Dahj Asha



Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

They made a sequel to Black Panther ??

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@mr-sackamano well, personally, I'm glad they did! :)

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The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
Red Notice

6.5/10 - It wasn't bad but I didn't really like it either. It had it's moments but overall it failed to get me invested enough into the story. I also didn't really like the ending... It was an unexpected twist but kinda annoying and very questionable (but it also explained a few things). But I was already wondering how this would end and none of the options I could come up with are really satisfying. It was a cool idea, had some funny moments (but overall I found it a bit to silly), some good action moments, and some surprises but the overall story just didn't feel good enough (I'm not quite sure why but it just wasn't enough for me).

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@dahj some notes:

  • The name Kleopatra sounds strange in English for me as a German speaker (the English version sounds more like two names: Kleo Patra)
  • The into was a bit strange and felt too old (but the latter is obviously intended)
    • Ryan Reynolds :) I forgot that he was in this movie so I was glad when I saw his name. He was funny but this wasn't his best movie.
  • Gal Gadot: I remembered that name but didn't knew from where. It took me until that scene inside the Nazi art bunker at the end to finally realize that she played Wonder Woman :o :D With that outfit she was so recognizable in those shots.
  • The action was pretty cool. And I also liked the "crazy"/weird camera movements.
  • "Kinda like Alexa but with guns."
  • When Nolan tries to break the glass but it doesn't work and he hurts himself :)
  • That Indiana Jones humming <3
  • My reaction to that twist was also WTF!?! (and I wasn't really happy either)
  • Ed Sheeran :D That was unexpected but kinda nice.
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The Sorcerer's Apprentice

"Love is a distraction. Sorcery requires complete focus."

I wish this came out when I was a kid, because I know I would've loved it. Magic, cool vfx, humor... right up my alley. Watching it as an adult was not near as fun, but I appreciate what they were trying to do and this was right before Nicolas Cage started doing insane roles (this might've been the beginning of all of that).

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@narate I last watched this as a kid/teenager and quite liked it (IIRC) but now, probably a bit more than 10 years later, I'm in my mid 20s and was pretty disappointed when I decided to rewatch it - so your assessment seems about right ;) :D

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Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

For a number of reasons, Letitia Wright was an incredibly poor choice to step into the role of the Black Panther. Both Lupita Nyong'o and Danai Gurira were much more deserving. In fact, I don't think that they even needed to name a successor in this film, but they did, and they chose poorly.

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@jmg999 for me the choice was more about which character than which actress. I was actually hoping that they'd choose Shuri as she was or rather is my favorite character. I also think that it makes the most sense as she's royalty / his sister, has the knowledge, and could become a good leader (although that part didn't work out as well as I hoped... :o).

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A Man Called Otto

I didn't really like it at first (it was fine but just not that good) but the ending really got me :) It's a nice mix between drama and comedy. I found it too dark at the beginning but the last part (since Otto opened up to Marisol) and ending was really heartwarming and beautiful <3 It managed to make me care about the characters.

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@dahj the suicide warning a the beginning had me a bit scared as I don't like dark/depressing movies but it was fine (it's ok as long as it ends well). It's quite sad though how Otto only ever really lived for Sonya. Both of their lives were actually quite dramatic (Otto's parents died and Sonya got paralyzed and lost their child).

Otto's suicide attempt via train bothered me and didn't seem to fit his character. He wouldn't put that on the conscience of the train driver (then again, at first, he didn't think of Marisol, her family, and the cat as well).

I also like that Otto likes cars. I only disagree with his taste though :o :D Toyota is really cool and Volkswagen is fine. I also don't mind hybrids. But I do like manuals, like Otto.

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The Creator

Honestly don't think I want to watch the film knowing they used real footage from Beirut...

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@sebbejohansson I wasn't aware of this. Apparently that footage was only in the trailer though and allegedly it wasn't even meant to be in the trailer: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Creator_(2023_film)#Controversy (but I'd say nothing in a trailer is usually there by accident)

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The Creator

A not-so original sci-fi feature that punches above its weight class in terms of spectacle and world building, but is lacking in the writing department more often than not. Way too many examples of ham-fisted, on-the-nose dialogue, as characters bluntly tell the protagonist how high the stakes are, how important the child is, or any number of other expositional dumps. The high-level story is also rife with clichés, with the central arc feeling familiar to the point of predictability. Now, there are moments that land effectively. I would specifically call out the early interactions between Joshua and Alphie as being among the strongest of the film. But those moments are few and far between, as a lot of the more ambitious emotional beats feel rushed and/or forced. On top of that, it seems like delivering spectacle was perhaps overly prioritized, as many sequences don't hold up to even the most surface level logical scrutiny, resulting in a lot of eye-rolling, head scratching, and ultimately the death of suspension of disbelief (e.g., suicide bomb robots seem silly when you've got a massive tank shooting precise missiles that are shown to be more effective, or standby mode somehow fooling an army of scientists, or Nomad seemingly being in multiple places at once in the final sequence). Admittedly, those types of complaints are nitpicky, and if the dialogue and big picture story had landed better, I think they would be easily forgiven. Not to mention, as I said initially, the visuals are fantastic. The Nomad's eerie beam of blue light is unique and memorable. The contrast of futuristic robots in a rural Asian setting offers plenty of striking visuals. I have no doubt that Gareth Edwards got incredible bang for his buck, stretching his $80 million budget to look on par with films that cost twice that. But in the end, the whole is less than the sum of its parts, with all of the fantastic visuals and handful of strong ideas combining into a package that was just okay.

