

west coast

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

there are a lot of bad choices in this movie but tbh on a rewatch with the knowledge that this timeline gets retconned for deadpool proper i can almost tolerate it. almost.

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Final Destination 3

mary elizabeth winstead made this the best iteration so far tbh

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The Mandela Effect

honestly better than i expected. it didn't feel contrived or unhinged like a lot of movies that address these kinds of theories. i'm not convinced that the mandela effect isn't just false memory and groupthink at work (my background is in psychology after all) but i definitely remember it being berenstein but pronounced berenSTEEN when i watched the animated show and i'm just. so mad about it whenever i think about it.

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my verdict on this is that it would've been much better as a narrative-driven video game. not a tv miniseries, not a franchise, just a well rounded video game with a decent story and fun game mechanics.

don't expect anything mind blowing and you'll enjoy this. it's a generic sci fi movie and there's not nearly enough of dylan o brien's cute face to level it up from there. some dialogue is silly, the cgi varies from excellent to passable (i wonder how sick of rendering breaking glass these vfx artists are) and there's a lot of weird plot holes and nonsensical physics going on that never get explained. if it's setting up for a sequel, okay i guess.

i think this is worth a watch for some of the cast members. jason mantzoukas mostly, i mean. mark wahlberg is so wooden in sci fi, he must just not act as well when there's a lot of cgi and he has to interact with green screens and props instead of reality? because he's been pretty decent other times. i also just don't like him though.

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The Strangers: Prey at Night

i was able to finish it, so it's watchable. the acting is decent, and there are some great moments of realism (the amount of recoil shown when the daughter uses a shotgun most of all, honestly refreshing in a horror film) and up until the ending happened this could've been a 6/10. watchable up until the final scene, so just bail at the fade in and you'll probably be able to tolerate it.

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loved this, but the one thing i still don't understand is why keith tried pulling tess deeper while saying they had to go that direction when the mother came from that direction?? like was he just confused (understandable) or what?

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The Night House

two things make this movie worth it: rebecca hall's performance and ben lovett's score. otherwise it's pretty weak.

the scene after she falls asleep in claire's lap tho. shit took about 10 years off my lifespan i'm still Stressed man i have a heart defect don't do that to me

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legitimately such a visually stunning and fun entry into the action genre. the number of times bullets run out is one of my favorite aspects of the action sequences, but also there's a scene later on that, combined with mary elizabeth winstead's increasingly horrifying deterioration, puts this on my body horror list. it's not a horror, but it's pretty and there's bodies being horrific, so it works. i'm really digging the recent action films that use just enough stylistic choices borrowed from video games to bump up the immersion.

when i was checking on who the stunt coordinators were i saw some Highly Bitter articles calling this a john wick clone but honestly every action movie follows a formula because the formula works and being poisoned with radiation is a great reason for revenge even if it didn't involve a dog.

also, i don't even fucking care i loved that ridiculous car chase scene

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honestly not that bad for a netflix horror. with each movie in this genre though the concept gets a little less scary - and then i remember the real life versions of events like these and want to live in a panic room for the rest of my life. so it's pretty evergreen in that regard.

also, once you've watched the movie, look up the kathy rowe case - thats what the true events card at the beginning is referring to. but THEN, also look up the otto sanhuber case. this movie combines both of those - and pretty well, tbh.

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Horse Girl

i wouldn't classify this as science fiction as there's no definitive proof for anything occurring within the setting. not enough screen time for the poor horse considering it's a movie titled horse girl tbh.

most importantly: i would watch the tv series within this movie in a HEARTBEAT i mean its flawless procedural trash very clearly making fun of supernatural. when is netflix gonna make that??

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Double Blind

very silly and difficult to suspend disbelief at times but still a fun horror flick.

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Lover, Stalker, Killer

like others said the twist was very easy to see coming (although some moments had me doubting myself - namely the pets?? jesus christ????) but the pacing was good and it's nice to watch documentaries where the police are competent. also tony kava going "it's what nerds drink instead of eating" about soylent, i'm crying

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Ricky Stanicky

overall mediocre but it had its moments, most of them involving john cena tbf but also wes telling dean "if you just tell erin the truth, she won't hurt you" after the anecdote about his broken arm on halloween.

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plenty of illogical moments (the screaming, the not communicating the blood part sooner, to name a couple) but it's good fantasy and the acting and music is excellent. also, breaking news: in 2024 there are still men out there with masculinity so fragile it can be fractured by a female protagonist in a netflix fairytale

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i actually really liked how the film ended! anyone who feels it was a little incomplete or abrupt should check out the plot summary to the book, it obviously has some spoilers for where the plots diverge but i think the changes make sense for the change in media format. also think it's a fun fact that the screenplay was adapted by the author and her husband together!

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A Hero's Journey: The Making of Percy Jackson and the Olympians

definitely watch this, it's very sweet and also interesting af.

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The Marvels

this was fun as hell and i feel genuinely bad for anyone who didn't enjoy it. not a cinematic masterpiece, absolutely a weak villain, but this is the mcu—fun is all i want out of the franchise these days.

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Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief

i rewatched and i can confirm i was confused by the large screen and logan lerman

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Til Death Do Us Part

this made me realize i have a bad habit of thinking pretty movie posters = good movie

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Shout by hannah
BlockedParent2024-01-04T03:03:34Z— updated 2024-03-16T01:26:24Z

ridiculous and unhinged in a mostly good way. unsure if it was worth the countless moments of secondhand embarrassment it served up. rosamund pike was the absolute peak of this movie and i refuse to hear anything otherwise

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Violent Night

well fwiw the contrast of family-friendly simplicity in plot and gags and the insane amount of gore worked for me. it specifically worked because of the cast, especially david harbour.

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The Nun II

imagine watching a movie titled "the NUN ii" and then being enraged that it focused on two women

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i don't mind long movies - i just think this one didn't need to be as long as it was. but the acting is good and i like benicio del toro pretty much no matter what his role is.

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it's not a masterpiece but it's fun and tbh that's a major motivator for me when watching movies

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Pet Sematary: Bloodlines

i like a movie i can do other shit during as much as an engaging one so tbh this was good background noise

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i liked it a lot, specifically because of dylan o'brien's performance! but i will say it's highly open to interpretation and very philosophical which, as someone with adhd that goes on rabbit holes just by breathing, aren't my favorite. but it's definitely a watchable and worthwhile movie imo.

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Blue Beetle

i think if you're sick of superhero movies you might like this all the more for it. it's cheesy and silly and takes itself seriously far less often than it pokes fun at itself. also khaji-da's character growth arc is big cute.

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Talk to Me

very good - i think it benefits from the fact that it centers on a group of teenagers because lbr teenagers aren't all sorted out in their brains yet and pretty much the only ones who would think this was a fun adrenaline rush of a game. it's definitely following some standard horror stereotypes but it's not bad for doing so, it's enjoyable when a horror movie keeps the tropes that the genre's defined by but does right by them. the acting's solid too, from the whole cast.

also, god, so gross. and not even in the gory moments, very much in the "oh this is being documented this poor person" way. so glad i was a teenager when social media was just myspace bc i don't think i'd have made it to adulthood with all my horrific missteps recorded forever on the internet

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Insidious: The Red Door

imagine if this was how everyone could get rid of their daddy issues

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Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3

i cried more times than i am comfortable admitting

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