


WandaVision: 1x05 On a Very Special Episode...

OMFG! Its rare that I have a total full-blown unrepentant geekasm, but the last five seconds of this episode are the best five seconds of television since Buffy sang in a musical.

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Only Murders in the Building: 1x06 To Protect and Serve

The opening narration by Detective Williams about twins, triplets and quintuple-whateverthefucks is the highlight of the entire show so far. I like that they've expanded her character and hope to see more of her as she begins to investigate the cover-up. If nothing else, I'm really glad that they are doing more with her than just the tired old "brassy & sarcastic plus-sized black woman" trope.

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Doom Patrol: 2x06 Space Patrol

What the hell it this crap? This is so unrealistic. Everybody knows you need at least TWO apples to fuel your goat-powered space ship. Amateurs.

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Only the French can produce a film about a lesbian serial killer who has wild BDSM monkey sex with a Cadillac, gets pregnant, has a weird dance-off, fucks a truck, and gives birth to a Turbo-Baby... AND it wins the Palme d'Or at Cannes?!?! If this movie were made in the U.S. it would have been produced by either Troma or Full Moon and would earn perpetual eye-rolls from any and all critics. What a weird world.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 1x01 Strange New Worlds

I can't remember the last time I was this excited over a Star Trek show. Anson Mount is perfect for this franchise and I'm excited to see where it goes from here. Hit it!

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Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania

Whenever I am sitting down feeling contemplative and working on my bucket list, I always reflect upon my lifelong desire to one day see M.O.D.O.K.'s bare ass. Thanks, Marvel Studios! I can now scratch this one off the list.

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American Horror Story: 11x03 Smoke Signals

I think this is the strongest episode from season eleven so far. We're making good headway and can finally get to the meat of the story now that we spent two episodes establishing all the characters. I'm glad to see how the B-plot is starting to merge with the A-plot, drawing connections between the mysterious virus and the Mai Tai Killer. NOW its starting to feel like American Horror Story. Excited to see how this develops.

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See, this is why I don't stay at Air B&Bs anymore. Same goddamn thing happens every goddamn time. You book the place, you walk in, you say "Oh, this seems nice...", and the next thing you know you're getting attacked by a mutant inbred titty bitch that tries to nurse you. Ruins the whole damn weekend.

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Child's Play 2

Having re-watched this for the first time in years, I have to say I enjoyed it a little bit more. The biggest downside is of course the human characters: Andy is little more than a sleepwalking child zombie, the stepfather is (intentionally) annoying, the stepmother provides nothing, and Kyle is just shy of enough personality to make her interesting. Let's face it though, like a Godzilla movie, you're not here for the mundos. You're here for the monster. Brad Dourif never disappoints, and he infuses his sinister wickedness into every foul-mouthed little barb. The body count is a bit light for my tastes, but the final (and dragged out) showdown in the toy factory makes it all worth it.

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Torchwood: 1x09 Random Shoes

This was such a sad episode. We always see stories about the popular people. And we always see stories about the "losers". But we seldom see stories about those who are simply invisible. Naturally, they play on the idea that Eugene Jones is just as invisible in death as he was in life. This is my second favorite episode of the season so far after "They Keep Killing Suzie".

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The Walking Dead: 10x21 Diverged

I know this episode isn't gaining a lot of love, but as far as this six-episode filler arc is concerned, its probably the best so far. Unless you don't like Carol. Or dogs. Or rats. In which case, you'll likely fall asleep. But I challenge anyone to say that they didn't at least chuckle at watching a blood-spattered Carol waxing on about the nutritional value of nettle and dandelions. Melissa McBride is and always has been one of the high-points of this series. Even if it is a show that has been slowly circling the toilet drain for quite some time now.

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Invincible: 1x03 WHO YOU CALLING UGLY?

Absolutely loved the training sequence. Rex Splode is such a dick. lol. Really liking the "Hellboy" guy too (can't remember his name). Interested to see more of him. And what the hell is up with Robot? Is he just a tool for the Man now? Its rare and very refreshing to watch a show that leaves me excitedly hungry for the next episode!

Those previous comments, by the way, were made by the cloned version of BKurtz, which is a lesser version of the original BKurtz, who will now brutally dismember his inadequate copy. Going forward, only the original BKurtz will be making comments about this show.

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Clarice: 1x01 The Silence Is Over

This is a fairly strong inaugural episode, and a respectful spiritual successor to The Silence of the Lambs. I like that we get to see the fallout of the events from that film, which is something we never got in the Hannibal movie. In particular, I'm interested in how they are handling PTSD with respect to the characters of Clarice Starling and Catherine Martin. I also really liked the irony of the therapy session, where Clarice is now the case study subject who is being deflective to a psychiatrist that is trying to coax information from her. I also liked how the title of the episode has a double meaning, which becomes evident when the motive of the antagonist is revealed in the climax. All in all, a very solid start. Interested to see where this goes.

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X-Men: The Animated Series: 2x05 Repo Man

One of the better episodes of the show. As it should be since it was written by comic scribe Len Wein. The animation style was slightly better than the average episode, and the dialogue was actually pretty decent. While I've always questioned the voice talent on this series, I think they did a good job at casting the members of Alpha Flight. Their voices sounded pretty close to how I've always imagined them (except for Heather, who is a shrill harpy). Let me just say though that Alpha Flight was always one of my favorite Marvel hero teams - especially the John Byrne years, and this episode is lifted straight out of a classic Chris Claremont/John Byrne issue of Uncanny X-Men. Plus, we get a flashback of Wolverine's origin back when he first became Weapon X! All in all, a fairly sweet episode to a series that was routinely bouncing between mediocre and horrible.

