The Vanished

This movie is quite good despite how simple it's directorial implementation was handled. It doesn't have an outstanding cinematography or top notch sound design. But what it does have is a simple story as a simple trhiller that will let you surprised on how everything will unraveled at the end. Well scripted development.

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Coin Locker Girl

I was wowed watching this movie all troughout. Seeing Kim Hye-Soo here putting that kind of performance, not only a complete overhaul of her persona because by the way she looked. In every scene she has this demeanor and those small natural facial expression that made that character more bealivable was espectacular. More so how she carries her self, her characteristics as a low life criminal trough that performance was a great treat to stay attended to the movie the whole time just because how she was acting. Kim Hey-Soo and Kim Go-Eun complemented each other here very good with unhinged raw script. Great film.

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Chronicle of a Blood Merchant

What an outstanding tale with a slight comedic love story wrapped into happy moments full with topics about social status, social economy, life lessons and a sweetheart ending that was quite the defined  journey for this family. A beautiful must watch film.

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The Whistleblower

This movie retales an even that shook Korean citizens by being deceived of a lie regarding human embryo studies. And how this reported and the whistle-blower did everything in power to tell the truth above all. Even though the events where altered and change according to the disclaimer at the start of the movie. Doesn't take away the cause. Great movie that showcase the deception of those who do anything in their power to try on succeeding by lying not knowing things always revealed themselfs by those who seek the truth against all odds.

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The Last Princess

Outstanding film with a hard story of greed, power and conspiracies against a family that at the end the only heir to the throne had to endure the consequences of past actions that lead her to a final that was breathtaking.

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Miss Baek

Heartbreaking retale of unfortunately true events that make this movie a must watch. While it is a difficult movie to get trough because it's subject matter, it is more compelling when you have performances like the ones where on screen.

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I Am Home

This movie was very relaxed to watch. Also very simple, showcasing the life of a woman that like the synopsis let us know, is going back home. And from there-onwards this simple story of this woman and her dad takes place. Very methodical in the way the story progresses.

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Inseparable Bros

One of the most heartwarming movies in its genere, fallowing the life of this two bros, who even though are not blood related; trough both related sircumstances do found each other to help each other. A movie that outside of being catalog as "comedy" it does contain life lessons of the true importance of not only friendship and family, but how to be one.

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Little Forest

Great film that even though the most enjoyable aspect of the movie was the food and learn how to prepare it. It has a relatable premise that contains a girl that does not know what to do and find herself going back home.

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Very moving film, that tells a sad truth that hits hard and more so when the movie is based on true story. Even though the movie at the beginning tells that there where changes to its story and how it was told. Does not take away the truth of the matter.

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Kim Ji-young, Born 1982

Beautiful movie about a couple that trough time became a family. A working mother, and her sacrifices. A husband that do his part for her wife while raising a daughter. It is a movie that showcase this married couple, with their struggles and dreams sacrificing for one another.

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Ordinary Person
Bring Me Home

Great movie with a non stop action and thrill moments entangled with comedians that delivered a great performance.

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The Beast

I was amazed by this film, and with its very well written plot development troughout the very end. With a reveal that left you with an eye opening exposure to the plots ending. A gritty and raw film that focuses on the life of these officers of the law and the undying desperation to catch a killer that ends up the way it did making the whole ending trajectory have the impact it did, more so when the movie is being carried in the shoulders of actors that delivered a really impactful emotional performance like the one Lee Sung-Min, Yoo Jae-Myung has done here.

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Sea Fog

I've never seen a movie that has so many geners wrapped into it the way this movie has been made in almost two hours run, to let alone showcasing them so organically as how this movie did. This movie is flawless. This movie start in 1998, with this ordinary group of sailors embarking their lives to go out into the wide and open sea to fish so they can bring home a possibility for a paycheck for their hard work.

And so an opportunity arose, for the captain and his fellow sailors, an opportunity to make more money than before, an opportunity that turn things into a quite profitable business which turns out not the way was meant to turn into. I would love to expand on how amazing the incorporations of this other sub geners where implemented in the movie, but I'll let you to experience them and go have a surprise. Because this movie, is one of a kind. It's one of those, with an ending that metls the heart. This became an easy favorite.

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Cold Eyes

This movie is a glue from beginning to end. Incredibly entertaining. Is so rare finding movies that within two hours of run, the chemistry within the characters being played, are very palpable. Rare that a sequel was not even green-lighted. The suspense was one of those subjects that maintain the whole plot moving forward in a manner in which made the whole movie from start to finish a great spectacle.

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This movie is beyond phenomenal. This movie have left me trully speechless as to how everything was developed till the end. And by that, I'm so impressed. How this movie managed delivered the truth behind both cases was mind blowing. I don't know if this movie is high regarded as the other suspense thriller / mystery / crime movies, that fallow plots about the same topics. But if not, this movie definitely should be on par if not named one of the best of its ganre. Instant favorite.

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Wow what can I say about this movie. This movie is very strong, every role in this movie was solid. The movie has an incredible structural phased, with a well though-out soundtrack that goes with the thematic of the movie of what is that fallows its tempo incredibly as to what is being showcase, allowing yourself to never loose focus on the thecnical aspects of the plot as is being presented to you.

What I love about the movie is how it started, continued and ended. Ending so great momentum. And this movie is about real live event, making it more challenging and impactful. Seems like a lot of though when into the multiple incorporations to make this movie appealing and cohisive, ending up being one for sure. Atleast that was my experience with this movie. One of my favorites.

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A Diamond in the Rough

This movie is a bittersweet hearthwarming drama regarding the love of this mother for her son and all she endures just because she loves and bealive in his son despite the sircumstances his life have turned out to be by his own choices. A movie that is quite the treatment.

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The movie develops the situation of these two womans and their entanglement together very rapedly, the movie doesn't waste time going trough an extend development. The start of the movie is the development if I can explain it like that, because what is about to happen to one of them develops as well as such. And furthermore as the movie continues, goes the why's and how of  plot of the happenings of both of them. It was very revealing.

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Door Lock

This movie was a quite the surprise. The way this movie builds up the life of this regular working woman, into an ominous eerie living situation as the movie progress, is well established. More so when you have this incredible soundtrack helping the movie progress along very nicely going with each scene. And more so, always making you feel uncomfortable and desperate with her situation, because how hopeless and helpless she feels while trying to secure her life. Wow.

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This movie is outstanding. This movie has a sad true about being a lawyer and the selfish need when it comes down to personal matters. She once said at the begging of the movie, "if we only represent thugs, we too become thugs". Here is when the movie expanded itself upon the true nature of the matter and the thematic of the movie about what it takes to be a true lawyer despite personal, greed or otherwise when it comes to involvements that derail one's view of why you became a lawyer in the first place. Sad movie, not because it could make you cry, but rather more of the context of what the movie represents. Wow. What a movie.

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