


House: 3x07 Son of Coma Guy

I hate Tritter. Aside from that plot this was a fun episode. Road trip!

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Lost in Space: 1x04 The Robinsons Were Here

The mother acts more like a teenager than the actual teenagers

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Pokémon: 1x11 Charmander - The Stray Pokémon

Brock is a one badass m*ther f*cker.

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New Amsterdam: 1x08 Three Dots

Well damn, that was too close to home but that is not a negative. A good episode, probably the best of the series so far.

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Bones: 8x04 The Tiger in the Tale

"I hear Donald Trump is going to run"
Oh boy Bones

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Bones: 7x07 The Prisoner in the Pipe

Bones walking through the crowded prison was one of the most tense and annoying scenes.

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Bones: 6x04 The Body and the Bounty

"When science gets icky, it's okay to be sicky" Advice to live by.

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The X-Files: 2x02 The Host

Ill start saluting sewage workers

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The X-Files: 1x17 E.B.E.

One of my favourite episodes of the series.

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Bones: 6x23 The Change in the Game

Booths smile is always infectious

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Bones: 6x17 The Feet on the Beach

There is an alternate universe where the foot expert got his own spin-off show.

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Bones: 4x04 The Finger in the Nest

Weirdest crossover i've seen

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Timeless: 1x11 The World's Columbian Exposition

I want a Harry Houdini crime show now after this episode. And a mini series on the Fair and all the great and not so great people it brought to it. Such a rich episode.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 2x11 Turncoat

Intro was 10\10 "Who writes this crap anyway?"

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House: 5x01 Dying Changes Everything

This feels like if JD and Turk had a breakup...I was not ready.

On a minor note I admire House always somehow finding a way to playing with the latest game tech at the time.

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Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai: 1x11 The Kaede Quest

It's important to take frequent breaks

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New Amsterdam: 1x09 As Long As It Takes

The trans storyline might of been interesting before they decide to go the route of angry internet mob leader. It's a pity that they show someone using their identify as a weapon against someone trying to be helpful. But at least the ending on that section was positive

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Bones: 9x15 The Heiress in the Hill

Random family members suddenly existing is usually annoying but this was done well, at least for me. The ending scene with them continuing to bond over the book was touching.

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Bones: 9x03 El Carnicero en el Coche

This new direction in life for Sweets is interesting and admirable. It does show that he was an important piece in the team at the same time. Doesn't feel complete without him around.

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Bones: 8x03 The Gunk in the Garage

Frost and Sweets. The spinoff story I would've liked to see.

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Bones: 8x01 The Future in the Past

What did they do to the theme song? Don't fix what isn't broken.

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Bones: 6x15 The Killer in the Crosshairs

Any episode with Angie's Dad is a great one.

Arnold Vosloo is a great actor as well and it helps elevate a usually basic villain motivation. I'll admit I want him to succeed a little.

(It took me a moment to make The Mummy connection.)

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Bones: 6x01 The Mastodon in the Room

Great return episode for the season! I feel like the characters have each grown in their small ways off screen during those 7 months.

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Steven Universe: 5x01 Stuck Together

Finally it begins! Lars redemption begins!

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Lethal Weapon: 1x10 Homebodies

Shout by Arius

Damn it, in one episode I was on board with her character and it was ripped away. So good and heartbreaking.

I hope the cop becomes a recurring character because he was enjoyable.

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Bones: 2x09 Aliens in a Spaceship

This was a phenomenal episode

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Eyewitness: 1x02 Bless the Beast and the Children

Turkeys suddenly became a major character towards the end apparently. The turmoil!

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Wynonna Earp: 1x05 Diggin' Up Bones

I said "the fuck" a lot during this episode but the addiction to keep watcuing is still strong.

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iZombie: 1x11 Astroburger

I live for Johnny Frost appearances and he is the star of this episode. Can't wait for hopefully more guest spots in the future. But man that ending, crushed me because of course i didn't consider her mind could be messing with heart wanted it to much.

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Birdgirl: 1x01 Pilot

Wasn't sure what to expect but it went by fast and it was enjoyable. I love the chaos of Birdgirl and Meredith at her side. Also the theme is catchy as hell. The 'OMG' sample was from one of her previous appearances.

Did they not have the permission to use the Hanna-Barbera library for this or did they decide not to? Not saying it would need it but that was a part of the charm of Birdman.

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