

Omicron Persei 8

Animal Kingdom

Reply by billzy

This show is just "okay". -- And while I know it's inspired by the Australian crime-drama, Animal Kingdom (2010), I can't help but see how it parallels with Sons of Anarchy, a show that began in 2008 and ended in 2014. AK's opening credits even features a montage of tattooed bodies -- similar to SOA opening titles.

No Spoilers
Animal Kingdom tries desperately to be a gritty, macho, controversial crime drama, but falls just short of an unsophisticated, less inspired kin to Sons of Anarchy. SOA is one of my favorite shows, ever. As a woman of color, who leans slightly toward the title of feminist, this may come as a shock to some. But, unlike Animal Kingdom-- which currently lacks strong, smart, and crafty female characters -- SOA had a beautifully woven architecture of complex relationships, poeticism, and coming of age stories that were grounded in actual heartbreaking character development. In other words, we somehow came to care about the baby mommas, and the stomach-churning addicts. So far, AK as done little to make me want to care about the protagonist's (Josh/ "J") journey within this abysmal family. With knockoff Gemma Teller (Smurf) manipulating what's left of his shattered youth, it's hard to see how "J" could become a character worth adoring. The show wants to pick-up where SONS left off. It wants you to take it seriously, it also wants you to know that it can provocative, bloody, messy and sometimes a little violent. What it doesn't want is to be interesting, or remarkable at all -- even the cinematography is, meh. Animal Kingdom just wants to be "okay", a good summer fling on a cool Tuesday night. While I'm watching these grown men bully a young, teenage boy, I'm wondering, when will they grow up? Will it take all of season 1? Season 2? Or will we forever have to watch these "man-babies" be coddled by their mother (you know, the wanna-be Gemma Teller)? I'll admit that I have not seen the source material, but it seems that watching it may be a more satisfying expereince than the series. Nevertheless, I'm hoping the show grows up a bit overtime and can separate itself from those that have done this genre better.

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SOA was pretty shit tbh, wasn't hard enough. I lasted 2-3 seasons ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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Black Mirror

Wanted to see what all the buzz was about... I've watched 5 episodes and got bored out of my mind. Feels like it's targeted for teenagers.

It has a very simplistic take to it: ultra-hyper-dramatization of very basic concepts and bad behaviors of a minority of people. Reviews say it raises questions about society and politics but does not provide arguments or details either way. The stories are sometimes interesting but lack any depth and in the end, it's the idea that counts, or so they say. Just presenting basic questions with no details and some vague/weird drama only makes people argue and thus promoting the series. I find it pretentious.

One of the society satires i enjoy is South Park which most of the times present quite a complete picture about a topic with multiple perspectives and arguments. Compared to South Park at that, Black Mirror is kind of showing you only what the main character(s) see.

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South Park and Black Mirror are 2 completely different styles and genres. I think this one went way above your head because it's actually a very unique concept with smart production qualities as well. Head back to GIlmore Girls it may serve you better :)

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