Carlos Teran


Monterrey, MX


As someone who actually lives in Mexico, and has a 12-men strong Policias Federales group parked just outside my office with machine guns and a freaking tank (yes, a small tank with 2 50mm turrets), and my fair amount of dead bodies seen around in Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon and Sonora, many kidnapped (and lost forever) friends, this movie is one of the best I've ever seen about the War On Drugs. The third act is too constrained, but understandable as this is a movie made for an American audience. I wonder if you guys can tell the difference between Mexico City (where most of the Mexican scenes were shot) and Ciudad Juarez or Nogales, because you can't film there at all. The situation here is worst than anybody can imagine, and I just have to look outside my window. I'm looking forward for the next movie with Del Toro's character.

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Perfect Blue

This film was way ahead of its time. I love how it reels you in, and never lets you go.

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Outlaw King

I always hated Mel Gibson's Braveheart because it was Robert the Bruce the one who was called the Braveheart because his heart (years after his death) was taken to a crusade in the Holy Land and thrown at the enemy in the heat of a battle, that was won, by the way. The film isn't entirely accurate (I'm a history buff), but not to a point that bothers me, as this isn't History Channel, but Netflix. The Prince of Wales was in London when his father died, Edward's body wasn't buried in the field, and Robert's daughter was kept a prisoner for 7 years more after the date the films ends. But all this made it very entertaining for me, and that's what matters in the end. Game Of Thrones is based upon Robert's history, so it's proper to finally see a film about the first great kind of the Scots.

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The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

This the best movie by Wes Anderson. It's charming, funny, sad and tender, yet magical. The ending... it's heartbreaking and sweet. A must-see for everyone.

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Deep Web
Attack on Titan
Empire of Dreams: The Story of the Star Wars Trilogy
Thirteen Days

Even when it's not 100% historically accurate, this movie is still relevant, and one of my favorite Cold Ward flicks of all time. It gets the message across, making you wonder about the hard, hard choices that Kennedy had to make in that given period of time. The development of a new diplomatic language, rules of engagement and nuclear policy as we know it today. The tension and thrill feels real (the low altitude fly-by and the U2 scenes are just great), both as a testament of those cold warriors and the way policy is made, to this day.

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Death Note

I had to activate my sense of disbelief at 100% for this film. I've read the manga, seen the anime, the Japanese live-action films (all 3 of them), and the recent Japanese live-action TV series. So, I decided to give it a chance, standing on his own... and I love it. This is an 80's style film, and follows the classic terror storytelling plots of that era, and the music and photography style follows suit. Everything that we as fans might see as a deviation from the original, are precisely the little tidbits that make it stand apart. It has better acting and dialogue than the Japanese live-action films, and the psychosis from Light is what I might expect from someone who is experiencing an emotional breakdown. Anyway... this is already a hit on Netflix from the amount of viewers alone.

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Amanda Knox
Tom Clancy's Without Remorse

It feels like a nice TV pilot episode, it has excellent action scenes and the acting is overall good. Michael B. Jordan does a decent job as a lead, and for a German movie, it's quite good. However it has nothing to do with Tom Clancy's novel, and that's a shame. Hope the follow up movie doesn't mess with the novel they mention in the after credits scene.

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The China Hustle

A really eye-opening experience. The way it affects everyone who invest in the US stock market (even those who use "safe" mutual funds) is frightening for all of us who are old enough remember all those financial crashes that happened in the past 3 decades... and the next one is coming from China, that's for sure.

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Support Your Local Sheriff!

An excellent comedy, truly enjoyable, especially Joan Hackett's character. Actually, it feels pretty much like a modern TV pilot, as James Garner plays his character with the same easygoing manner as he did in "Maverick" (1957-62), and would reprise again in "Brett Maverick" (1981-82) and "Maverick" (1994). He was perfect for Westerns. This movie has a sequel of sorts, "Support Your Local Gunfighter", that I really recommend.

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The Batman/Superman Movie: World's Finest

I remember quite well the "World's Finest" arc from the Superman Animated Series and decided to enjoy it once again. Excellent, even after all these years, and I must say it has aged well, mostly because an excellent voice cast and GOOD WRITTING. Better movie than BVSDJ.

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Along with Mad Max: Fury Road, The Martian and Sicario, Creed is one of the best movies this year. I'm looking forward for the Blu-ray release to enjoy the behind scenes features.

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Jiro Dreams of Sushi

A beautiful and intimate film about Jiro Ono, an artist who tries to achieve perfection in the craft he loves: sushi. It also depicts how living under his shadow places a huge pressure on his sons. Discipline, beauty, minimalism, exhuberance of flavor and form define his art, and he shares it to the camera for us to enjoy. His lament about overfishing reminds me that sooner or later, we'll have no fish and traditional sushi will dissapear, or become very, very expensive. Dreams Of Sushi Is a relaxing and beautiful experience to enjoy.

