

Don't Track My, Location

Mob Psycho 100: 2x05 Discord ~Choices~
  • The intro is always so fun
  • So this story is about a world without privilege, right? Being born different?

Mogami: "So what you're experiencing is a parallel world that could've easily come to pass had your circumstances been slightly different. I'll just sit back and observe how you fare in this environment without your powers."

Mogami: "You had many relationships in real life, and you were fortunate enough to be surrounded by good people. But situations like that are rare."

  • So in this world, Ritsu is apathetic because his brother isn't special? Sounds kinda counterintuitive to me

Mogami: "You're extremely talented brother is just a stranger here."

  • Why?

Mob: "It'd be so much easier if I was stronger."

Mogami: "I'm sure this seems incomprehensible to you,"

  • It does

Mogami: "But she's bullying you to secure her position in society."

  • Is that the reality, though? Is it? They're in high school, people might call her out later in life cough cough "A Silent Voice" cough cough

Mogami: "But after living in this world for six months without your powers,"

  • My problem is we don't feel the passage of time here. It feels really quick. Also, where are his friends or parents? Why haven't we seen anyone but his brother? Like, we don't see them reject him or anything

Mogami: "After my demise, I became an evil spirit and decided to use my powers for myself this time..."

  • But you did, and it made your mother an evil spirit

Mogami: "You are allowed to use your powers for yourself. You should use them for yourself."

  • But why? All it brought was a bunch of misdeeds and your mother becoming an evil spirit? Like, what is your argument dude? Sure, it's flawed, but what is it, exactly?

Dimple: "You're not staying here? Shigeo's done for. You gotta accept that. Why not run away?"
Reigen: "Because I still have faith in him."
Dimple: "In this situation? You're not really that stupid, are ya?"
Reigen: "Yup, actually, I am. Let me guess: this is the first time someone's placed so much trust in you too, right?"

  • I love Reagen :D

Mob: "Apologise."

  • Damn, the vocal performance shift

Mogami: "And that's why I didn't want you to travel the same path I did."

  • But you're making him travel the same path you did

Dimple: "Yo."

  • Lol

Mogami: "The six months you spent here are forever etched into your heart and mind."

  • It was less than 10 minutes
  • The score is banging though

Mob: "I'm surrounded by good people. I need to be more thankful for them."

  • The face animation :D

Mob: "When you interact with other people, it can have an effect. And because of that, I was able to change. Thanks to them, I'm stronger. Much stronger than if I'd been on my own."

  • But like, his argument was that you're privileged to have people who helped you. What is your argument Mob?

Mob: "Wait... That's right."
[Grabbing hand.]
Mob: "I remember now. I came here to save someone."

  • ;-;

Dimple: "He really has changed huh?"

  • The eyes and hair! XD

Narrator: "The powerful blast created from Mob's positive emotions at 100 percent annihilated the great and powerful evil spirit Mogami."

  • So the thematic statement is that "positive emotions will triumph over negative ones"?

Mogami: "No matter how much you struggle, your path will lead you to the same place mine did. To ruin."

  • But he's doing the opposite of yours, Mogami. Yours led to ruin because you started using your powers for yourself (to save your mother). Mob is using them to help people (which you did before you went down the ruinous path)

  • God damn, the animation though

Mob: "That people are able to change. Mogami and Minori both taught me it's possible. The people around me changed me as well. Now I understand I can do the same thing for others too."

Mob: "I don't get it, Master. Why aren't you claiming your reward?"
Reigen: "Just look at how many people got hurt. Not exactly a big success. You should never accept money that you feel you haven't earned. If you do, you'll start taking the easy way out every time."

Reigen: "You know... You're better off working part-time for me than becoming famous or powerful. I hope this serves a good lesson for ya."
Dimple: "Come on, give me a friggin' break..."

  • Lol

I know that all sounds like a bunch of nonsense, so let me make this simple. I interpreted this episode's message as, "positive emotions will trump negative emotions and that people and positivity can enable you to change." The problem is that this is what the episode propagates in the second half, but in the first half, it's exploring way more ideas like privilege, bullying, and selfishness. But it's forgotten in the second half? Also, the final message still disregards the earlier one on privilege. I guess it's addressed by Mob pledging he'll use his powers to help people?

