The Net

Fantastic movie. I liked how the porpuse of what contains with a raw and a clear script, telling one of the most important aspects of these two nations that even though they are close by one land their separated by what hinders them both more.

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This is quite the dulcet mother and daughter story, with a partial coming of age tale of the mother and her hardship development to care for her child. Which the movie has a great gut punch melancholic development that resonates more when you get to understand the IMF true story behind its development and how detrimental was for every citizen back then in the 90s. And oh boy what a fantastic subplot of events that carried the main plot to a deeper emotion.

That small detail right there, gave the plot an extra layer that resonates even more with both of these characters development and the reasoning of how even the movie ended, as to the "why’s" her mother sacrifices the time she had in the way it all happened, it is a fantastic movie for sure and the subplot of those events being the sole purpose of the main protagonists dilemmas made this movie an experience, at least for me.

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The Exclusive: Beat the Devil's Tattoo

This movie surely is something, having a crude satirical comedian plot, with direct serious undertones of how news anchors expose the supposed truth by profit and benefits that are directly tied to their supposed real coverage. The movie has a good delivery for sure, with a comedy that shifts to this serious undertones of what these plots entangled us with and that is a bitter pill to swallow. Given the fact that crimes are serious matter, all kinds of crime. And as such, the movie played with these two themes making the end feels more like a great theatrical commentary joke on how the truth his handled.

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Miracle: Letters to the President

This movie has all the right tones with quirky and joyful moments regarding the life of this young adult and his father who had an ever lasting impact on both lifes. The movie has beautiful pastel and vibrant color pelettes expressing warmth and a youthful premise but not loosing the focused of what this movie is going to take us, which is a serious event that made this whole experience quite memorable and hard shift to a dramatic plot that surges as organic and well phased as it ends.

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Once in a Summer

A sweet story with an everlasting affection. Really memorable with a delicacy and humbling touch, of these mutual feelings shared trough the chemistry that was shown with both characters from the moment of their encounter to their final moments.

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You Are My Sunshine

Quite the dulcet story of this man falling in love with this simple local attractive woman, with a back story that resurges in to existence as their love just started to blossom. Here is when the tragic happens and diverge them from the honeymoon phase, while both began facing live changing experience that will test their love in a rather interesting take with believable expression given both situation. With an ending that was as heartfelt as their beginning.

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This movie surely has a vivid presentation about social domestic dilemmas, vulnerabilities and mentally distraught characteristics with each character. Guiding the plot in a strong and heavyweight two hours that felt uncomfortably and all due to how raw the topics where exposed. A beautiful friendship ensued trough the hardship of both main leads sharing a unique bond that in two scenes gave it a much need it lively fresh air to this often somber story.

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Coming Home

Quite the sad and romantic movie where the evident true love shines trough and endures the atrocities of what live and time took away but couldn’t break apart with such emotions.

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Cliff Walkers

Fascinating espionage movie about a group of spies who risked their lives to inform the world about what the Japanese empire was doing during the second sino-Japanese war. Which where in Pingfang district of Harbin where the movie and such events took place around 1937 – 1945 in the second World War. Delivering a slow phase experience, but still inviting narrative trough the lenses of these spies and their struggles to be undetected and reveal what the Japanese forces have done, which was what the unit 731 who where the responsible for all those killing to Chinese soldiers and citizens. As a movie itself it did deliver an undeniable enriched attention to detailed as how they traversed to finish such mission with beautiful scenarios to complement this long process of survival entangled with a soothing soundtrack to exhibit an experience that did got me focused the whole two hours.

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Home Sweet Home

Wow I am impressed on how this movie managed to keep me in complete focus with an issue of a story that starts right in the middle of a stablished dilemma. In this movie the sense of loss is the driving force and important part of a deranged and thrilling plot in regards of why it end up being as how it all start it.

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Who Killed Cock Robin

What a plot, very well maintain all throughout, mixed with mysteries and a thriller accompanied with a provoking soundtrack which elevates the story and the experience even more. With an ending that was quite the unexpected and uncomfortable feeling of the horror this movie conveyed.

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Silent Witness

Fascinating movie which never stops loosing momentum. More so when this is almost two hours run, with a plot that felt like you not only were part of it, but was handled and arranged in such style by sharing two side from each defender with an effective exposition of progression be extra engaging, suspenseful as well as full of mystery and more so when you have an array of characters playing each their parts so well and believable. Ending as greatly as it began.

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While the movie involves subjects of crime trough a murder, marital issue and the social entitlement division all societies have, this movie encapsules all of it into the same plot. Showcased in a familiarized structure on how these things end up being from each side, and more so the main protagonists. One thing the movie captivates really good with these scenarios is the poor and somber reality from every side. A group of entitled brats having too much power. A mother that feels and find herself lesser as a woman because she can’t give her husband what he yearns more while finding out the most painful truth. The husband constant decisions and his final move that has left him with an uncertain possible feeling of mistakes made. A friendship broken in the process and the victim's mother unknown to even the society itself because who she is. The movie really did a great representation of these social dilemmas in the way was wrote and interpreted.

