

Glasgow, Scotland

Leverage: Redemption

Reply by kari

They need to replace Sophie.
She's too old to play the attractive seductive one... I cringe every time she flirts with a mark.

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@phug speak for yourself, she's gorgeous

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Tell Me a Story: 1x02 Chapter 2: Loss

Shout by Deleted

why I kayla dressed like a slut the whole time? mhm.

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@ruegnueg and why are you slut shaming a teenage girl? also, she's in jeans and a tank for most of this ep, wtf are you even talking about.

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American Horror Story: 6x03 Chapter 3

Reply by kari

Why is no one calling that "sex scene" a rape scene? If he really doesn't remember it, then it's rape. And if that's the case, I'm incredibly tired of this show for using rape as a plot device.

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@lemicomo Sex w/o consent is still rape. Rape still happens in "science fiction". Just to be clear. He has no memory of it, therefore - rape.

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The Decoy Bride

Reply by kari


Shout by Deleted

Do this places even exist? If so , please take me there! <3 what a lovely village!

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It's set in a fictional town, but yup! It's pretty spot on w/ how it portrays Scottish island living.

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The Expanse: 1x06 Rock Bottom

If this makes it to a second season, I Would be astonished

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Well, it's already been renewed.

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The Good Wife: 7x07 Driven

Reply by kari

Awful. I quit. Never thought I would but.....

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I really, really hope this is the final season.
As for what was different about this ep - nothing. That's kind of the point. This show is just stuck on a permanent loop of "more of the same". While that worked for it in the past, it just doesn't anymore? It just always feels like the writers have no clue what they're doing, or where they're going and are making it up as they go along. I'm tired of it.

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