

Omicron Persei 8


I give it a solid 9 because it depicted the lesbian yearning perfectly lol
also, Rachel Weisz

but the ending is fucking bullshit, Esti risks her whole comfortable life getting Ronnie to her house and when all is good she doesn't leave with her? wtf felse is keeping her, just get in the fucking cab in your pajamas hen, have a life finally

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RuPaul's Drag Race Holi-Slay Spectacular

if you can't enjoy so much camp and festive promotion of whatever Ru throws at us... can you even call yourself gay

Jasmine's head in this freaking gold bag made me wheeze and I think of her piano skills daily... Chopin who

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Cold War

not gonna lie, I absolutely ugly cried a couple of times just watching Zula singing or dancing and I will never be ashamed of it

she's absolutely mesmerizing and although the whole movie is a masterpiece, Kulig is the one you will always be searching for on the screen. amazing.

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens

That Leia/Rey hug really hit different.

So, so much heart in this one, loved it.

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Lady Bird

okay but when Saoirse Ronan says "why don't I look like the girls in the magazines", i snorted

honey, I got some news for ya

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Hell or High Water

Very good movie. Not quite innovative but the atmosphere is great and the actors are solid too. Jeff Bridges is a bright star for sure but I just loved Ben Foster and his sick character (not exaggerated though) and I think that people responsible for smaller part casting did an awesome job. The young waitress character or the old man in the bank are small gems in my opinion.

And the music! Damn, so great and played a huge part in building and reducing the tension throughout the movie. Solid piece of cinema, definitely recommended.

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Ocean's Eight

Went to the cinema just to see Cate ride a motorbike, wear a ton of cool clothes and be a general badass with a glorious fringe. Didn't leave disappointed, can recommend.

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The Conjuring

girl... imagine the cost of family therapy to get over that

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just fucking stop eating animals. it's not hard at all. they deserve so much better.

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"we checked a shit ton of urine sample bottles and 100% of them have signs of being tampered with"
"BUT IS RODCHENKOV A TRUTHFUL WITNESS????" - journalist from Russia Today

bitch can you hear yourself

ps. as a kid I adored watching sports, especially winter ones and athlethics. I especially loved Yelena Isinbajeva and she was a symbol of perfection in sport for me. i don't think there is any hard evidence of her doping but realistically, come on, one of the biggest stars and favourites of Putin wasn't taken care of? broke my childhood with this one hens

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The cinema where I watched Lion almost drowned in tears (during some scenes people were crying so hard it was kinda scary), definitely a film to bring a box of tissues to (Ladies, don't wear make-up for Lion, it'd be a waste)

Great debut of Sunny Pawar (should replace Patel on the awards lists) and good Kidman, overally acting is nice but there are some holes in character development and I'm talking mostly about Mantosh, whose character was indeed introduced but nothing more, I really counted on focusing more on guy's background and relations with family, so I'm quite disappointed.

It sometimes drags (searching part) but overall it's a good movie.

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Iliza Shlesinger: Confirmed Kills

Party goblin is life, sue me

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It felt like it lost a lot of momentum right in the middle (after the army debacle). Some sequences needed cutting imo but nevertheless it is an ambitious look at the defining years of Ali's career. Amazing Smith and great photography by Lubezki.

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Lords of Scam

the guy has an instagram with this movie in the bio. you can't make that shit up

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The Women and the Murderer

a decent documentary, great idea to showcase how intimately women were tied with this story, from catching the guy to convicting him. the second half with the lawyers talking about the trial is especially interesting.

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as someone who was obsessed with old dumbo as a kid and was really disappointed by no talking elephants and drunk mice, I'm giving it a 6 only for one reason: the fucking scene where one handed Colin Farell tries to pick up a burning rag in the middle of the burning circus (!!!) in a heroic attempt to snuff out the flames and gets burnt after a second

a pure 10 on the scale of stupidness

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With the Wind

jesus what a fucking tool this Alex was

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wow, Biden really shit the bed on this one

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Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves

that attempted r*pe scene... mama this is garbage

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Elizabeth: The Golden Age

well... at least the costumes were stunning? because jesus fuck, the script is so flat that I am amazed that Cate didn't break her back carrying this movie so hard

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Between Two Women

Shout by Carolajn
BlockedParent2022-06-11T21:04:53Z— updated 2022-10-25T21:52:20Z

listen. it's my life's calling to watch lesbian dramas, so I had high hopes for this, compared to what I usually stumble upon on netflix. I love the premise, but the execution leaves much to be desired. the horrible music ALL THE TIME. the absolutely ridiculous powerpoint transitions during emotional moments (the editing...jesus). eugh.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars

in the never ending quest for lore I just watched an ugly animation about the rescue of stinky the hutt

time? wasted

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Gangster Squad

Was Gosling's voice a character choice or were his vocal chords fucked up

i just need to know

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Special Correspondents

sooo Ricky's gf was script editor and BOTH of the duo didn't see that it was complete shit? WHAT HAPPENED

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Grown Ups

i'd play it as a litmus test for my dates but idk if that wouldn't constitute abuse

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To Each, Her Own

y i k e s

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Ride or Die

good thing about this movie: introducing me to miss Kiko Mizuhara, who did most of the heavy lifting acting-wise.

bad things about this movie: the script is all over the place and it desperately needed cutting, some scenes are absolutely irrelevant to the story. the middle of the movie drags horribly (I'm looking at you, train station sequence).

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not to be dramatic but I am in love with Steve

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Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones

anakin skywalker a.k.a the worst bodyguard in the universe

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