Micah Sarver


Sonora California

Ray Donovan: 4x09 Goodbye Beautiful

It's really going to suck if they kill Avi off the show. I always wanted the writers to develop Avi & Lena a bit more and involve them more in the plot. Lena was a badass in this episode though.

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Ray Donovan: 4x05 Get Even Before Leavin'

Wow...some crazy shit went down in this episode. I knew Teresa felt like things were fucked up, but I never thought she'd go that far. I never thought Mickey would do something like what he did at the end either.

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Bleach: 1x271 Ichigo Dies! Orihime, the Cry of Sorrow!

This is the most badass episode of anime I've ever seen.

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Tomb Raider

This one was a big disappointment for me. I had hopes for this considering I'm a Tomb Raider fan as well as a fan of Alicia Vikander, but this movie was a failure in my opinion.

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Stranger Things: 2x07 Chapter Seven: The Lost Sister

This episode felt like it really disrupted the flow of the series. It wasn't a terrible episode, but it felt completely out of place with what I've seen before.

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The Walking Dead: 7x01 The Day Will Come When You Won't Be

I don't know what the fucked happened to this show, but the writing and character development went to shit. Characters I used to love, I now feel conflicted about (Carol and now Daryl among other character's actions that were out of place). This episode went too far in my opinion. It's not like I expected them to all live happily ever after, but as a viewer, you feel crushed because you know none of the characters you've been following for all this time will ever be the same again. It feels like they have no reason to keep surviving. It feels like there is no way they could survive a battle, and so all hope is lost for those who are left.

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Nocturnal Animals

This movie was a fucking train wreck. It just kept pissing me off, and for some reason I still watched it to the end. I wish I hadn't.

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Mr. Robot: 1x08 eps1.7_wh1ter0se.m4v

I never would have seen that coming.

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Game of Thrones: 6x10 The Winds of Winter

Wow...this was just absolutely amazing. Between this episode and the last episode, this season totally went out with a bang. I wasn't disappointed at all. Some earlier episodes this season felt kind of off, but these last two totally made up for it. I can't wait till next season.

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I had expectations that this wasn't going to be good at all, but I wanted to watch anyway just to be sure. It turned out to be pretty decent. Not GREAT, but worth a watch for sure.

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Castaway on the Moon

I usually don't watch films with subtitles, but I absolutely loved this. I always wanted to find out what would happen next. This is a must-watch film in my opinion.

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Ray Donovan: 5x07 If I Should Fall from Grace with God

I'm so happy Frank is dead. I'm sure another obnoxious prick will fill his spot though.

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Death Note

If you're looking at the comments to see if you should watch this or not, I say don't waste your time. You will be disappointed.

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The Walking Dead: 7x13 Bury Me Here

I saw that coming a mile away. I knew something else was going to have to happen for the Kingdom to get involved. The fact that it needed to is completely ridiculous though. After everything that's happened, I don't know why people have to keep dying for certain characters to realize what needs to be done when they should already know at this point. Morgan and Caryl have already done what needs to be done and then they both went through a stupid phase. Ezekiel has talked about the things he's seen, but somehow he believes there can actually be peace with these savages? I just hope that everyone is done being stupid, but I know that's a foolish hope for this show after all the stupid decisions that have been made recently.

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The Walking Dead: 7x10 New Best Friends

I thought King Ezekiel was absolutely ridiculous when I first saw him, but the trash people are even more ridiculous. Wow.

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The Walking Dead: 7x08 Hearts Still Beating

FINALLY, a good episode! The first I've actually enjoyed all season. Everything leading up to this was "meh" in some way. Now I'm just waiting for Carol and the rest to stop being complete dumbasses. They have completely ruined Carol's character from the badass she used to be. I don't have much faith at this point for TWD to not completely fuck up any hope I have for the rest of the season, but I'm going to at least find out. Maybe I'll want to watch Season 8 when it comes around, maybe not. If the second half of Season 7 is as disappointing as this half, I'll probably give up on the show. All I know for sure is that a lot of people are going to die and I'm hoping it won't be too many of the characters I actually like on this show.

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The Walking Dead: 6x09 No Way Out

FINALLY!!! I've been waiting for them to do something like that for SO LONG!!!!!!

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The Walking Dead: 6x03 Thank You
The Walking Dead: 3x04 Killer Within

This episode had me crying.

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This movie could have been SO much better! It just feels like wasted potential for an amazing movie which seems to be on par with most movies these days.

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Preacher: 1x07 He Gone

I bet Eugene will come back, but his mouth will be fixed...kind of like how the angels come back they get a new body. But what happened to Cassidy? This season has really amped up my interest. I wasn't sure about this show at first, but now I can't wait till next season.

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By the end of the film, it became rather obvious that "The Man" was just a portrayal of Satan

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The Path

I thought the first episode kind of sucked, but it got better after that. Some of the characters feel awkward, but I guess they wanted them to feel that way considering what they're involved in.

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Game of Thrones: 3x09 The Rains of Castamere

I hated this episode SO MUCH!

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