shaun jeffrey



Anyone But You

6/10 fair

It’s a romcom and it’s a fair one at that, no point picking holes, it does what it says on the tin……
The cast is okay and do what is asked of them, the storyline is the normal romcom formate and it doesn’t deviate from it….

You won’t necessarily remember the movie but you will enjoy it well watching it.

Could it have been better?
Does it matter?
Not really….

Switch of your brain and watch it and enjoy it, then move on to the next movie you want to watch….

Oh, I did enjoy the credits singalong, very enjoyable and I hope they all enjoyed filming it…..

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The Ark

My god this is a bad show!!!!
Managed to get 35mins into the first episode and that was it for me…..
It’s like some bad melodramatic soap opera!!!!!
If your a brain dead teenager your probably will love it, but as a fully grown adult that wants a minimum level of entertainment, your find this to be nothing but trash…..

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1/10 this is :dog::poop:
I was expecting something along the lines of Tulsa king, instead we get this terrible terrible show….
It’s so dated and feels like it should have been made 20 yrs ago.
Do yourself a favour and lock yourself away until this pile of :poop: has moved along and been forgotten about, also if a friend or relative suggests this show to you, cut them out of your life, who needs enemies if you’ve got friends like that……

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The Handmaid's Tale

A must watch show, just brilliant

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A Man Called Otto

It’s a good movie!!!
No Oscar’s will be won and no body will rave about it….
Don’t wait until you have watched all the movies that you want to see, to get around to this one.
Put it on your list for you that movie you want to see soon…..
But give it a watch and your guaranteed to cry at least once, it will become a different movie to the one you thought you were going to watch, but that’s not a bad thing!
You will figure out where it’s going and what you believe the ending will be, it will then give you a curveball and say “ no we aren’t going there”
But then it will immediately start going there, but once again it will look you straight in the face and say “we are fooling with you, we aren’t going to really do that” then it will…..
The last ten minutes you will see all those lined up penny’s fall into place and your finish this film feeling how you should……
SAD, HAPPY, TEARFUL but best of all……

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The Night Agent

A good start, let’s see if they can keep it up!
The fight and car chase scenes are pretty good and the acting is okay from all involved.
It’s definitely better then most fbi/super agent shows we get…..

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Star Trek: Picard: Season 3

Season 1 was a sheet of used toilet paper…
Season 2 was a whole roll of used toilet paper…

Season 3 a pure golden nugget, made for the true fans, filled with memories and fan service of the right kind…..

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Just bloody great……
Two finger salute to all the woke snowflakes!!!!

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Special Ops: Lioness

10/10 based on the first two episodes….

I should have known better then to doubt a Sheridan show….
I thought for one moment that this was going to be the usual woke feminist rubbish we usually get from tv companies, but Sheridan once again gives us a bloody fantastic show, with strong woman and stronger men…..
This is how you write a powerful female character and make it real!!!!

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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

Tolkien is turning in he’s grave!
This is trashy half baked soap opera stuff

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Modern Love

Have now watched the whole series and it didn’t disappoint!!!!
The first 2 episodes are the best
Episode 4 just didn’t do it for me
But the series was brilliant and I hope we get more to follow......
Oh and make sure you do watch all of 1-7 and then sit back and glow in brilliance of episode 8

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I managed to get to episode 7, then I gave up.
It got cheesy cheesy cheesy and I ended up not caring for any of the characters

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Rabbit Hole

10/10 for the first two episodes
A show that catches you out, you can never trust what you know with this show….
I normally can tell what’s going to happen I’m 90% of shows on tv, this one has shocked me and basically stuck two fingers up at me and said FU(k you…..
Love love love this show!!!!
Let’s hope it keeps to this high standard of production, writing and acting….

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True Lies

It’s okay!!!
The effects are good and well done, the acting is okay and passable.
The best way to describe it is its full of cheese and it knows it, it even plays into it!!!!!
It’s a switch off, sink into the sofa and be entertained tv show, just don’t expect things to make sense or be award worthy.
Just enjoy!!!!!!