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Wow I most say, what a fantastic movie with a well scripted plot, that suddenly could mean the worst as this mystery moves along as you do with it. Revealing circumstances as it is being understood along side the main protagonist about his wife’s whereabouts trough her disappearance in a very convincing organic development. Did make me feel I was being a part of this riddle/puzzle, but never be ahead of the main protagonists dilemma until when the plot wanted to. Great script.

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Be with You

A charming movie no doubt about it, with a deep sentimental love plot wrapped into a fantastic twist that was the hidden dessert, and a hidden surprised with the way everything end up being.

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The experience I had was so delightful, fun and joyful drama about a girl that has mental disability who falls in love with a police officer as him with her. A mother that loves her like no other and both chemistry is felt trough the screen making you laugh and cry with this mother and daughter relationship, and the somewhat romantic relationship she thinks she has with the officer. Here is when things start to change, when the drama kicks in trough when the comedic parts are coming to an end. Very nice movie and completely touching due to the acting of Kang Hye Jeong and Bae Jong Ok.

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Great film, actually a beautiful film regarding family and belonging and forming such bonds trough it by maintaining and restoring the lost time. As being part of a community. Sweet slice of life.

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The Shameless

From the many films with plot like this one, that I have seen so far, which equally represents the same subject matters, this film stands above the rest by itself. Differently representing a real unaltered reality of what corruption, mobster and money can do to the most as the title says, “shameless” of people that try to obtain outcomes with such behaviors. Nobody ends up being clean and unscathed by their shameless ways of doing what they do. A topic that entangled these two main leads and their own downfall. And that is what separates this movie from the rest, how it tackled the same subject matter in the most possible realistic way. Making the movie feel like was taken from an unnamed detective journal. The nudity could have been avoided; was the only thing I did not appreciated at all about this movie.

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Forever the Moment

What a great sports movie, regardless of the fictional representation showcasing the players personal life and the process trough the team's Olympic games. Regardless it was a great movie which reminded me a lot of "As One" which was another great Korean sports movie. Goes to show even though movies like this don't tell the reality as how it really should, one thing is certainly truth, their sacrifices are real.

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My 11th Mother

For those who like simple stories about what is meant to have a family and care for those who are unknown to us, this movie shows just that trough both main leads. A kid who's mother died long time ago and have felt unwanted, don't want to associate himself with any more step mothers in his life until here comes the last stepmother, sharing more similarities than expected and ending in an unexpected way making this low build up carried a deep cut of melancholy to the end with a small shine of hope.

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This movie had me laughing each scene when it wanted me to, and made me cry when it wanted me to. A story that resonates with all of those that where kid once. Such a beautiful and touching story about friendship and your well know coming of age story, with the most genuine portrayals sharing with the viewer that particular and special unique heartfelt emotions.

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Incredible story with powerful performances and above all, a great message about how law supposed to be taken with respect, care and for the good of the people.

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Seven Days

Movies that tend to utilize sound design, by enforcing the plot trough the build up of what comes next, as cohesive it can feel merging both experience in one so it can emphasize urgency trough each moment are so rare to find. This movie surely felt that was carefully planned out to enrich that part of the experience, how the sound edit was handled was phenomenal, more so when you have earplugs, headphones put on or a good sound system. The movie does not waste time exposing us to what is going on and the dilemma that surrounds the main lead, in rapid fire edits that often times felt a bit much but understandably so giving the mission this movie has trough the plot is various, sense of despair and anxiety come to mind. The build up was compelling enough to maintain my focus throughout the movie while the ending was the surprised. Great movie and great acting.

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One of the most delicate and full of warmth love story that felt as personal and secluded as movies with love stories like this can be. Reminding me so much on how "A Moment to Remember" tackled the same plot with a different premise that felt as equally delicate and personal as this move was. Absolutely beautiful.

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A Man Who Was Superman

A simple, funny and heartwarming developing plot in regards a man and the gift of being an everyday hero to others around. This movie is a slice of life.

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Midnight FM

When films give a sense of "calm before the storm" trough the eyes and perspective of your every day lead character with a rudimental life, job and a dilemma that will ensued afterwards as the development exposes circumstances through out a top notch entertainment and unforgettable experience. This is when films like this, gave impressive first impressions, with a smooth beginning until the start of that first call with an outstanding sound mixing. While continuously familiarizing your feelings with the lead character accompanied with a music sound mixed design developed as an statement of the struggle of what is to come between protagonist and antagonist. Outstanding film no doubt about it.

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Scandal Makers

This film was always giving me enjoyment trough all the circumstances the main and entitled lead find himself with what end up being a great painful surprise for him and a delightful fun for us the viewers. When his life turned out to be distressful but for the better throughout a great comedy and emotional drama.

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Rough Cut
A Dirty Carnival

What a subtle ensuing plot with a dramatic impactful development with these characters and the life of this simple gangster involving the causes of what will happen as it did in the way it all concluded. The fact that the movie is two hours of run, by having too much room to expose and develop each character, was understood when the movie finalized each characters journey.

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My Lovely Angel

Beautiful, sweet and heartwarming story with a very touching plot that will culminate in an ending that melts the human heart.

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