

Omicron Persei 8

The World of Us

Nice movie, a simple movie with complexity about children's life and their struggles to understand friendship and the hardship of bullying. With a nice and wholesome understanding of life, and the lifestyle the kids grow in, to understand each other.

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Beautiful movie, really beautiful and heartwarming. A simple story with not much dialog at the beginning setting the tone with simple scenes of this family that will melt your heart. Simple and a slow phase film, but with a great story to tell.

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The Admiral: Roaring Currents

What an epic historical Korean marvel this movie is. Imagine this movie took a strong effort into research documentation by Kim Han Min (director) and Jun Chul Hong (writter) to stablish it together given how vast the story about this history depicts only events of the story just in the middle of the invation of Japan. Basically the movie sets in the middle of everything. Very impressive story and incredibl script put together. Can't wait for "Hansan"

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Proof of Innocence

This movie is well developed by having emotionally heartwarming plot with action sequences involving this manager of an attorneys office, which get himself into a situation regarding a case that became quite challenging for him to solve. This is another movie that surprised me very much. And happy to recommend for those who haven't watched it and are looking for a movie like this. When I read the synopsis, was more than enough to capture my attention. I figured it was going to be like any other case movie regarding what I read, but surprise to have found it quite enjoyable just because how it manage to maintain a variety of emotions whit a plot that is well know, but explore in the way the movie made it to feel.

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Secret Zoo

This movie was quite the enjoyment. I haven't had this good laugh since I saw "Exit", "Extreme Job" and "Veteran". Is great having a good set of actors that compliment themself in a screen as good as these movies and like what I saw in this one. Also seeing Han Ye-Ri in a role like that was also quite the good laugh thrown around because how her acting as a hypocrite selfish self-interested person was quite good. I remember Kim Sung-Oh in a previous movie I watched called "Waiting for You" which was a suspense trhiller. Knowing him from that one role and now here in a comedy movie, doing a timid guy, was a good chuckle. Kan So-Ra as well which I only seen her in TV drama called "Misaeng: Incomplete life". Well, all in all great movie for the whole family with a great set of actors with good synergy.

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New Trial

What an tremendous movie. A movie which dramatize a true life story event of this young man, that was wrongfully accused and sentence ten years to a crime he dint had nothing to do with. The movie represents the unlawful actions on those in power and the means to repress the innocent. If you are one of those who like movies based on true story and what it meas to be a Lawyer, that fallow the true path of law, you'll find this movie very appealing. Outside of how it was dramatized, this movie doesn't take away the message of what it means to be true to a cause bigger than one self, when is backed by law.

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The Call

After seeing this movie, I really was in awe on how the director played with this genre, turning it on upside down by the different ways he gave tips around the start of its plot to let you know the details of it, capturing the idea of time loops. Or it was a time loop after all? Paying attention is quite important but not talking about dates. At the end of it all you get to understand the basic premise of this genre and where everybody from the protagonist and antagonist are. Even making your own conclusion as to the true state of mind this plot made seem the main protagonist to be centered with it all. This movie has one of those open ended finales, because how the ending openes up many ways you can conclude the ending of it. Sure is meant to create many provoking thoughts about how everything end up for her and the ways things left. Letting you to decide what it all meant for her and your own point of view of her.

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More Than Family

The movie is a breaking role for Krystal the actress that played To-II, which she really played the part of a five months pregnant young lady looking like a true proper pregnant woman. What sold me off her pregnancy act was exactly how she walks, moves and her mannerisms and how she hold her belly like a true woman pregnant with her baby. One of the things the movie offers charm is the small moments when this little girl appears in camera and at the very end of the movie when the family of To-II is gather together at the very end having a moment together, was very charming. Also there is an aspect I really enjoy in every movie which I also enjoyed it in this one and is what helps the movie simplicity, which is something that most often is not payed much attention to, and it's the color palette the movie has throughout, vivid and pastel colors being the reason to go with the charms of this movie that family is what matters most. It reminded me so much of "Psycho But is Okay" drama back then when I first saw it.

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This film has an eerie and ominous atmosphere regarding the antagonist and what she has made up her to be in the eyes of the main protagonist family, turning everything upside down for him to finally at the end of the movie have the reveal of what she was up to for all along. It was somewhat uncomfortable because depending on your stance you could relate with main protagonist desperation as to whether he was in the right or the wrong with things with his family and the antagonist that lead to the finally. That is one of the few interesting experience the movie leads you to fallow as you are ahead from the main protagonist in some aspects of the plot. And seeing how everything unfolds is the great payoff.

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A friendship that feels longer that time itself, these three school friends look and feel like family. Up until a moment that separates them ending each other apart by mistakes made. The movie is good, but where this movie shines truly is between the characters played by the actors, the emotions portrayed by each of the main leads is what this movie sets itself apart. Making it feel like a different type of crime genre by being emotinal, private and personal.