This episode is really convoluted, unfocused and confused. It's trying to juggle all these different ideas under the guise of "positivity beats negativity" but it comes off as undercooked.


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@clobby-clobsters Interesting interpretation of the episode, though I disagree on a few points. Mogami's statements shouldn't be taken as the truth - they are meant to be flawed views on life, warped by his personal experiences that Mob is forced to live through too. Mogami is trapped inside his own head, much like Mob is, and cannot see past his own biases until Mob goes ???% and shatters Mogami's world. Also, when he says that "Ritsu is a stranger to you here", he means that literally - in this world, Ritsu isn't his brother, and that's why Mob's surprised when Dimple tells him that he does have a brother. Mogami was trying to deprive Mob of the people in his life in order to bring him down to his level, but Dimple's appearance breaks that illusion.

However, if you personally didn't enjoy the experience of the episode that much, or felt that it was convoluted, then I cannot argue with that. Not everything works for everyone, and the idea of objective quality in writing isn't real.

Also, I agree that Reigen is the best.

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Harley Quinn: 1x01 'Til Death Do Us Part
  • Woah, that is disgusting
  • They're just having this relationship convo while casually committing mass murder
  • Jeez, what happened to Gordon?

"Asks the guy who fucks bats" — Harley LMAO

  • RIP the kid's cactus
  • Oh my God, Harley needs help!
  • Poor Poison Ivy
  • Jim Gordon, why did you think Batman would accept a barbecue invitation?

"And we're murdering everyone in Gotham in three, two..."

  • Joker, you bi—
  • Oh my gosh, this is genius

"Joker never loved me. He only loves Batman."

  • Omg, Ivy you genius
  • Wow, this show is gory

Wow, that was amazing! "Harley Quinn" is the best thing I've seen today! It's laugh-out-loud hilarious and steeped in character! I hope it keeps up this quality or gets better! Wow, this is fun. Thanks for the tip, Sarcastic Chorus!

SCORE: 8/10

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@clobby-clobsters Clobby giving a tv episode an 8??? HOW?????

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Invincible: 1x06 YOU LOOK KINDA DEAD

Review by Clobby Clobsters
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-05-22T06:19:31Z— updated 2021-06-13T03:36:07Z


  • Oh, that's messed up
  • Did he get his powers back?
  • Damn, poor Samantha (Eve)
  • Sinclair looks evil alright
  • They like their songs, huh?
  • She can just build a house? Damn
  • How is he so strong?
  • Bye-bye Mark's relationship
  • Robot is scary
  • Thank god, Samson
  • Oh God, Art. I'm scared for you, man
  • Lol, William, you're right. I wonder what him never telling you means?
  • Wait, Eve can just grow crops like that?
  • Aw, robot
  • Omni-Man, lol
  • William is going to be in trouble!
  • Yeah, don't go in there, Mark
  • No, you're turning people into things
  • Damn, William
  • The subtleties in Cecil's dialogue
  • Good on Atom Eve
  • It's the White House security guard's kid!

Now that I'm 3/4 of the way through this show, I think I'm ready to spew some thoughts before I finish it.

Right now, no matter how unremarkable the writing is, this series will always have me hooked. Just the premise and the animation is enthralling enough; I will watch it until it's cancelled (I hope there's a Season 2)!

After all the Marvel and DC superhero stuff these days, a show like this is refreshing. There's no "make the funny joke and move on" bull crap; these characters go through crises and grow. And it isn't like the DC universe with its edginess and gore for indulgence's sake, but for character development that emphasises its impact. Yes, the animation's limited budget shows itself now and then, but other times, it impresses.

I really like this show, and it's becoming one of my favourites quite quickly. And yes, my ratings for it aren't that high, but they're still respectable. I respect this show. Anyway, that's enough for now, I can't wait to see how the season ends, and I hope season 2 is green-lighted soon.

