Claudia Hernandez


Edinburg, Texas

The Mule

My kids and I cried.

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The Resistance Banker

This movie left me in tears. The heroism exhibited during World War II never ceases to amaze me.

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The connection between Ronsel and Jamie made this movie touching and poignant despite the horrible hate and bigotry surrounding them. I didn't understand why Laura married Henry as it was quite obvious from the beginning they had a strong connection and absolute chemistry.

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Saints and Soldiers

I was really moved by the humanity in this movie. Men brought together by war exhibiting camaraderie, kindness, fear, bravery, empathy and sadness. It was a great story.

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Kevin Hart: I'm a Grown Little Man

Absolutely hilarious and on point!

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Step Sisters

I thought I would hate it but it was pretty entertaining! Plus I love Eden Sher from The Middle.

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When We First Met

Cute Romantic comedy with a predictable plot.

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Uncut Gems

I LOVE Adam Sandler but I didn't like this movie. I was anxious the whole movie and for what? The ending was not a huge shock that left me walking out of the theater stunned but, the opposite, I just walked out stunned and let down. My husband really liked it but I think the plot was nonexistent...there was no arc in the storyline. It just went nowhere.

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Always Be My Maybe

It was cute. I like that Ali Wong didn't play the same character she usually plays.

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Wine Country

The ratings are low but I really enjoyed this movie. I related to the women and I laughed so much!

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Big Eyes

I can't believe this a true story. It is so bizarre, but I like Amy Adams. She was great.

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Lady J

It was just okay...I could tell what was going to happen right away.

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Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events

As I have said about so many books that are made into movies...the book is sooo much better. In this case books because they chose to cram several books into one movie so as a viewer you lose out big time. It was okay. I didn't like Jim Carrey in this role either. #ASeriesOfUnfortunateEvents #movie

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Aileen: Life and Death of a Serial Killer

Very sad life. She was a killer but lived through extraordinary abuse and neglect.

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It was a sweet movie.

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The Package

I laughed so hard! It was so stupid and silly that it just made me laugh. It was entertaining.

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The Open House

I just hated that I didn't know who thw killer was or WHY he was doing it!!

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The Lie

I was a bit disappointed by the ending. Many times, writers and/or directors think it is just so innovative to end with a cliffhanger but too many people do it so it is just tedious. I knew something was off when they didn't show the actual fight between the girls.

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Riphagen the Untouchable

WTH?! Here I am pulling for the guy and he has all those people sent to their deaths?! I was convinced he was stealing from them but so sure he was using his connections to help the escape. He is no Schindler.

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Fahrenheit 451

I thought it was okay...I am never really happy with the liberties they take with the characters and the story, but it was entertaining at first. It just kind of fizzled out in the end.

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A Princess for Christmas

I watched it because of Sam Heughan and he AND the little girl were great, but the "American" was played by someone who was terrible at playing an American. In that case, get a damn American! She was stiff and weird and I couldn't take my eyes off her huge teeth. The "boy" was just as bad. #APrincessForChristmas

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We Have Always Lived in the Castle

It was a strange and dark story, but I still kept watching. I liked it.

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It was okay...don't like the ending. It was anticlimactic.

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I watched it because I like to watch movies about presidents, Republican or Democrat. It had a long list of A-list actors so I trusted in them when I started to notice how stupid this movie was from the very beginning. I kept watching when all I wanted to do was turn it off...I should have followed my instincts. It is neither a serious movie nor a comedy. It was just fucking AWEFUL! I would be embarrassed to be in such a disgrace of a movie. The script was the worst, the editing was comical, and the director should also be embarrassed.

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