Simon Fincham


Birmingham, UK

Thunderbirds Are Go!: 1x01 Ring of Fire (1)

I might be 42 but hey; this was great fun to watch.

Much like the original 1964 series, this had atmosphere and a great story.

Love the reimagined characters, sets and craft. Great job!

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Coach Trip: 15x33 Rijeka

I would love the opportunity to go on one of this boats; that activity looked brilliant!

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Coach Trip: 15x26 Gyor

Lets be honest; everyone likes a bit of an argument.

Chilling stuff at the vote :( Never comment on a ladies love of chocolate, even if only implied.

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Coach Trip: 15x21 Prague

Feisty people in this group! Brendan, you have your hands full!

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Coach Trip: 15x20 Athens

Shocked by the winners; didn't see that coming

I would personally have voted for the two Bristolian's

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Coach Trip: 15x19 Loutraki

Great fun; if only to see Brendan scurrying across a busy road in some rather visible Union Jack trunks! Where does one buy those?

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Marvel's Daredevil: 1x11 The Path of the Righteous

"Do you really think this is the first time I've shot someone?!"

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Peaky Blinders: 2x01 Episode 1

Great opening episode - and - I want that cap!!

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The Blacklist: 2x20 Quon Zhang

Some people are just very good at deceit. For a moment I thought during the Dentistry scene alliances had altered. Fooled me again Red!!

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Marvel's Daredevil: 1x13 Daredevil

Awesome! Powerful finish to season one. Looking forward to the newly announced season two.

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Marvel's Daredevil: 1x09 Speak of the Devil

Fisk seem to have the upper-hand right now.

The fight scene here, played out over several segments is brutal, I see your knife and raise you some fire!

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Peaky Blinders: 2x02 Episode 2

The performances here were stolen by Tom Hardy; brilliant!!

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The Walking Dead: 5x16 Conquer

This had to be rated 10/10

What a brilliant episode from the first minute right to the end.

Trouble is approaching from all sides; the next season already has so much promise.

So! "Rick, Do It!"

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Bates Motel: 3x05 The Deal

LOL "The password for the free WiFi is 'mother' in capitals!"

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Family Guy: 4x04 Don't Make Me Over

Star studded! So many guest appearances in one show.

Actually very good to see Meg getting more front and centre screentime( one episode can't hurt)

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The 100: 2x16 Blood Must Have Blood (2)

Brilliant final episode for this season. But, where is Clarke going? How can she just walk away. Bellamy would surely have tried harder to convince her to stay.

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Bates Motel: 3x10 Unconscious

Superb! Norman has really started to turn down a dark path now. I was sure he was going to be hidden in the shadows in the basement and would stab Dylan. I'm pleased that didn't happen.

Bringing Bradley back was a strange choice, I never liked her character and now that she's truly deceased it's not as if anyone will look for her....

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Gotham: 1x20 Under the Knife

Don't mess with the Riddler!

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Person of Interest: 4x19 Search and Destroy

Great episode; I was hoping that Root was going to get her wish and kill the agent tracking her; one gunshot is all it needed :(

Samaritan is portrayed as being so much smarter than 'the machine', I kinda just ant the machine to sort it out, finish this off, so that the team can get back to helping people

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The Walking Dead: 5x15 Try

Oh Rick, whats going on? Again, another brilliant episode, I can't wait for next week

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The Musketeers: 2x01 Keep Your Friends Close

Everyone has secrets; some more than others... I did think the prison was very easily accessed and escape seemed very easy

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The Blacklist: 2x18 Vanessa Cruz

Red! What's going on? Shocking ending!

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The Blacklist: 2x11 Ruslan Denisov

"There is always an endgame; you just don't see it yet"

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 2x20 Scars

Blimey! Major shuffle of characters eh; who would have expected that outcome to a sit down discussion. I was expecting exactly the opposite!

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Bates Motel: 3x06 Norma Louise

Wow! This was an unhinged episode. The kitchen scene was so cool!!

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Gavin & Stacey: 1x01 Gavin and Stacey

Hilarious! So many laughs, particularly the neighbor Doris!

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Are You Being Served?: 5x07 It Pays to Advertise

"Wouldn't it be better is he shouted up her skirt?"

"Nobody is shouting up my skirt saying they recognise the face!!'

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Elementary: 3x12 The One That Got Away (2)

Best episode of the season so far with flashbacks to reveal some history, only sad to see Kitty leave at the end as her character had come interesting. Hopefully she will return

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Elementary: 3x01 Enough Nemesis to Go Around

Death by magnet. Classic. I thought this episode a little slow but nice to see the gang getting together once again

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Person of Interest: 4x21 Asylum

At times recently I was beginning to wonder where the show was heading. This episode was brilliant!

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