

台北市, 台灣

Arrow: 4x09 Dark Waters

Reply by Darren

Now that's how to do a mid season ending. Agents Of Shield cough cough

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I rate Agents Of Shield over Arrow but you love need a reality check on this one.

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Arrow: 4x11 A.W.O.L.

Reply by Darren


Shout by Jim222001

Felicity tries to get rid of the younger version of herself with dyed black hair only she can see. While Diggle must figure out if he can trust his brother or not. When someone they were in the military with turns up.
The Diggle moments with brother were good but the Felicity scenes were weird and unnecessary. All they showed me is that her character ran her course and she is now boring.

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The hole Felicity story this week to me anyway was pointless.

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Rust Valley Restorers: 3x01 In Rust We Trust

Reply by Darren

I would love to comment on the new season but it hasnt showed up to stream.

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@richguy it's been out on Netflix with week now. At least in Europe.

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Ugly Delicious

Reply by Darren

A racist korean, it's not like they're uncommon. Momafuckyou.

It's an okay series but turn's very anti white to words the end. The series within it's self good. I just think David Chang was the wrong chef to centre the series around.

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@nannahdraws I'm actually not all that bothered about David and his individual racism. Like I said the shows its self is not bad.

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Marvel Cinematic Universe

Reply by Darren

Thanks for this list! It's definitely the one I'm going to be using as I watch. There were a couple of things that I was seeing differently on other lists. I keep seeing 1) Agent Carter's One-Shot before the series; and 2) Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk and The Consultant, and then Iron Man 2. I haven't looked into it personally but just maybe something you'd want to check out. Thanks again!

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The Agent Carter's One-Shot doen't really fit in to the MCU any more. I just placed it there because its here it bests fits.

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Marvel Cinematic Universe

Reply by Darren

Sorry to bother haha but another quick question, how do you know that Jessica jones season 1 goes there in between agents of shield is there something that i didn't catch that places it there?? just a little confused on that

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When Jessica hacks a computer in the hospital the date can clearly be seen on the screen. Hope this helps.

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Marvel Cinematic Universe

Reply by Darren

Also will you be adding more entries as they come out like, Marvels Luke Cage, Iron Fist and The Defenders and maybe even AOS season 4? and future movies or are you done with this list?

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Of course. As soon as they are released next up is AOS Season 4 ep 1-6 then Dr Strange.

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Marvel Cinematic Universe

Reply by Darren

Is daredevil season 2 really after Age of ultron and ant-man??? I understand that the easter egg for agents of shield is there in episode 14 but how do you know that were it goes?? Just wondering

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Everthing in the MCU happens in real time so because of the easter egg in AOS thats where I've placed it.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3x19 Failed Experiments

Reply by Darren

So duplication lady...she's part of a collectivist community, pouring herself drinks and talking to herself. That may just be the most unintentionally ironic display of self-absorption ever captured on film.

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It's not really a spoiler

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3x18 The Singularity

Reply by Darren

Reply by Jim222001

The plot is heatting up, Can't wait for Civil war this friday.

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Next Friday I am pretty sure.

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Live in Europe release date is 29th of April. Tomorrow.

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Supergirl: 1x08 Hostile Takeover

Reply by Darren

Review by Deleted

Okay now they ruined multiple things in this episode.

The whole hacking method is a joke. The cheap flight scenes really have to improve.
You clearly see them struggling with their harnas wish makes the flying look very odd and unrealistic.
Also the whole kryptonian shield that neglects the powers in it just is the most retarted idea ever.

They really should come up with some original stuff that makes things better and not the other way around.
Even smallville had better special effects than this one and that is way old by now.

I'm guessing their gonne cancel this show soon.

AND OMG AT 43:03 of this epîsode what the hell was that? lol.
Almost pissed my pants when seeying that scene. So the Kryptonian goes in his sit pose and all the soldier just bend down over him?
LOL Now you can't tell me these directors really have any idea what they are doing.

And glad to see magical glasses exists. Cause she really had to put down just her glasses to reconize supergirl xp crappy shit xp

Also this show is showing the weakest kryptonians ever.
Serious these things just show how stupid the directors think we are to accept crap like this.

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I'd agree with most of your points, but the glasses issue is a standard superman story.

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MARVEL Cinematic Universe

Reply by Darren

Nice list but Agent Carter OneShot, Daredevil and Jassica Jones are in the wrong positions. Agent Carter OneShot comes after Agent Carter Season 1 and before season 2. Daredevil is questionable, but Jessica Jones falls in between Agents Of Shield Season Epsoide's 10 and 11. The date can clearly be seen when Jessica hacks the hospital Computer.

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Okay we'll agree to disagree with Agent Carter Oneshot but as season 2 is set in LA I'm sure you'll agree with me in January, Also you've left out the "WHIH World News" Webepisodes before Ant-men, they bring nothing to the story but are part of the time line. They were posted to YouTube. Forgive me for disagreeing with you but I'm somewhat of a major MCU fan.

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