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Designated Survivor: 1x14 Commander-in-Chief

i dont trust the presidents wife, even more so now shes just said her mother is russian, she just dropped that in there, almost a throw away line....

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Biggest pile of shit, I’ve ever seen....
Do not waste your time

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The I-Land

Well I managed to get to the end of the season, it’s an okay show, could have been so much better!
The acting is not the best, but the story keeps you watching......
There are plenty of holes in the script, but some how it does still keep you watching. If you have caught up on all of you other shows then maybe give this one a go and let it fill the gaps until your favourite shows return

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All Rise

Okay I liked the pilot, thought it was okay and could possible go somewhere. But after watching 5 episodes, I’m giving up on it!!!!
The judge sticking her nose into everything, just isn’t believable.
Plus I hate the liberal minded storylines

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The Gentlemen

100/10 guy Ritchie at he’s best

This is the dogs bollocks

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8/10 good
Based on the first two episodes, so let’s see where we go with this……
It’s slick, glossy and produced as if it’s a movie, all good thing believe me……
A spy thriller with a Stella cast and production values, yes your correct in thinking it’s all been done before and that all they can do is regurgitate the same old storylines….
But this does feel fresh and new, with all the gadgets and fight scenes you could possibly want, just with a small amount of modern twists to it…..
Just a damn good show that entertains you and no preaching in sight.
Here’s hoping I can do another update with a even better score or at worse a score that remains the same

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The Victim

How the hell the actors filmed some of the scenes, I do not know!!!!!
They must have been exhausted by the end of it all and totally mentally drained.....
Such a mind bending show, you don’t know who or what is the right thing to do, you see it from one side then feel you shouldn’t and swap sides, only to feel the Same again!!!!
So well written
So well acted
So well directed
So so heart breaking

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7/10 good

Is this a masterpiece?
It isn’t

Are the effects good?
Yeah they are pretty good, they aren’t Realistic, but have an almost computer game graphics effect to them.
Which at first you think is jankie and second rate, but then as the movie goes on you accept it for what it is.
I’m almost inclined to believe this is the effect they wanted or embraced.
The storyline is okay, nothing we haven’t seen before and probably done better, but I think they did a good effort all in all….

Switch your brain off and watch a sci-fi movie that takes sci-fi and pushes its limits to an almost unbelievable scale, your enjoy it for what it is then, rather then trying to compare it to super budget movies….
Look at it as if your in a computer game

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No Hard Feelings

4/10 poor
Leaves you feeling some what uncomfortable, that feeling you get when watching a sex scene with your parents in the room….
To be honest I found it to be rather tasteless and crude, once we got to the full frontal nude scene, which was totally uncalled for, I stopped watching….
I’m not a proud, but there’s no need for nudity or even lengthy bedroom scenes, suggesting these thing works far better….

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The Swarm

8/10 for me a good show!
I have seen so many other environmental based shows and they all tend to fail and fall….
This one hits all the right buttons, doesn’t preach and is far more believable then anything else.
Each episode builds on the next and gives you just that little bit of suspense at the end of each episode to bring you back!
The effects are great 90% of the time and they cleverly used it subtly, without trying to over do it.

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Somewhere Between

What a pile of rubbish, switched off 15 mins in.... terrible acting

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Mr. & Mrs. Smith
Dear Edward: 1x01 Pilot

Absolutely fantastic first episode, let’s hope that the rest of the series can live up to it or at least come close…..
This episode got you interested in every single character and their story!!!!

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This film starts of so well, sadly it doesn’t end so good…..
It never really gets going, you wait and you wait and you wait, you think here we go it’s going to kick off and go into top gear any minute now!!!!
There are two great jump out of your skin moments, the story could be great, it’s a brilliant concept, even the “alien” is different and refreshing!
But some how the film just doesn’t deliver and you feel cheated at the end…..
Will I watch it again?
Never, not even if someone else begs me!
Even if you’ve watched ever film you possibly ever wanted to watch, you shouldn’t even both with giving this one a go…..
Which is a shame

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Last Light

This is so bad!!!!!
None of it makes sense

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What a pile of trash.........
I have more fun scooping up my dogs :poop:

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