


Bones: 6x23 The Change in the Game

Booths smile is always infectious

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Bones: 2x09 Aliens in a Spaceship

This was a phenomenal episode

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Bones: 6x22 The Hole in the Heart

The best characters make it hurt all the more :( I suppose wishing it was the depressed intern would be cruel of me?
The name of the episode should of been the eye opener.

This episode, Jacob has crossed the grey line he was in of being a "vigilante" into true murderer.

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Bones: 4x25 The Critic in the Cabernet

Family Guy? This is probably the weirdest crossover I've ever seen. Even more of a shock is the way it was worked into the stories twist and it was done well.

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Bones: 9x07 The Nazi on the Honeymoon

Favourite episode of the season

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The Perfect Murder: 2x10 Bedroom Basher

Shout by Arius

To call this the best episode wouldn't feel right due to the nature of the subject but it was the most intriguing case and the twists kept coming.

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Frasier: 6x14 Three Valentines

One of my all time favorite episodes

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The X-Files: 1x17 E.B.E.

One of my favourite episodes of the series.

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Bones: 9x03 El Carnicero en el Coche

This new direction in life for Sweets is interesting and admirable. It does show that he was an important piece in the team at the same time. Doesn't feel complete without him around.

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Bones: 8x03 The Gunk in the Garage

Frost and Sweets. The spinoff story I would've liked to see.

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Bones: 6x01 The Mastodon in the Room

Great return episode for the season! I feel like the characters have each grown in their small ways off screen during those 7 months.

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iZombie: 1x11 Astroburger

I live for Johnny Frost appearances and he is the star of this episode. Can't wait for hopefully more guest spots in the future. But man that ending, crushed me because of course i didn't consider her mind could be messing with heart wanted it to much.

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Bones: 8x15 The Shot in the Dark

His name is Thomas Edison.

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Bones: 4x14 The Hero in the Hold

Maybe the best episode of the series so far. So intense and seeing this side of the characters was interesting. A small bit of redemption for the brother this episode as well.

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Bones: 4x10 The Passenger in the Oven

Solid episode. I do enjoy mysteries in a contained space and the reveal caught me by surprise.

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Bones: 4x09 The Con Man in the Meth Lab

One my favorite Booth and Bones episodes. Coming to try and understand the crazy lives they lead and sacrifices made.

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Pokémon: 1x63 The Battle of the Badge

One of my favorite episodes

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The First: 1x05 Two Portraits

Shout by Arius

That was tragically intense. This show has had a great build so far.

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Bones: 7x11 The Family in the Feud

Shout by Arius

This season has been a little rough at some episodes but this episode really reminded why I love Bones.

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Bones: 6x19 The Finder

Shout by Arius

I miss Michael Clarke Duncan

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Bones: 5x05 A Night at the Bones Museum

Shout by Arius

It's happening!

Plus Booth is missing out because egg is the best part of a meatloaf.

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Code Black: 2x13 Unfinished Business

Perfectly executed episode! Code Black is turning it around this season. Wonderful.

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Pokémon: 1x63 The Battle of the Badge

Pikachua had a lot of personality in these earlier seasons. Adorable.

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Power Rangers: 22x12 Knight After Knights

I love Ivan so far. Probably one of the best additions to Power Rangers in years.

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House: 3x07 Son of Coma Guy

I hate Tritter. Aside from that plot this was a fun episode. Road trip!

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Pokémon: 1x11 Charmander - The Stray Pokémon

Brock is a one badass m*ther f*cker.

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Bones: 7x07 The Prisoner in the Pipe

Bones walking through the crowded prison was one of the most tense and annoying scenes.

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Timeless: 1x11 The World's Columbian Exposition

I want a Harry Houdini crime show now after this episode. And a mini series on the Fair and all the great and not so great people it brought to it. Such a rich episode.

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Lethal Weapon: 1x10 Homebodies

Shout by Arius

Damn it, in one episode I was on board with her character and it was ripped away. So good and heartbreaking.

I hope the cop becomes a recurring character because he was enjoyable.

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Bones: 8x09 The Ghost in the Machine

Unique presentation for the episode and I felt it worked well.

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