Shark: The Beginning

Great movie with a great teaching of perseverance, self control and friendship that lift each other up. Given that this movie was based on a web-toon, never was a sequel or a trilogy, perhaps it was made as a one off. Overall, really well build and with a great awesome finally.

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Special Delivery

Packed with action, crime and slightly comedy inducing trough a ride that is filled with non stop gritty and colorful vibrant cinematograph. Showcasing amazing moments of intensity withing scenes with great soundtrack making this movie feel very serious at time without compromising the whole composition. Which was one of the things that stood out and was the surprise. The movie did not missed the mark with the themes it used to explore its own plotline. It was fun when it had to, seriously when it had to, action when it had to, sentimental when it had to and hopeful when it had to. All in all really decent movie.

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Wild ride indeed, a fun full CGI action packed fest with an intriguing plot, with time lapses as part of the experience that overall did delivered a great plotline which by that accord, made this a lot more of a great experience than what this movie offered with visuals.

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Decision to Leave

Shout by Daniel
BlockedParent2022-12-21T20:21:23Z— updated 2023-05-19T20:54:04Z

Wow talking about stylizing an idea into a portrayed cinematic rather than full on obvious retelling. This movie represented the conundrum of investigative work, rather than a movie about itof your typical story of characters and characteristics. Aesthetically cinematography pleasing with a dramatic infusion about how detective work and their relationships with cases make them be so enamored with the idea of solving a case that often the seeking of such answers where very obvious and in front all along and such, the finally represented such ideal within this artistic and stylistic slow phased drama.

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Hard truth presented in this movie was the take away with a message of what is one of the most polarizing topics of motherhood and decisions to throw away an unwanted child that even in other cases the child is loved, but thrown away by unfortunate circumstances. It is a sad living psychological issue that people like to discard as the most disheartening thing one can do and live by. The kids are the one that do lived the consequences and even more so, when are adopted parents that do hide the truth about their upbringing. If a community or even the government could provide better services about this issue by helping the mother with the child instead of helping them abort them or throwing away the child, we wouldn’t have to even talk about it nor use a movie like this, to send the message. Regardless the message is very clear here, a sad constant occurrences in most young mothers and their lost child's of their life.

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The Stool Pigeon

I am just stunt on how deep this went. What a brutal and unforgiving movie with non stop gritty atmospheric plot. Gave a whole vibe of pure sense and urgency inside this ominous and bleak world that has obvious hopeless effect in sight, for what is the most dangerous lived-in life for all involved. Incredibly captivating from start to end, rooted in reality outcomes, shameful acts and worthy characters which their stories and and reasons shown offered some attachments to their riles played by how humanely their portrayal were acted. The movie had some shocking moments and outcomes which completely made the surprises memorable with a deep hollowed developed aftermath to this unforgiving theme. Another classic from Dante Lam.

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The Anchor

Shout by Daniel
BlockedParent2022-12-21T00:36:20Z— updated 2023-02-05T14:03:17Z

While being an anchor is the most prestige job career, where having the right anchors in that position is of utmost importance and while gaining views seems more important than anything else; nothing can prepare none for what is about to happen. Something is a foot, which that is what is expected in this dark looming unsettling drama, there is a greater connecting thread towards the true reason of things happening in this fantastic drama. Fill with a looming horrific thriller, where each second is entangled the viewing experience in a unsettling confusing process as much as possible toward the outcome that was as perplexed and impactful as the beginning. With an enticing environment driven by the most intriguing alluring soundtrack enhancing what is about to be reveal. Truly a must see.

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This movie was something else, it carries a great acting portrayal that elevated a very basic and retold story of revenge using a true historical events of the Japanese colonialism that South Korea went trough, to facilitate a reason for this captivating showcase of lost, hopelessness and the ultimate none fulfillment towards the lost that could not be regain towards whatever outcome.