Yours truly — C. Clobsters

SCORE: 8/10

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@clobby-clobsters yeah this episode is the only episode from this show that I'd call 'unremarkable writing'

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Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba: 1x08 The Smell of Enchanting Blood

Shout by Clobby Clobsters
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-05-18T09:19:21Z— updated 2021-06-13T03:38:21Z

  • Tanjiro—jeez
  • They really shouldn't make demonslayers a secret, because this is unfortunate
  • Friendly demon? Ok
  • This man was gonna live, but now he's sealed his own fate
  • That's disgusting
  • This is why you don't drop the udon
  • Hungry boi
  • Tanjiro; racist
  • Rude, don't ask her age
  • You can smell the truth?
  • Yushiro, I get it; she's beautiful

SCORE: 6/10

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@clobby-clobsters I'm starting to think you don't really like Tanjiro.

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BoJack Horseman: 6x16 Nice While It Lasted

Review by Clobby Clobsters
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-05-13T06:13:54Z— updated 2021-06-13T03:39:46Z


  • That intro
  • Bruh, poor BoJack
  • BoJack, you want to host a production with them despite leaving?
  • Princess Carolyn and Judah?! Let's go!
  • Oh, he's not out yet
  • Sick burn on Nolan! Damn, Mr Peanutbutter!
  • "Holly... woob?"
  • "Come on, Shawshank, you're gonna be fine."
  • What are the odds that would...?
  • Did he go to jail for being a bad listener?
  • Oh yeah, Todd broke out
  • Todd, truer words have never been spoken
  • He's being smart
  • An all-female reboot of 12 Angry Men?
  • "11 Angry Women?"
  • Hollywoob, lol
  • Diane?
  • Who is Rick Riordan?
  • That is a good story
  • When it cut to the credits: CHILLS

Man, that was a wild ride. I was half-expecting there to either be a disaster or a feel-good ending that would make me cheer or something. Instead, this episode presents it like real life. There's no melodrama, no drama at all, really, just catch-up, cocktails and closure. It's beautiful, and I'm glad BoJack doesn't have a closed ending.

I expressed my fear in my previous review that once I finish this show, it'll feel like these character's lives are over. If I never reach the end, it seems like they're living their lives without me. Thankfully, the series is open-ended, and so there are unlimited possibilities. Unlimited. Anything could happen from here on out, and it isn't overly optimistic, sappy or depressing, but it's more hopeful than when the series started.

BoJack Horseman is good at depicting human emotions and real-life moments. Despite 3/5s of their main cast being anthropomorphic animals, each one feels distinctly human. With each meeting and chat with the other four—Mr Peanutbutter, Todd, Princess Carolyn, and Diane—the closure they all share is so mundane that it's relieving.

This ending is perfect. BoJack's finally ready to reintegrate into society, Princess Carolyn has found happiness, Todd has rebuilt his parental relationships, Mr Peanutbutter has looked inward, and Diane has found someone she trusts. They've all grown, changed, and are ready to move on with their lives. Man, I can just imagine what amazing things they will do in the future.

Well... it was nice while it lasted. :)

SCORE: 7/10

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@clobby-clobsters Hang on.

This ending is perfect.

Clobsters Moment

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BoJack Horseman: 6x15 The View from Halfway Down

Review by Clobby Clobsters
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-05-10T10:25:47Z— updated 2021-06-13T03:40:08Z

  • Uh, what?
  • Is that Zach Braff?
  • Crackerjack?
  • Thank you, Zach Braff
  • What is that black goo?
  • That dripping though
  • Crackerjack likes their bit
  • Friendly fire—what?
  • Secretariat is his dad?
  • Lucid dreaming?
  • It didn't go the way he predicted
  • I won't stop dancing
  • Yeah, why is he his dad?
  • Secretariat/BoJack's dad!
  • Younger older brother?
  • It's BoJack Horseman?!
  • Herb just got snapped!
  • That's a freaky bird
  • WTF?

With BoJack's perceived death in his own TV show, it leaves me shocked. Not because they actually did it, but because I can't imagine how this show will end. How will everyone else react after everything BoJack's done? Will they see it as only a matter of time? Will they feel sad or happy? What if someone ignores it completely?

I took a long break between seasons, so not every episode is fresh in my mind. I binge-watched the last two seasons, too, so I'm on a BoJack high but haven't given the series much thought. At this point, I think it's time to reflect.

BoJack Horseman is an unusual series that pushes animation and TV's boundaries to the brink. Its storytelling prowess is unimaginable, and the feats it pulls off leave me speechless. Even though I know nothing is like something else, I will never see anything like BoJack Horseman, again, ever.