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This movie was so fascinating to fallow and quite easy to understand the meaning of this complex world of the stock markets. As the movie was progressing along it's developed undertone of a thriller genre was another well enjoyment which not many movies about stock market seem to maintain, this one did it quite uniquely with a serious and mature undertones. Often, movies about stock markets fallow an awful trends which feels poor or borderline excessive while over explaining and dramatizing things such as this topics and what they mean. But this movie did it flawlessly never loosing of what is important to tell a story which is quite serious when sharks and lions of the market tends to fight and die because how deep rooted consequences tend to happen when money becomes the primary goal. Top notch.

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One Day

This movie was a very tender a sweetheart watch. The plot is very basic, but one which is very important in regards of how it shares similarities which goes in tandem with each other's characters dilemma. Understanding that despite sircumstances one has to finally be free and let go and another has to finally give itself an opportunity to forgive and move on.

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A Stray Goat
The Truth Beneath

This movie has a strong shocking value, being handled in such way maintain its consistency throughout the end. And more so when you have powerful characters (the two main protagonists) being developed in the way the script handled them with such engaging exchange with the plot which was the main attraction. With a story so hard and heavy, and more so when you see the "why" of it all at the end.

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I liked this film quite much with a different kind of husband and wife struggle which takes place inside a tunnel where this incident happened to the husband and his wife has to endure the aftermath of the whole ordeal. With a wholesome ending that warmth the heart. A very simple movie but with a plain-sight message of their love for each other.

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Juror 8
Killed My Wife

This is the latest movie from Lee Si Un and Wan Ji Hye. This movie was quite interesting to fallow and quite the statement how one thing go in conjunction with the other. If you view this movie with the lens of how a marriage can fall into such despair, into a situation that leads to such unfortunate events for both of themselves. You can even see this as the opposite of a love story from a marriage. But the decay of it. This movie has an incredible denotation. And with that alone, this was quite the written script.

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The Attorney

Powerful performances, powerful plot and more so how the story was told and how this social political movie progressed. Very complex story development trough the eyes of this attorney later on becoming the president of South Korea.

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The Vanished

This movie is quite good despite how simple it's directorial implementation was handled. It doesn't have an outstanding cinematography or top notch sound design. But what it does have is a simple story as a simple trhiller that will let you surprised on how everything will unraveled at the end. Well scripted development.

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Coin Locker Girl

I was wowed watching this movie all troughout. Seeing Kim Hye-Soo here putting that kind of performance, not only a complete overhaul of her persona because by the way she looked. In every scene she has this demeanor and those small natural facial expression that made that character more bealivable was espectacular. More so how she carries her self, her characteristics as a low life criminal trough that performance was a great treat to stay attended to the movie the whole time just because how she was acting. Kim Hey-Soo and Kim Go-Eun complemented each other here very good with unhinged raw script. Great film.

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Chronicle of a Blood Merchant

What an outstanding tale with a slight comedic love story wrapped into happy moments full with topics about social status, social economy, life lessons and a sweetheart ending that was quite the defined  journey for this family. A beautiful must watch film.

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The Whistleblower

This movie retales an even that shook Korean citizens by being deceived of a lie regarding human embryo studies. And how this reported and the whistle-blower did everything in power to tell the truth above all. Even though the events where altered and change according to the disclaimer at the start of the movie. Doesn't take away the cause. Great movie that showcase the deception of those who do anything in their power to try on succeeding by lying not knowing things always revealed themselfs by those who seek the truth against all odds.

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The Last Princess

Outstanding film with a hard story of greed, power and conspiracies against a family that at the end the only heir to the throne had to endure the consequences of past actions that lead her to a final that was breathtaking.

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Miss Baek

Heartbreaking retale of unfortunately true events that make this movie a must watch. While it is a difficult movie to get trough because it's subject matter, it is more compelling when you have performances like the ones where on screen.

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I Am Home

This movie was very relaxed to watch. Also very simple, showcasing the life of a woman that like the synopsis let us know, is going back home. And from there-onwards this simple story of this woman and her dad takes place. Very methodical in the way the story progresses.

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Inseparable Bros

One of the most heartwarming movies in its genere, fallowing the life of this two bros, who even though are not blood related; trough both related sircumstances do found each other to help each other. A movie that outside of being catalog as "comedy" it does contain life lessons of the true importance of not only friendship and family, but how to be one.

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Little Forest

Great film that even though the most enjoyable aspect of the movie was the food and learn how to prepare it. It has a relatable premise that contains a girl that does not know what to do and find herself going back home.

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Very moving film, that tells a sad truth that hits hard and more so when the movie is based on true story. Even though the movie at the beginning tells that there where changes to its story and how it was told. Does not take away the truth of the matter.

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Kim Ji-young, Born 1982

Beautiful movie about a couple that trough time became a family. A working mother, and her sacrifices. A husband that do his part for her wife while raising a daughter. It is a movie that showcase this married couple, with their struggles and dreams sacrificing for one another.

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Ordinary Person