Clement Morton


Lacombe, Alberta

Maleficent: Mistress of Evil


I enjoyed watching this film.

  • I will probably even "re watch" it.

  • I would even recommend to friends and family they watch it.

  • It was heartwarming and definitely had that "Disney" feel to it.

  • Great Cast, and amazing acting, really good music. (I especially liked the song at the end credits about angels).

Watch it on an afternoon / evening with a friend you enjoy spending time with, and a bowl of popcorn.

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Ad Astra

If it wasn't for a top billed cast such as "Brad Pitt" et. al. It would be considered a C level film. The kind you give away with a box of cereal. I was not impressed. If it wasn't for him being in this film, it wouldn't even be worth watching.

There was some amazing shots of space ships, and a couple cool stunts - But that's about all that's even remotely notable in this film.

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Roswell, New Mexico

Ah, YES! We're finally getting some more details about the backstory of these "aliens" showing scenes of the mothers. Very Dramatic, and heartfelt. The whole show is basically a Romantic SciFi. - Love how they are focusing a bit more on the technology and cool science side of this. Lets see how it plays out in this season.

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Future Man

In anticipation of season 3 doping on the third - I decided to watch the first and 2nd seasons.

So far. - I am unsure If I love it or hate it. - It's definitely "cringe worthy at points..." - I'm going to keep watching, and see how it goes...

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The Magicians: 5x12 The Balls

Song and Dance Number. "You've Got to be Cruel to Be Kind" by a pig. Loved it.

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Roswell, New Mexico: Season 1

I'm rating this show very high - because I frankly enjoyed it - despite the very political themes used.

The show touches on some very controversial issues - namely immigration and abortion.
It tends to heavy skew and dramatize one side of the whole debate.

All that aside - very touching story - this whole series is just a joy to watch.

Its essentially a "love story", the choice between the man she loves or her sister.

Watch it. Enjoy :)

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Paradise PD: 2x03 Tucker Carlson Is a Huge D**k

Tucker Carlson Jokes. - ok.

This whole episode, while funny - I totally laughed.

Just goes to show, how much certain networks absolutely hate fox.

Anyways, try to enjoy the episode.

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Star Trek: Picard: 1x05 Stardust City Rag

Shout by Clement Morton

All Right! Now this is starting to feel like I'm watching a Star Trek.

Little bit of action finally starts happening.

The previous 4 episodes were basically all back story and setup. Now things are finally starting to happen.

Love the kick ass Number 5, she always makes the show much better.

If the show can keep up this momentum its going to have a good run.

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I just started watching this show. So far the story while interesting and predictable. Falls a bit flat, I’m watch it simply out of boredom.

Let’s face it tho, if it wasn’t for a great cast and good looking individuals. There would be less people watching.

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Utopia Falls: 1x01 The World Is Yours

Similarly thoughts when I watched it. The whole series just falls flat on its face.

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The Magicians: 5x04 Magicians Anonymous

Its very disappointing that shows I enjoy stoop to throwing political jabs at fox. Funny yes - I actually laughed. But it shows the bias of the writers. Leave politics out of it, stick to writing a good story. We don't care to be lectured on your political beliefs - nor your hatred of fox news. I am watching this show to escape the politics of everyday life. So because of that it automatically gets a lower rating from me.

Other than that. I enjoyed the episode.

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Doctor Who: 12x05 Fugitive of the Judoon

Oh, The Rhyming... Seriously... The Rhyming!

Such a great episode!

Love the surprise appearance of an old face. Hope to see more of jack in the future.

Interesting twist. - The potential for some new cool lore.

Bit of criticism of the season, not the individual episode.

Something I've noticed in this season. Each episode is trying to cram a lot of information into a short run time. There's not 'time' ironically to explore and 'have fun' because there's not enough episodes in the season. It's just all too condensed. In my opinion it needs to be spread out, make more episodes, play with the characters a bit. - The whole cast of this doctor seems to be 'rammed down our throat' if you understand what I mean. We are just supposed to like them all, and I do. But there's no reason why. There's something off, and I just can't put my finger on it apart from the condensed episodes. If you understands what I mean and can shed some further insight into 'what feels off' about this whole season. Let me know. - I'm scratching my head trying to figure it out.

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Star Trek: Picard: 1x01 Remembrance
Doctor Who: 12x04 Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror

I blasted last weeks episode pretty badly. This week was a complete 180. Probably one of the best episodes of Dr. Who. I have seen in ages. I love Tesla. I've been to the falls. So many great things about this episode. The "bad guy" threat was a bit weird. I suppose they needed some kind of protagonist tho. Best joke was when he called them AC/DC, and told them to stop arguing. So good. If you haven't watched it yet. I highly recommend you do. If your at all like me, and love to tinker with electronics and read the history of inventors, you will love this episode.

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Sex Education: 2x03 Episode 3

So far one of the best new shows around.

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The Magicians: 5x01 Do Something Crazy


The Season Premier is off to a great start!

After the loss of the character at the end of season 4, I was not sure how it would be the same. - Yet I think it was the right decision, to keep the show fresh and moving. This episode didn't disappoint. There is new challenges for our group to work out. New Magic in the air. New Quests to be solved.

The world and story has so much potential, so many stories that could be told. Hopefully the whole of season 5 doesn't become a eulogy to our lost character. - Yet the pain of loss is obviously driving the remaining. Its going to be interesting to see where it goes from here.

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Doctor Who: 12x03 Orphan 55

Very disappointed in this episode. Usually Dr. Who, is great. This one was a non stop lecture on climate change. Someone is really pushing the climate change cult religion these days. Trying to scare people into supporting it. I have a feeling someone got paid an awful lot of money to include this theme in Dr. Who. Makes you wonder, just who's trying to manipulate things - and just what exactly do they gain from it.

Probably the absolute WORST episode of Dr. Who, ever made. Its sad, the new doctor has so much potential - if not for terrible, terrible scripts.

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The Mandalorian: 1x01 Chapter 1: The Mandalorian