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Dune: Part Two

I paid full ticket price to watch Zendaya make Resting Poo Face for 2 hours and 47 minutes.

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American Horror Story: 11x04 Black Out

Joe Mantello is quickly becoming one of my new favorite actors. This guy absolutely crushes it with each episode. Russell Tovey is practically invisible whenever he is in a scene with Mantello. That being said, however... EVERYONE tends to disappear whenever Zachary Quinto enters the scene. Can't wait to see a scene between Mantello and Quinto.

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Wait... so the guy is stuck in this clown costume, right? The amount of POOP that has accumulated in the back of his drawers is the single most horrifying element of this film.

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Home Alone

This one never gets old. I love it as much now as I did in 1990. Pesci and Stern are ace comics.

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Psycho Goreman

Think of it as if someone were inspired to remake Troma's Toxic Avenger using rando Power Rangers villains, but added twelve dollars to the budget. That's Psycho Goreman. And if you don't like it, then FRIG YOU!

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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: 1x04 The Whole World Is Watching

The shot of Walker standing with the blood-stained shield is chilling in its morbid beauty. A disturbingly iconic and powerful image both in terms of its visceral impact as well as its narrative impact. Loved it.

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The Umbrella Academy: 2x01 Right Back Where We Started

Pretty decent way to start off episode 2. It's nice to see a fresh start, even though its re-dressing the whole "Gotta save the world from the Apocalypse, blah, blah, blah" shtick again. I think starting the show in the 1960s is a nice twist and it'll be fun watching the assorted family members navigate their way through the hallmarks of the era.

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The Silence of the Lambs

There are very few films in this world that I hold to be singularly perfect. The Godfather, Jaws, and Silence of the Lambs. Like those films, The Silence of the Lambs achieves a perfection so masterful and engaging that I would not sacrifice even a single frame or line of dialogue.

Rewatched it last night and it is still just as captivating now as it was when I was watching Ted Levine tuck his junk between his legs on the big screen back in '91.

To this day, I STILL can't listen to "Goodbye Horses". Thanks, Demme.

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Chucky: 2x01 Halloween II

Another slam-dunk episode from what is quite possibly the best thing on TV right now. Season 2 hits the ground running with a baller opening scene that leaves the fate of Andy Barclay hanging in the air. The three-way convo between Chucky, Bald Chucky, and Stick Chucky is the highlight of the ep. "We went over this during orientation!" I also think that the relationship between Jake and Devon is much more organic this season now that the actors have been allowed to grow into their characters a bit more. Much more palatable than the clunky Jake/Devon meet-cute from season one. Blech. Lexi, whom I hated in season one, is now shaping up to be my favorite non-doll character on the show. Even if she does snort anxiety meds. Can't wait to see what ep 2x02 holds.

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Everything Everywhere All at Once

I'll never look at hot dogs the same way again.

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The King's Man

I could watch Rhys Ifans stache-eating some cake and tongue-banging Ralph Fiennes' war injury all day - every day. The rest of the movie? Meh.

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Let this movie be a lesson to all you parents out there. This is what happens when your kids disobey you!

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Blood Diner

After listening to two separate podcasts about this obscure gem, I had decided that I HAD to see it! Couldn't find it on any streaming service or any reasonably priced download or rental, so I just "screw it!" I blind-bought the Blu-ray off Amazon. Fortunately, I had several unused Amazon gift cards from previous Christmases, so it didn't cost me a thing.

Well, it was WELL worth the price I paid. It is exactly the low-budget, exploitative, offensive, off-the-wall glorious piece of fantastic trash that I knew it would be! Plus, there are TONS of behind-the-scenes bonus bits and a director's commentary on the Blu-ray (A rare find these days).

Watching Blood Diner is like engaging in a feast of your favorite flavored Hot Pockets. Sure, they taste great going down... but you know you're going to regret it later.

For fans of low-budget '80s cheese-fest "So bad its good" horror movies, Blood Diner gets two severed thumbs way up! I'm proud to say that this is my first official movie watch of 2022. Praise Sheetar!

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The Matrix Resurrections

Pointless and forgettable. The original movies pushed boundaries in terms of visuals and storytelling. The only thing this movie pushed was my head closer to my pillow.

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Chucky: 1x08 An Affair to Dismember

Now THAT's how you do a season finale! Daaaaaaaamn. That was off the chain! But I would expect nothing less from Senor Mancini. Still though... there's a part of me that is kinda hoping that Nica's limbs were actually destroyed in the blast, and that Tiffany saved her life by cauterizing the wounds, treating the burns, and sewing her up. It wouldn't really be out of sorts for Tiff to do something like that. Anything for love, right?

Best part of the episode: "Last time on fucking Chucky...!"

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Maniac Cop 3: Badge of Silence

You know how a lot of people say that The French Connection has one of the most thrilling car chases of all time? Those people have clearly never watched Maniac Cop 3: Badge of Silence.

Picture if you will: An undead police officer in formal attire engulfed in un-extinguishable flames, driving a police car with no door and playing paddy-cake with an ambulance driven by a chain-smoking cop with a female doctor who screams "I HATE THIS!"

Fuck you, French Connection! You don't know shit!

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