.
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@waldner11 Yeah. It’s nice to recommend something to someone too.

That looks interesting. Added to my (Letterboxd) watchlist. (I use Trakt watchlist for upcoming films.)

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Recs to Waldner

Reply by batfos

Looks interesting I'll definitely check those.

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@waldner11 I’m glad you liked them all, Waldner.

Ivan is Tarkovsky before Tarkovsky. It wasn’t my first from him, too… It was Solaris and Stalker, and I didn’t liked it (too). It’s better to watch them chronologically. If you want, I’ll recommend Andrei Rublev next.

What I love from Blow-Up is the mood, the mystery, the to-know, passion of the character… watching him wandering…

Yeah… I watched A Brighter Summer Day twice, both not in one sitting.

I’ll prepare the next streak, soon. Any indications? What’s an example of your “dark”?

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Recs to Waldner

Reply by batfos

Looks interesting I'll definitely check those.

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@waldner11 All right then… Happy viewing!

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Dropped Animes

Reply by batfos

Sad to see you dropped Paranoia Agent… and Champloo. How many episodes did you watch?

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@waldner11 It’s done: Let me know if that’s OK with you.

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Dropped Animes

Reply by batfos

Sad to see you dropped Paranoia Agent… and Champloo. How many episodes did you watch?

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@waldner11 That’s a great idea, yeah, it’s better. But how about reduce it to maybe a line (6 items), so it’ll left the best one. Then after we’ve finished a line and comment each other, we can improve the recommendations, we do another line, and so on. I think that’s more effective. What do you think?

Maybe you can mix it with shows or movies in your recommendations to me, but mainly anime for this first part. Oh, and for anime, I don’t like the ones with too much fan service or something like that, haha. I’ll prepare the list for you soon.

I think you can check if a friend already watched an item or not by going to the item’s page, under the overview… if that’s what you mean.

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Studio Ghibli

Reply by batfos

Is Studio Ponoc part of Studio Ghibli?

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@asterlea Oh, it’s Yonebayashi. I thought Miyazaki is still making film:

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Dropped Animes

Reply by batfos

Sad to see you dropped Paranoia Agent… and Champloo. How many episodes did you watch?

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@waldner11 Currently, for series, I’m in the mood for anime. I’m not into genre. I’m basically interested in something personal, works that really made by someone, not just an entertainment or money-making machine. Something that will last in life, not just when watching it. Haha, it’s hard to explain.

I can digging in your list and ratings then pick something that seems interesting, and you can do the same with my choice of films (I’ll prepare it). Or… we can do a challenge, something like this (

I did that with my friend. We have different taste. So with that we can experience each other’s preferences. Even though maybe we didn’t like the recommendation, it’ll be a new experience. It’s simple: he recommend something, it’ll be measured by total duration, then I reply with the same total duration.

What method do you prefer? Or just straight up recommendation? I’ll try to recommend based on your ratings, or if you have some indications let me know.

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Dropped Animes

Reply by batfos

Sad to see you dropped Paranoia Agent… and Champloo. How many episodes did you watch?

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@waldner11 Exactly. That would be great.

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Dropped Animes

Reply by batfos

Sad to see you dropped Paranoia Agent… and Champloo. How many episodes did you watch?

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@waldner11 Yeah, I’m kinda new into TV… I didn’t took it seriously as movies. Haha, thanks.

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Dropped Animes

Reply by batfos

Sad to see you dropped Paranoia Agent… and Champloo. How many episodes did you watch?

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@waldner11 Yeah… Champloo’s greatness lies in its simplicity, I think… I haven’t finished it myself.

How about Bebop? Did you like it?

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Ten Great Anime Feature-Films

Reply by batfos

Mine is Spirited Away for Miyazaki, and Paranoia Agent (Perfect Blue for feature film) for Kon. I need to rewatch your choices. Didn’t know that Millenium Actress is based on Setsuko Hara.

What do you recommend for Anno? Beside Evangelion

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@sp1ti Seems interesting. Added to the watchlist.

Are you the creator of aniTrakt extension? If so, is it still working? It’s not working in my Chrome.

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Anime Beginner's Guide

Reply by batfos

Oh, crap. I accidentally deleted the comment. Completed: Cowboy Bebop, Neon Genesis Evangelion, One Punch Man, Dragon Ball. Watching: Samurai Champloo. Dropped: Attack on Titan, Death Note, Hunter × Hunter.

Yeah, same, man. Did you watch every episode or just the canon ones? Conan

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@quno65 I look forward to it.

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Anime Beginner's Guide

Reply by batfos

Oh, crap. I accidentally deleted the comment. Completed: Cowboy Bebop, Neon Genesis Evangelion, One Punch Man, Dragon Ball. Watching: Samurai Champloo. Dropped: Attack on Titan, Death Note, Hunter × Hunter.

Yeah, same, man. Did you watch every episode or just the canon ones? Conan

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@quno65 It’s not that I didn’t like it, Hunter × Hunter. It’s just time. Maybe I’ll try again someday.

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