

west coast

Get Out

the film has an incredible underlying tension. i've seen people across social media criticize it for being an uncomfortable experience, but that slight discomfort is why it's so effective in terms of the horror genre. it hits a little too close to home in a deeply divided society because aside from the minor details that take this over into the realm of horror, it's all realistic. it's all something we've experienced firsthand, be it as chris or as a bystander. i love this movie, discomfort and all. i'm so happy jordan peele has been getting recognition for his filmmaking; he's got so much talent and his work shows just how robust that talent is. two things though: CHRIS TAKING THAT KNIFE TO THE HAND I FULL BODY RECOILED. and the alternate ending is worth a watch.

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Trevor Noah: Afraid of the Dark

a huge variety of jokes, but still cohesive once it wrapped up! i loved getting to hear all of the accents he's been working on. it's hard to pick favorite moments, but i'd say great britain colonizing india is pretty high up there.

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Boss Level

i absolutely loved this. had almost no idea what it was about save for the time loop synopsis and i spent the entire movie delighted and enthralled. it's an action flick at its core so i was never REALLY emotional, but it still had me invested in frank grillo's protagonist and god, were those fast-paced failed-attempt scenes good. this had all the right touches of video game vibes and humor, and the commenter who called it deadpool meets groundhog day was spot on, because that's exactly what i thought after the first montage of kill scenes.

also, guan yin is perhaps the Best call out on the asian assassin trope i've ever seen.

oh, and mel gibson was good in the sense that i barely had to look at him and what time i spent having to acknowledge him was spent appropriately wanting his character dead!

predictable? i mean kind of, it's a time loop movie. but it's 100% a good time.

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Patton Oswalt: Annihilation

patton's awesome with standup, he's so incredibly personable when he's telling jokes. i loved his interactions with the front row, and also how honest he was about his struggle with segueing into the part about the grieving process. he also had such refreshingly candid commentary for those people who talk about losing a loved one like it's some beautiful, spiritual journey. i think a lot of the laughter i let out during that section of the special was more empathy than humor. some very real material in this, both personal and global. at the end it felt like we were all a little unburdened after experiencing the routine, audience and patton alike!

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What Happened to Monday

this made me really appreciate noomi rapace's acting skills. the plot was a little contrived and the movie requires some suspension of disbelief -- less for the premise and more for the notion that 7 identical siblings successfully hid themselves in said premise -- but all in all it's an enjoyable film with believable characters. i watched with a friend and more than once we were clinging to each other and cheering for one of the sisters.

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The Menu

such a good cast and such a good movie. i don't have anything exciting to say, i just loved this ride

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i really envy people who think that professor xavier having a degenerative brain disease is unrealistic. i take care of two relatives with dementia. it's about as brutal as this movie is, except it's real.

that said, it was easier to watch than i expected, it made me cry, congrats to it. very r, multiple decapitations, my fave kind of superhero movie. either way i think more people need to read actual comics to understand the full spectrum of ratings and content they span, so they can stop thinking superhero content has a specific lane to stay in

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Louis C.K. 2017

i generally love louis c.k.'s material to begin with but i only really lost it when the "i'll try the best anything, if it's the BEST" bit came around. i can't believe how hard i laughed at turtle extinction.

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this is so bizarre but so good. absolutely give it a watch - the tagline is no joke.

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the simplest takeaway: gaslighting is literally never the answer, stop it.

slow-paced, be aware of that going into it. it's never a jump scare that makes the movie unsettling. it was an awesome directorial debut on okuno's part. it's not a new trope but it's handled in a beautiful and haunting way re: cinematography and score, and acted out by a great cast. maika monroe's expressiveness alone deserves all the awards. also proud of lil old shudder backing a proper release!

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Spider-Man: No Way Home

everything hurts and i'm crying

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i only ever saw parts of this movie over the years and somehow mistakenly assumed i'd seen it in full as an adult. watching it now after watching a few other 90s horrors, i see why it's so beloved. i mean aside from wes craven doing a good job as a general rule, the acting is great, the characters are well-rounded, and it's genuinely equal parts comedy and horror. regardless of how the sequels turn out in my binge of these in preparation for the 2022 film, i'm so glad i watched this.

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Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father

even knowing a bit about this story, the experience of this tribute is so meaningful. i'm glad to be able to have seen it, even if it was heartbreaking.

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yes hello hollywood i formally request it be the age of sci-fi space operas from here on out

god i love when producters let amazing things happen. you know a director's good when an ensemble cast doesn't feel like a bunch of a listers thrown together but an actual, cohesive set. oscar isaac did leto's last scene so much justice. i also think i get the timothee hype, finally. and ZENDAYA. AND REBECCA.

hans zimmer has never done a single wrong in his life ever; villaneuve directed a masterpiece; and dneg made every single piece of the vfx feel legit. this was so good what the FUCK.

i wish frank could've seen this.

