


Eden Lake

Story 2/10
Acting 0/10
Characters 1/10
Special Effects -5/10

And yet this is still one of the best movies I've ever seen. Not because it's good because because it's so absolutely god awfully terrible that it makes it hilarious. House somehow manages to be both mind-numbingly trash and amazingly brilliant simultaneously.

If you want to take your movies seriously definitely do not watch this, but if you hate yourself, or love trash movies, and you can't think of anything to watch give this a go. Overall 8/10.

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A Babysitter's Guide to Monster Hunting

I decided to watch this movie after watching the trailer, not because the movie looked good but because it looked like complete trash and I seem to enjoy torturing myself. I don't know why I continue to do this to myself but I have to admit that this movie actually exceeded my expectations for how garbage it was going to be.

The story-line felt like it was put together by a 5 year old and any embers of character development were stomped out before it could ignite leaving the characters bland. The acting felt incredibly forced and the gaps in reasoning astonished me, if you're satisfied with characters doing or acting in a way "just because" then you might enjoy this or might be more inclined to get the crew from this shit-show to work on your next production, I'm not judging, you do you.

That being said, my god I hope there is a sequel because I want to see if they can top just how spectacularly awful this was.

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Unfriended: Dark Web

This film is a very mixed bag.

Whilst the storyline was predictable, and even unnecessary in areas, I liked the way it was told. It's an interesting method, and very relatable for the digital age we are living in.

The characters however had no personality, they really felt like teenagers just screaming at each other over Skype. There was no true character development, no substance to any of them, and watching them act like morons was genuinely infuriating, I found myself questioning every choice they made.

Ultimately it wasn't the worst movie I've seen, but it was also far from the best, I wouldn't rate it any higher than a 6/10.

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The Sound
Day of the Dead: Bloodline

If you want a movie that is just senseless horror and don't give a shit about plot lines, character development, or decent acting then this is the movie for you... However, if you happen to want any of those things then find something else to watch. I can't get my time back but it's not too late for you to not waste yours.

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