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Mad Max: Fury Road

After enjoying this movie in IMAX 3D, I must say I'm utterly pleased. It keeps within the original Mad Max story, so isn't a reboot as such. Miller makes his presence be felt at the helm every single frame and his bag of tricks is full, and generous. The movie benefits A LOT from the 3D conversion for its very jumpy-action nature (however there's one shot when a driver's wheel jumps from the screen, that feels so 80's, that made me chuckle, you'll know when you see it), and the score was surprisingly good (I'm gonna buy it at iTunes right away). Hardy's performance is in tune with Gibson's: few words, pedal to the metal and dry humour here and there. You have to experience this film on the big screen, and I'm gonna bet that you'll love it just as myself.

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Joe Kidd

Shout by Carlos Teran
BlockedParent2016-10-21T00:13:15Z— updated 2016-10-22T15:35:26Z

The thing about this movie are the wonderful background landscapes. John Sturges loved widescreen formats, in an age when most cinemas still had 4:3 screens, as a norm. However, the cast feels lost against the backgrounds. Anyone familiar with retro-TV will recognize most of the supporting cast members as popular character actors that used to play antagonist roles in all the popular shows of the late 60's and 70's, including my favorite "heavy", Ron Soble (Wyatt Earp in Star Trek's "Spectre Of The Gun" and Queng-Dri in The Six Million Dollar Man's "The Coward"). This is nothing but a minor work in Sturges' and Eastwood's filmography, but it's well worth watching it.

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Star Trek Beyond

Shout by Carlos Teran
BlockedParent2016-07-24T08:12:28Z— updated 2016-10-06T20:32:30Z

It's with a huge relief that I must say that this is the BEST movie so far into the Kelvin Timeline. I found it moving, thoughtful and respectful of Star Trek's legacy. Excellent acting with a good balance between action, humour and sci-fi. It must be said that it's better than Into Darkness, hands down. Probably this is what the franchise needs: someone taking the best traits that make the TV series such an enjoyable experience (the big questions about ourselves as humans) and rise the stakes, even more. I won't spoil it for you guys, but after all it's said and done, you'll let go a small tear for OUR original crew. Farewell, Leonard and Anton. May you all live long, and prosper.

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The Secret Life of Pets

Shout by Carlos Teran
BlockedParent2016-07-22T03:13:37Z— updated 2016-08-03T11:59:06Z

A lovely movie. So tender and heart warming. It's an emotional rollercoaster of laughs, action, mellow moments and tears. Damn. It has something for the little ones and adults alike (more for the adults, if you catch all the innuendos). The voice cast is top notch, and Kevin Hart cracks me up. Man, I'm gonna so buy this Blu-ray as soon as possible.

One comment. In the Minions short, the one in charge says "chupa la grasa" while making his sales pitch to the elderly couple, and that means "suck the grease" in Spanish. God... that made me laugh so much. It sets the tone for the next 90 minutes, at least for me.

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I love this play. After watching Tom Hiddleston's performance as Posthumus (and Cloten) a few years ago, I knew the lines by heart and was expecting something rich. This adaptation has excellent performances (as I was expecting) by Harris, Leguizamo and Hawke. Even Dakota Johnson has some honest moments, despite lacking experience. But Badgley was not at his best, to say the least. The script is to blame, as I feel Cymbeline needs more time to evolve the parts. It was a pleasure to enjoy Vondie Curtis-Hall taking another Shakespearian role again (his first since Romeo + Juliet), and I was delighted when Delroy Lindo gave Belarius a warmth that was beyond his own lines. It's a beautiful play, and sadly the last act feels rushed. Anyway, It's a good movie, and I still wonder if it would benefit of a longer cut.

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Doc of the Dead

This Epix documentary about the Zombie phenomenon in western culture works in several levels. Establish the origins of the myth, the first landmark films in the genre and how the premises set in them shaped our expectations regarding Zombies (slow zombies, fast zombies, dumb zombies, smart zombies, etc) and how the myth reflects the fears from every generation.

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Particle Fever

An excellent documentary about CERN and the intricacies of quantum physics, as seen by the scientific community. For some is a huge opportunity, s life changing experience. For others, it question their personal beliefs on the universe's very nature. Engaging and educative, this is a must-see for anyone with an inquisitive mind.

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The Beast

As the italian response to Taken, this is a solid, fast paced film with great CQC sequences. Better than expected.

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The Confession

An excellent webseries, with a great cast. Originally 10-episodes long, the "movie" version of the series has some editing problems, that seems a little bit rushed at the end. Overall, a great piece.

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Mr. Topaze

After watching an excellent digital restoration by The British Film Institute, I must say it's a shame this film has been virtually lost all these years. A must see for any Peter Sellers fan.

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I love Deadpool's character and the story arcs in the comics and crossovers. To be honest, this film, could be worst. It's fun, and kept me laughing the whole time. But the baddies felt so generic, it feels like a TV episode, sometimes. It's a romantic film?... kinda, and it works that way. Given the budget involved, I can't and won't complain. Reynolds IS Deadpool. He owns the character. Let's hope the next time around the writers feel more at ease, and the bean counters at Fox decide to give a few more rounds to this franchise.

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Keith Richards: Under the Influence

A deeply humbling, tender and intimate look into the soul and mind of Keith Richards, his origins, talent and legacy. What's not to love?.

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Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation
Star Trek: Secrets of the Universe

An excellent documentary that correlates how Star Trek sci-fi tech inspires 21st century scientists to create our next generation of technology, in almost every field.

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