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Raya and the Last Dragon

feel good disney feelings. i cried a lot of happy tears, kind of like when i wept over zootopia. i'm almost 32 years old but my excuse is i'm a millennial and i was conditioned for this by the lion king, thank you and goodnight

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Black Holes: The Edge of All We Know

i watched this while high, and recommend that mode if you're cool with it and also have 'space real big' anxiety panic? because i have a feeling if i hadn't been high my anxiety would have been too much to bear approximately 50% of the runtime and i would've just turned it off. if you're not anxious congrats, but my brain needs active forced relaxation to make me believe i can fathom space and time.

either way there's loads of nice visuals throughout the film, an all around soothing watch despite the whole 'our universe is massive yet knowable how does that make me feel" contemplation that follows every real space thing i learn about.

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Love and Monsters

this is like if godzilla and zootopia had a baby and i have never loved a baby more tbh. also dylan o brien has a monopoly on the hot helpless nerd trope sorry to every other lanky man who still passes for a college freshman you need a different shtick

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I Am Legend

i can't believe it took me this long to watch this movie i love will smith so much jfc

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Thor: Ragnarok

third watch and this still has one of my favorite action sequences ever. that bifrost fight, man.

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Anything for Jackson

honestly a delightful horror movie. it pokes fun of itself at the most perfect times and still manages to be genuinely scary the rest of the time.

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echoing abby seltzer in the art of psychiatry article she wrote—the portrayal of personality disorders and addiction are poignant and were handled with care but shown in their entirety. carey mulligan's embodiment of a bpd sufferer is authentic and disturbing, particularly the hysterical anguish she expresses more than once and her repeated boundary pushing. i'm not necessarily a fan of fassbender's given the accusations of domestic assault in his past, but his talent as an actor is undeniable. a lot of this movie depended on the cast's ability to convey emotional weight and full-bodied personalities despite giving very little insight to anyone's backstory or history, and no one falls short of that.

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the plot is kind of whatever to me, in the way that most social media plots are when i've been spoiled by a series like black mirror, BUT like other commenters have said, the actors are all believable and emma roberts is a surprisingly likable protagonist. i've lowkey always liked her crazy bitch roles but i'm glad she's proving to be more versatile. and i love dave and samira so much that i would probably watch two hour footage of a garbage dump if either had a brief cameo, so that helps. this is one of those movies that exceeds expectations if you go into it just expecting a quick, entertaining movie - it's nothing groundbreaking, but it's certainly memorable.

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legitimately such a visually stunning and fun entry into the action genre. the number of times bullets run out is one of my favorite aspects of the action sequences, but also there's a scene later on that, combined with mary elizabeth winstead's increasingly horrifying deterioration, puts this on my body horror list. it's not a horror, but it's pretty and there's bodies being horrific, so it works. i'm really digging the recent action films that use just enough stylistic choices borrowed from video games to bump up the immersion.

when i was checking on who the stunt coordinators were i saw some Highly Bitter articles calling this a john wick clone but honestly every action movie follows a formula because the formula works and being poisoned with radiation is a great reason for revenge even if it didn't involve a dog.

also, i don't even fucking care i loved that ridiculous car chase scene

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Red Notice

i knew this movie was going to be worth it when the rock's car chase was stopped in the first u turn by an ice cream truck

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The Suicide Squad

this movie takes every absolutely stupid and ridiculous superhero trope and subverts it into something entertaining and nonstop fun. is it a masterpiece? not really, but then again no comics movie is (unless it's into the spiderverse then fuck you it's perfect and gamechanging and has a superhero pig how dare you). but it's pure entertainment, for a straight two hours and some change. even in the emotional moments and brutal gore scenes, this movie is a cinematic delight.

i hope this and the success of snyder's dc entries show producers that good directors know what they're doing. let them do what they fucking want, pay their immensely skilled and underappreciated teams to make the final cuts look the way they've been envisioned, and you'll get people watching your content.

like the only reason i'm still paying for hbo max every month even during a career switch is for the ability to see people get to make this kind of shit.

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it's a great movie. not horror in the traditional sense, but an homage to peele's inspirations and an awesome cast. there are a few delightful misdirection jump scares and a moment proving children are truly the Worst:tm:, but i do think the third act's eldritchian, supermassive monster moment gave me the most discomfort. like, it just took everything about space that makes me want to vomit and turned it up to 11. jordan peele has honestly never disappointed me; even if this isn't my favorite film by him, it is absolutely a good one and more than worth its runtime.

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Bullet Train

aaron taylor johnson and brian tyree henry were the absolute best part of this movie. that and all the cameos i had no idea about because i went into the movie blind.

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Don't Look Up

this would easily have been funnier if the last 8-10 years hadn't been happening. now i'm just really stressed out about a fictional comet and i need my zoloft more than ever. seriously though, why the fuck did that man charge for the snacks?

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The Unforgivable

well acted all around, 100% recommend. pacing made it sluggish in the middle, but i loved it despite that. the third act makes the slow second act worth sitting through, hands down.

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The Power of the Dog

most of what i want to say about this would count as a spoiler so instead what i'll say is, this movie (and its source material) is unsettling and ominous in a number of ways but once the movie is over and you sit with it for a minute, you'll realize that what felt like twists and unseen motives were all served up to you on a silver platter—which is perhaps the most important theme and what makes it so effective.

also—bunnies do not have a good time in this film. the dog doesn't die though.

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