Bowtie Guy

1 follower

Omicron Persei 8

The Little Things

The main mystery to me is why did Denzel do this steamer...

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Shout by Bowtie Guy
BlockedParentSpoilers2023-11-21T05:31:11Z— updated 2024-01-05T23:12:16Z

Finsh gets a 5, Goodyear a 7 (cause I'm a dog lover] and Jeff a 10. The Finch being a dick scenes really brought nothing to the story or character, other than you seeing he was basically a dick. Why? His death would have been much more impactful if they let you like him more. Just sayin '...

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a bit overstylized for my taste.

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The Batman

Way too long....take out all the bad stuff and it would be about an hour.

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The Wolf of Snow Hollow

Fargo wanna be, but misses the mark. Mr. Forster, Chloe & Niki count for 3 of my 5 stars.

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Star Trek: The Motion Picture

Shout by Bowtie Guy
BlockedParent2022-04-11T04:53:33Z— updated 2022-04-15T17:16:31Z

Always appreciated V'Ger's fashion sense for Ilia - high rise robe and low-rise playboy pumps...I doubt either were Starfleet issued :slight_smile:

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Black Crab

So basically, the main character is a mental case...1st hour might have got a 7 because of some creative visuals/scenes, but last 20min is just disappointing & sad as you watch her mental illness destroy her.

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Sorry, couldn't stay with it. Jumping back and forth between a "regular" world, and their weird-culture underground versions, just didn't work for me. The concept of "Sometimes, more can be said by not saying anything" is a great one, but it felt too forced for me here. I know they were attempting some symbolism with him continuing to march around all bloodied up and nasty, but I just couldn't get my head into it when they'd jump back to regular world scenes and keep him looking like that. Glad it worked for the more enlightened crowd, truly, but I'm just a little to "regular" myself to have appreciated it.

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Red Notice

"I'm Ed Sheeran, bitch". Let the merchandising begin!

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Army of One

I don't know if this was a bad comedy, or really really bad action flick. Either way, it's bad. Worst part is I watched the whole thing.

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Bad Samaritan

Unless it's sci-fi, supernatural, fantasy, etc., I like a semblance of reality. Didn't get that here, the preposterous meter was a bit on the high side. Yes, DT was good, but I've come to expect that.

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The Silencing

An okay looking film, with avg performances. Lot of plot holes and writing gaffes for me, plus wierd/unrealistic dialogue & interactions. Biggest issue for me: I thought it was the Dr. since he would have skill to cut vocal cords and was aware of Brooks' knuckle cracking, but dismissed him because he showed up to tend to Rayburn in the RV, only hours after they had a knock down drag out fist fight, without a mark on him. Given that fight scene, he would have definitely shown some serious damage. Plenty of other issues, but I've already wasted more time on this movie than I wish I had.

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I Care a Lot

Stupid. And actually not being harsh. Ms. Pike's performance was great, but was wasted on horrible writing...give the best Chef a bag of fertilizer and a wok, and you're going to be served sh#t.

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