To follow five characters, develop them and explore their backstories to see how they inform each character is rare. Few shows, movies or books can pull off such a feat, but this show makes it look easy.

I'll never see another show like BoJack Horseman, and I can't wait to hold on to it, forever. I can rewatch this series, entire episodes, and I will, but once you finish a show for the first time, it feels like the journey's over. When I refuse to finish it, it's like their lives are still happening without me. But once I reach the end; that final chapter, this delusion shatters and it feels like a goodbye. Whenever I rewatch an episode and know how it ends, it reminds me of my absence, how I'm a viewer taking a peek into a snapshot of their lives.

SCORE: 8/10

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@clobby-clobsters Great review. Really well done.

The rating doesn't matter. Absolutely not. I don't care about the rating.

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BoJack Horseman: 4x12 What Time Is It Right Now

Shout by Clobby Clobsters
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-03-31T08:38:31Z— updated 2021-07-06T05:13:29Z

"As my blood type always says, 'B' positive!"

Todd :)

This episode is so heartwarming! We got happy endings for Todd, Bojack and Hollyhock, Princess Carolyn and, oh, nevermind. But it's mostly positive! Todd's clown-dentist caper got a hilarious resolution with a satisfying pay-off. BoJack's words to Princess Carolyn by the episode's end were exactly what I'd hope to hear. And those last words, man—I've never shed tears of happiness before.

"Where's my random detail that's gonna suddenly make everything make sense?"

That's too meta, man! XD

Anyway, the end of Diane and Mr. Peanutbutter's plotline was sad—Mr. Peanutbutter's words are too authentic. His character just received way more depth, and I'm too sad right now. He just wants to be a good boy! He wants love! IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK!?!

"So remember, once you're in there, don't stop running."

Todd no!

This one is such a heartwarming and slightly heart-wrenching episode. It gives me all the feels, and I'm so glad I got to experience it. Oh, man, I'm watching Bojack Horseman.

SCORE: 9/10

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@clobby-clobsters You're watching Bojack god damn Horseman.

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Hilda: 2x06 Chapter 6: The Old Bells of Trolberg

Review by Clobby Clobsters
BlockedParent2020-12-15T03:42:47Z— updated 2020-12-19T00:27:08Z


Ahlberg's back at it again, with a devious scheme to install an automated bell system all over Trolberg. But in doing so, every creature—woffs, elves, nisse and trolls—are struggling to live in peace. So Hilda and the gang set out on a daring mission to shut it down, once and for all!

This episode had a fun operation that brings together Hilda, Frida, David, Alfur, Tontu and the lost clan! But not only that, we learn more about the bell keeper. We get a little glimpse into his psyche and what's made him so bitter after all these years. After he saves Hilda's life, he convinced me he was someone we could trust. I loved seeing that character's growth and Hilda unite a group of her friends to come together to stop a common enemy: Ahlberg.

Bartell Bragga, the leader of the lost clan, has a few fun little gags, involving Alfur and combat!

Bartell: "We've declared war on the bell tower. We'll take it down brick by brick. Or die trying!"

It's just all-round fun, epic and satisfying to see Ahlberg crushed by one of the bells he had installed, much like Ernesto de la Cruz from Coco. Except Ahlberg doesn't die.

David: "The pigeons are in the coop. Bartell and Agnes look ready for battle. Alfur... not so much. Over."

It's vast in scope, fun and gathers a large cast to fight for the wilderness' creatures. That twist at the end is very menacing. I also hope Hilda gives Johanna more attention in future episodes; she seems worried all the time.


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@clobby-clobsters How many of these have you watched in a row?

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Over the Garden Wall: 1x01 The Old Grist Mill

Review by Andrew Bloom

[7.5/10] A charming and colorful introduction to this miniseries. This has an Adventure Time meets Miyazaki feel to it in the early going, which is a combo that really works for me. I like the setup here, with Wirt as the older brother who is, as his name portends, a worrywart and also a little dramatic, and Greg as the younger brother who is more sweetly naive and fearless to the point oblivious as they make their way through the woods. It sets up a good dynamic for their adventures, and I like the relationship between them.

