


Riverdale: 4x17 Chapter Seventy-Four: Wicked Little Town

I'm 3 minutes into the episode and I cannot do this. Another musical episode with no storyline? No. Just NO!! What next? Riverdale on ice? Omg, if the writers have ran out of ideas, why can't they just write a good final season and cut their losses?

Edit: I skipped through the whole thing, so let me save you the grief of watching. All you need to know is that Betty and Archie kiss and realize they may have feelings for one another. Then, skip to 40:45 and watch the last few minutes.

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Once Upon a Time: 6x20 The Song in Your Heart

Musical episodes of TV shows are more often than not horrible and this was no exception. There was basically no story line / plot (because the writers spent all their time trying to slap together some God awful lyrics to the songs)... They actually put us through a cheesey "why are we singing" musical number... Cringe... Please, let's not do this again.

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Dave: 1x08 PIBE

Did not see the return of the milking table coming... hahaha

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Servant: 4x10 Fallen

Shout by ciku
BlockedParent2023-03-17T22:11:10Z— updated 2023-04-06T09:36:24Z

What the hell was that? As I'd predicted, they rushed through the ending, barely gave us any answers and then left a foolish cliff hanger at the end, as if to leave a foot in the door to have a spin off. No. Just No! After the first two seasons, I felt like I was suffering from stockholm syndrome with this show, a willing hostage of its endlessness. However, now that it has come to an end, I feel both unfulfilled, like I just wasted the past few years on it and I also feel a sense of relief that it is over. I keep giving M. Night chance after chance but, I don't understand the hype behind his horrors. The first season was strange and creepy and kept me captivated as I wanted answers. But, it was all downhill from there. Anyway, I'm just glad it's over - even with the shitty ending.

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Riverdale: 6x01 Chapter Ninety-Six: Welcome to Rivervale

So, what... the writers regretted their decision to have Hiram plant a bomb so they backtracked, invented a whole new town and decided the entire past 5 seasons were a dream? This is beyond ridiculous! They really need to just let this show die instead of trying to turn it into The Twilight Zone.

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4400: 1x02 All Things Are Possible

Shout by ciku

I'm 10 minutes into this episode and it's already exhausting. Are they just going to go round in circles and keep the 4400 detained all season? Does the CW not have the budget to film outside the walls of the detention center?

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Killing Eve: 3x08 Are You Leading or Am I?

what am I watching? I am 15 mins into this episode and 1) it is so boring and 2) I feel like I missed like 4 other episodes because there's a gap from what happened last episode. Seriously wtf is this?

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Supergirl: 5x09 Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part One (I)

Shout by ciku
BlockedParent2019-12-10T05:47:24Z— updated 2019-12-30T20:05:46Z

I really despise cross-over episodes in superhero tv shows. I don't watch the other shows for a reason but they keep following me around ugh. Only thing worse than corny cross-overs is cringey musical episodes. Cross-overs prove that the underlying storyline of a series doesn't matter because it can just be overlooked just to bring in other characters from their shows, there's just no substance and it's all about everyone dropping corny one-liners. I've had it with this show, I really liked it but this is the last straw. There's no way I can sit through a five part cross-over with characters from shows that I don't like and have no interest in watching. Disappointing.

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Riverdale: 3x16 Chapter Fifty-One: Big Fun

Wasn't there already an excessive amount of singing on this show without them going full-blown cringey musical? I fast forwarded through the entire episode. This was so bad.

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Supergirl: 3x08 Crisis on Earth-X (I)

this was horrible... it was like torture having to sit through this hot mess

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Disenchantment: 2x20 Bean Falls Apart

In my heart of hearts when I saw Freckles take the boys to Steamland, I really hoped that we weren't about to revisit the whole "kidnapped by the freakshow" thing again . Didn't we just go through this with Elfo? Also I can't be the only one getting sick of Dagmar reappearing at the end of every Part / Season . This show gets exhausting with how much they like to milk a story line and drag it out... and now recycling story lines that were tired to begin with is too much, sigh.

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I Love a Mama's Boy: 2x12 Watch With Mom

Why should we be made to sit through an entire episode where we watch people watch the show? What is this?

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American Horror Stories: 1x04 The Naughty List

What a horrible waste of time. This episode couldn't have been any worse.

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Riverdale: 2x18 Chapter Thirty-One: A Night to Remember

Why do all the shows that I watch feel the need to drive us crazy with musical episodes? Come on. This was so unnecessary. I wanted to skip the entire thing... but I was scared that I'd miss important plot points. I can't do this. Kill me now.

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