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This movie stole my heart, with this warmth and solace drama of each women that had all kinds of great quirky and some raw emotions. The resilience of each prisoner and the wisdom of helping them to be better and showcasing a side of prison that should be understood and implemented to know that inside there, there is humanity as well. Fascinating movie, it’s bitter-sweetness was to strong to endure.

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A Year-End Medley

Wow, wow, wow. What a movie full of wholesome and darling moments each second. Loved everything of it, even more so when the movie managed so well to have a well deserved introduction, development and a sweet, sweet farewell with each character without compromising. Nothing felt left out, a graceful soundtrack that touch the heart strings to feel very much full of hope. Beautiful, beautiful movie.

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A beautiful movie with a horror story wrapped into a human, hopeless and lamented disaster that is life and those womens go trough something as this. Help is often offer, but the hard truth lived has corrupted her life view. Adding more damage to the wound, we get to see the downside of choices that hits the core of what made this movie and those who played the characters be very memorable.

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Emergency Declaration

Sometimes we get to be so inhumane and think of only us, sometimes we can’t understand the feelings of others until we found ourselves in the same situation or close to something in particular. This movie showcased this dichotomy trough a somewhat very touching subject and more so in the actual world we living right now. This movie will be very polemical for those who have strong views on its subject. The movie started with a great phase, super atmospheric with a great l sense of urgency and an upcoming claustrophobic ascending issue that explored quite in unexpected way. I dint expect this plot to be what it was regarding to , non the less very well phased and incredible chemistry between each actors and actresses exchanges.

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This movie was very bombastic with a lot of A-listers giving a fully engrossed action, suspense, thriller and true realistic historical references that were just that. Which was done as backdrop and trough dialogs, making this fictional plot ramifications feel believable to a point. This movie covered all bases for people that like different kinds of topics wrapped into what was two hours of a blockbuster. After watching this movie, one of the things I would loved to see, was the backdrops for those who also partook in screen time as one of the main character who was the only one that trough his point of view the movie shared his storyline. Would have given more to this ensemble cast a from of cohesiveness and attachment engrossing the experience broader. But how long can you stretch more than 125 minutes without being too much of what it already gave. A great movie that for me, dint messed up but missed some opportunities to include more good storytelling. But seems like that was not its main focus.

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Black Money

This movie has some interesting characters with intriguing characteristics complementing each other in this heavy dialog semi-thriller and semi-light comedy about how white collar crime is often seen and handled. Scripted scenes that leaves a sour taste of how some crude dialog humor has been portrayed, falling into a dramatized entreteinment rather than a full thriller. The start of the plot was enough to see how it all developed to the end.

Here is where I found this movie fall into this category exactly like most movies that tends to critique what the movie explore, which is the discomforting part of politics and the history behindit. The core aspect trough the story I loved about this movie was the fact what the titled represented withing this plot, which it is some sort of continuation from the dealings of what happen in 1997 with the default state that Korea back then fall into, which there is a movie based on that story named "Default". Here is when this movie nods to the occurrences happen in 1997. Great deal.

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Snowy Road

This movie felt like if it was ripped from one of these girls journal, mainly the main protagonist. About how their mundane lives were impacted by the occurrences of their every day life, into this horrific decade they lived. What I liked a lot about this movie is how they dramatized the script, to make it feel as such withing the confines of a normal movie sequence.

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Forbidden Dream
The King's Letters

I like how the movie showcased this crucial history event in Korea that made that nation be and have what it has right now. It’s own language. Thinking about it, even though it was very dramatized with reference that eludes to this history, I can’t imagine the real struggling process not only as a nation but as king and subjects by maintaining a sense of honor and pride to regain a purpose of ownership of life and worth for a nation that was at a brink of loosing perhaps his own essence. Just like what happen again further in time 1940s.

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Hansan: Rising Dragon

These legendary historical events continues at outstanding phase, continuesly recapping the story of Yi Sun Shin in this prequel. This film has been an outstanding continuation prequel from this fantastic tale. As to how Yi Sun Shin, who fought for his homeland over and over again having the same core feeling exactly in all aspects from previous movie named “Roaring Currents” gave in all accords.