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@skinnyfilmbuff IMO the complaints aren't too nitpicky. I found it too full of plot/logic holes and, at least to me, it made almost no sense when starting to think about it - which is a shame as this likely could've been so much better.

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Heart of Stone

Gal Gadot can't act !

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I disagree. I'd ask why but (somewhat unsurprisingly) I can't as this account apparently got deleted. The comment received a surprising amount of upvotes though (IMO it's a hateful/disrespectful comment that provides no explanation to understand why and doesn't even make the five word limit...).

Anyway, I wouldn't say that Gal Gadot is a particularly good actress but that could also be due bad scripts, etc. She's quite good at action scenes though. And I don't find her acting bad (at least it never bothered me) - it might be a bit (below?) average if I think about it but, again, that could be due to the scripts, teams, etc.

IMO she's cool and funny but I don't find her that hot tbh (just not my type).

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Venom: Let There Be Carnage

It's kinda funny but unfortunately that's about it... It's not as funny as, e.g. Deadpool, and it's way too stupid/unrealistic to be remotely believable or rather relatable (it's just too over the top). And the biggest issue is that it seems to lack any meaning - no deeper/important messages, I don't care about any of the characters, the story is boring, the action isn't really interesting, etc. Not sure if I should even rate it 5.5/10.

It has potential but I don't really like it, unfortunately... :o
At least it was somewhat entertaining though so it wasn't really a huge waste of time :)

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@dahj some notes:

  • That awkward women's toilet moment at the beginning :D
  • Eddie didn't even put his motorbike helmet on properly...
  • The Pablo Picasso moment :D
  • Anne: "Is Venom with you?"
  • "You suck"
  • "That may have been a mistake." - what an understatement... :o
  • "Pussy"

  • "Do you see that?"

  • "This is much worse than I thought. This is a red one."

  • So the Cop is still alive and has powers as well?

  • WTF was that end credits scene???

PS: Woody's accent is funny/nice, as usual.

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Pacific Rim

Amazing! What a beautiful masterpiece <3. DreamWorks never fails to impress.

I absolutely loved the beautiful CGI. Clouds, warm colors, beautiful particle effects and lights. IMO DreamWorks is simply by far the best studio in this regard.

And the story was also so touching. It was fun, heartbreaking, touching, and lovely.

Superb CGI, great animation, good story and good music.

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@dahj I think the only thing that I didn't quite like where the bad guys. That part of the story felt a bit weak.

It was also nice that Chloe Bennet voiced Yi but tbh I'm not sure if I'd really recognized her voice if I didn't see her name before watching it. I know her voice from Agents of Shield (<3) but IMO it sounded a bit different in this movie (maybe they used some effects to make her sound a bit younger or the recordings from studio microphones sound that different?). But there where certainly some parts where it was easy to recognize.

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Ugh,the twist at the ending kind of made the rest of the movie pointless for me, I mean I want to feel sorry for J1 and J2 but now that I know they never really existed, I can't. The ending made the entire movie feel like it never even mattered whether or not George succeeded nor did the way he treated J2 have any consequence

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@mokins @emilysmiles I fully agree with both of you. I never like such endings (dreams, time travel, simulations, etc.) for the same reasons.

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The Addams Family

Terrible animation, lazy character modules, weak story line, awful jokes, paper thin character development, and out of nowhere music choices.

I'm honestly surprised Illumination didn't make this movie.

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@bradym03 hey, Illumination makes great movies! :P (SCNR :D)

I pretty much agree with the rest though (I'd upgrade the animation and jokes to bad).

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Honest Thief

Really? You just gonna say "Your partner gave that tape to me" to a maniac? Anyone in their right mind would know, that maniac would immediately try to kill his partner after hearing that.

For giving you solid evidence, i can't believe Tom snitched on Anthony like that!

That's the one thing that bothered me. Other than that, it's a fairly good one. Intense movie.

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@bonebag yeah, that also bothered me, thanks for the comment! At least Tom wasn't aware of John's second gun but nonetheless he shouldn't have snitched on Anthony. And I also minded that not even Anthony had a bulletproof vest. He knew what his partner was capable of...

Anyway, I guess it doesn't make sense to analyze this movie in the first place but that part was too annoying without even really thinking about it.

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Suck Me Shakespeer

The worst movie I've seen since Paranormal Activity, although Paranormal Activity was bad because nothing happened at all, and this movie is bad because it's a movie that wants to be realistic and everything that happens is just surrealistic and over exaggerated.

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@woif haha, no I don't think this movie aims to be realistic :D It's definitely surrealistic and over exaggerated (at least everything else would be quite scary).

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I really like this movie, it's quite cool. I love the concept of the factions (Amity, Candor, Dauntless, and Erudite), the factionless, and the divergent. My favorite scene (actually two) is when "Run Boy Run" plays. That song is so fitting.

There's also a lot of action in this movie, probably even too much tbh :D It also feels a bit too dark and brutal (it's quite heartbreaking when their parents die at the end and Eric isn't nice at all). At least Four provides some light in the darkness.

There are a few good lines in it though and some nice concepts.

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@dahj extra note: In this movie I'd also like to join Dauntless but I probably wouldn't make it so I'd likely go for Erudite (which should also match the recommendation based on the aptitude test).

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