

Paris, France

Hannibal: 3x05 Contorno

That last scene. That's the show i fell in love with.

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Orphan Black: 3x10 History Yet to Be Written


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iZombie: 1x13 Blaine's World

Not disapointed at all. The best season finale they could have done : they've offered a conclusion to all of this season's overarching plots while still managing to introduce new ones I can't wait to see on screen this fall. Liv and Major's relationship is going somewhere, at last !

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American Gods

Shout by Cyril
BlockedParent2017-04-17T22:31:16Z— updated 2017-04-25T13:18:14Z

So i just got back from a special screening of the first episode and I can assure you this show is definitely going to be great. As a fan of both Fuller and the book, Gaiman being one of my favorite authors of all time and Hannibal, well, one of my favorite show of all time, everything I expected to see on screen was delivered here. The classyness of Fuller's aesthetic (that was already there in Hannibal) mixed with even more gore and blood serves Gaiman's work perfectly, if you've watched any of Fuller's previous work then you know that his way of telling stories lies deeply on the psychology of his characters and for an adaptation of American Gods you could not hope for someone better. This really is a perfect match and a fan of American Gods (the book) cannot possibly be disappointed in what he's going to find in this first episode. Oh and yeah, THAT scene with Bilquis is there, and.......well yeah, you have to see it. Don't hesitate for a second and watch the show as soon as it airs, Gaiman and Fuller are both geniuses and this series is sure to be incredible.

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Wayward Pines: 1x05 The Truth

They promised the truth and omg did they deliver ! This episode changes everything about the show, I can't wait to see the rest of the season !

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Constantine and now Hannibal, it's getting really hard not to hate NBC. I really hope Amazon will pick up the show, it deserves at least the seven seasons Fuller has planned

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Amazing first season and overall great show, even though it lost itself a bit during the second season with a lot of uninteresting plots and characters. However, the finale wraps things up nicely and really builds the hype towards a promising third season. You shouldn't care if they respect the history or not, this show is incredibly fun.

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Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

Awesome show, awesome cast, awesome story. One of the best new series of 2015.

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Orphan Black: 3x07 Community of Dreadful Fear and Hate

This season just keeps getting better and better

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Orphan Black: 3x06 Certain Agony of the Battlefield

Orphan Black's best episode. Hands down.

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Hannibal: 3x02 Primavera

Shout by Cyril
BlockedParent2015-06-12T11:43:10Z— updated 2016-12-09T02:26:40Z

good but kinda slow episode. .

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Killjoys: 1x01 Bangarang

Well, that was way better than I expected

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Dark Matter: 1x01 Episode One

Enjoyable, if you're looking for a potential new Firefly tho you should check out Killjoys, it looks much more promising than Dark Matter

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Scream: The TV Series: 1x04 Aftermath

That "hacking" scene was an insult towards everyone who ever used a computer.

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Watched this movie after reading a lot of really positive reviews about it. There is not much to say about that film except that it was a huge disappointment, I mean, the story is incoherent: every 5 minutes or so I got annoyed by something that did not make sense at all, it felt like I was watching a cinemasins video. So yeah, you can watch this movie it's pretty short and entertaining but the incoherences are so huge it's irritating. Really don't see how people can rate it 10/10.

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The Blacklist

Just dropped the show, two episodes before the finale. The Blacklist used to be enjoyable but now even James Spader's voice can't keep me from sleeping through an episode. Don't watch this, it's an absolute loss of time.

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Under the Dome: 3x01 Move On

omg haha they really don't give a shit about their show, this is just so bad, i don't even know what to say

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Castle: 8x22 Crossfire

Should've ended 10 seconds earlier. That seven years later additional scene fucking ruined the entire episode.

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Silicon Valley: 2x10 Two Days of the Condor

That's it, i'm done with this show. It's not even funny anymore, and the end is just cruel and doesn't make any fucking sense. I don't give a shit about happy endings usually but seriously, this season is just about torturing Richard and the team, and when in the end you think everything is finally going well, well it's not because they fire fucking Richard without any fucking reasons. Guess i'll have to create a "disappointement" list just for this show.

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