That works here when the two brothers encounter a mill-working woodsman who seems a little dark and warns of a mysterious beast but is also willing to give them shelter and maybe directions. Wirt’s abject anxiety over this guy, in contrast to his little brother’s more childlike “just go with it” attitude makes for a nice contrast.

The animation here is also really nice to look at. The character designs have an old world toy look to them, which I like, and the wash of autumnal colors and dark spooky moods are inviting. The skirmishes and escape with the giant wolf creature is visually exciting and even a little gruesome in places, and the lighting in particular makes this feel distinctive.

There’s also a lot of laughs and fun little setups and payoffs. The banter between the two brothers is worth a smile even when it’s not going for an explicit gag. Greg’s various names for his frog, the running gag of him leaving a trail with the candy from his pants, and his effort to execute Wirt’s discarded plan are all good bits.

Christopher Lloyd also makes an impression as the woodsman, adding something dark and a little foreboding to all of this. His talk about the work of keeping the lantern going being his burden and Wirt being responsible for his brother’s actions as the elder sibling suggests a connection or a hard history there that we’re not privy to. There’s a strange, almost philosophical bent to him and his concern about the beast, which I found interesting.

Overall, this makes for a cool introduction to the miniseries, giving us the lay of the land and a good sense for the characters as we continue on Wirt and Greg’s adventures.

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@andrewbloom WHERE DID YOU FIND THIS?????
(please tell me)

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BoJack Horseman: 3x03 BoJack Kills

Reggie? Rickie? Ritchie has one messed up business. The cops definitely need to shut him down.

Throughout the episode, I thought the mystery was going to be something profound, or there would be a big revelation, but it turns out it was a huge waste of time. Well, almost.

Mr Peanutbutter and Diane's relationship is on thin ice. Princess Carolyn has to try to keep Mr Peanutbutter from tearing his house apart, and Diane is trying to keep in contact with Mr Peanubutter, making sure he knows she's safe. But it's then when they find Cuddlywhiskers. He talked about his time as a filmmaker and the moment he won an Oscar.

Up until this point, BoJack has been juggling solving this mystery with Diane and attending all his meet and greets to help him win an Oscar. Along the journey, Diane's been getting calls from Mr Peanutbutter and keeps refusing them. But when they find Cuddlywhisker's home, Diane finally picks up, and Mr Peanutbutter is furious.

"I'm glad you're safe, but I was worried about you."
"You have to call me. It doesn't matter what's happening. It doesn't matter if it's the middle of the night. You can't keep doing this to me."
- Mr Peanutbutter

Cuddlywhiskers then finally arrives and sits down to drink tea and talk with BoJack and Diane. He talks about how he found no happiness in winning an Oscar yet felt even more miserable. Diane tells Cuddlywhiskers that "Everyone was worried" about him, how he "can't just disappear" and how he "really hurt a lot of people."

"Sometimes you need to take responsibility for your own happiness."
"It takes a long time to realise how truly miserable you are, and even longer to see it doesn't have to be that way. Only after you give up everything can you begin to find a way to be happy."
- Cuddlywhiskers

Cuddlywhiskers' words resonate with BoJack and Diane. For BoJack, because he's trying to win an Oscar and has been told it'll be "the happiest moment in his life." And for Diane, she's started to think about her own happiness and how she's been leaving Mr Peanutbutter disconnected from her life.



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Get ready for the next episode. Probably my second favourite in the whole series.

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BoJack Horseman: 1x04 Zoës and Zeldas

Let's go Todd!

It was nice to see somebody looking out for BoJack when he was starting out (and I saw a little bit of Seinfeld there). It's a shame that guy had cancer and six months left to live. That's so sad. And Todd, let's go. Now BoJack is looking out for Todd, and he's actually gotten to know him. Now they're better friends. It's a shame to see what that video game did to him though. And I know someone who's been like that before.

It was kind of creepy to see Wayne stalking Diane and Mr Peanutbutter was hilarious this episode. I'm still unsure of what happened in the last bit. I guess we'll see how it pays off.

This is better. Much better.


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@clobsters Something to interest you that you may have missed at the end of the episode - the video game was sabotage. Bojack bought the game for $80 (hence returning it to a different store), then hired Character Actress Margo Martindale to trick Todd into buying the game . Watch the end of this episode again, and you'll see.

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