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My Prince Edward
Black Coal, Thin Ice

This movie became an experience, outstanding to say the least, with a theatrical-like experience where the streets of Heilongjiang province is and have as much of a characteristics and presence by itself as the characters in the movie.

Both sharing equal qualities merging into a great epic contemporary neo-noir with a plot that exposes everything in its time with such elegance, with this dark looming subject in the streets of Heilongjiang province, making you feel like you living in a dystopian novel.

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MAL·MO·E: The Secret Mission

A beautiful tale about country, life and sacrifice for what matters most to natives; which is as important as the bloodline of family. The livelihood of a nation trough language and what it meant back then to those who gave more than enough.

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Battle of Memories

When I saw "Home Sweet Home" I was impressed by it, then went to see what else this director made, came across with this work. As well, I was surpised. Having these sci fi thriller crime themes with an interesting plot enough to captivate the attention elegantly with this sort of shakespearean like plot lines that were enough to evocate the intention made.

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Long Live the King

Great movie with unique plot about this gangster turned into a politician by the most comical but heartfelt reason that catapulted him to change his lifestyle. With a great deal of action and drama that was enjoyable.

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This movie was wild to say the least. Not only in the way the characters were portrayed, but how each handled the situation given each circumstances. Even though the screenplay was not that impressive, it was not bad either, surely the acting compensated an ordeal as its subject matter which was a very delicate subject.

One which is as seriously underline quality placing us between with what is proper and just, which both characters portrayed many facets of both dilemmas in the most outrageous ways leaving all sorts of impressions which was an obvious intent because how good both acting was.

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This movie has a unique approach to a well know and sad worrying topic as delicate as is, more so when it was present in the way is done. I dint expected to be this moving and so personal with the implementation of its premise, but for me it worked. While things might seem odd and some beat points might feel out of place, like the movie tries to have a comedic factor as well as serious one, it shines when the plot still manage to maintain its focus finalizing a touching story in the way it did.

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BA:BO - Miracle of Giving Fool

So fascinating and touching movie, with such honest and humble plot as the amazing introspection of these lives that lived in this small town.

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I'm Livin' It

Wow, wow. I love this movie so much, movies like this with a great humane story to be told about with a lot of heart are so amazing. While the movie exposes a deep rooted issue most or all societies/countries have, with people that struggled so much and most of them end up living in the streets with so many stories to tell and never known it is an eye opener to the state affairs and the importance this people tend to fall for society. The importance to invest by really helping people has more value than anything else.

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On Your Mark

An extraordinary movie, more so than expected. It is an incredible story, based on real events that surely makes you feel emotions and more so because its makes you understand that only you have the power to move forward or stagnate. No human is limited.

The relationship of father and son is the soul of this whole plot, how circumstances it was a endearing transition from what both share with their past and what the present lead them towards that end. Reminded me to another great one called “Zero to Hero”.

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Beast Stalker

Extraordinary movie for sure with a very thrilling plot .One of the things this movie managed to uphold the entire time was the way it presented bit by bit of the story and the finally that really was the perfect entangled bittersweet ending for each of both sides.

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On the Line

This was a great watch to say the least, more so when the movie has a realistic story to tell within its own developed screenplay as a fictional plot by getting to the point of it all. Which is one of the greatest issues Asian countries and their citizens has to deal with when falling under this prey acts against them by being unaware as targeted and the repercussions of this whole ordeal. The movie takes an action and crime genre to unmask and point bluntly the greater picture, and to think about it; an unresolved worldwide dilemma of deceivers using phone calls as tools to scam, which in it of itself is one of the most horrific moments in life one can go trough, knowing how depleted the affected victim falls into, not counting mentally or psychologically this accidents give a sensation of burden on the affected person’s outcome. A movie that has a point to make which did it very clearly.

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