Are You Being Served?: 2x02 Cold Comfort

" It's so cold, my 'Ball Point' will never function in this weather!"

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Falling Skies: 1x10 Eight Hours

Seriously; a season finale?

I didn't like this episode too much and I think the ending truthfully was a bit daft; they must have expected cancellation surely?

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Are You Being Served?: 1x05 His and Hers

"A glass of water for Mr Granger... and a tranquilliser for Mr Lucas!"

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Cosmos: 1x04 A Sky Full of Ghosts

I'm not sure if I should be scared; a Black Hole at the center of our Galaxy!

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Cosmos: 1x05 Hiding in the Light

This is an amazing treasure trove of information; to think that so long ago in the history of man, cavemen were seeing pin-hole images on cave walls and watching them in wonder

It is only through man's determination to keep information to himself rather than share it freely that we are not perhaps more advanced than we already are

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Are You Being Served?: 1x03 Our Figures Are Slipping's not so much how you handle the customer... it's getting the customers into the store; there never seem to be many :)

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Are You Being Served?: 1x02 Dear Sexy Knickers...

Knickers, Bloomers... call them what you will they are always good for a laugh

Hilarious easing of the 'seat' by Mr Lucas

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Are You Being Served?: 1x01 Are You Being Served? (Pilot)

Hilarious start; no matter how many times you see these episodes the jokes come thick and fast

"How do you stand working here?"
"You grit your teeth; this is my second set this year!"

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Inspector Morse: 7x01 Deadly Slumber

This was a good one; totally didn't get who the killer was... misdirection indeed!

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The Flash: 1x17 Tricksters

So the circle of trust is now 3.

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Family Guy: 4x11 Peter's Got Woods

Poor Christina! Talk about an insult.

Poor James Woods; where on earth has he been stored!

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Continuum: 3x06 Wasted Minute

Oh no! Good Alec, what are you going to do now?

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Inspector Morse: 6x05 Cherubim and Seraphim

Watching this back now, Raves, seem so old fashioned.

I'm not sure the motivations of the poor souls who took their life are truly explained. Was the architect of death in this episode really unmasked?

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Person of Interest: 4x18 Skip

Harold, what were you thinking. There are only 3 known people actively working against the tyrant of the machine and you make a choice like that!

Root makes the right choice. Elegantly done.

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The Flash: 1x16 Rogue Time

Excellent supporting cast in this episode.

It's good to see the sweeping death toll of the last episode has been reversed.

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Wolf Hall: 1x03 Anna Regina

I was glad the burning depicted at the end of this episode was given a sensitive treatment, I really don't like burning as a way to die. I think the part where he tested the power of flame with his candle was very poignant :(

So for now the Kings has what he wants and Cromwell's influence grows; for now!

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Wolf Hall: 1x02 Entirely Beloved

The first episode was great, this one builds on that.

Love the archery scene, Cromwell now has the Kings ear as events move forward

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The Blacklist: 2x16 Tom Keen

So, a good all-round episode; Tom is back, Lizzie side steps a full trill by jury and Cooper found out the experimental drugs appear to be having a good effect.

All is well then. Except for the widow and child of the police officer. That said, how many other fathers have been gunned down in the course of a Blacklist case. I think more than on scholarship is needed!

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The Blacklist: 2x14 T. Earl King VI

So I am left thinking was this real and true emotion at the end of the episode; I never know what to trust as being real :(

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Grace & Favour: 2x05 The Mongolian Hordes

"here's a picture of me naked on the heathrug, except for a nappie"

" How old were you?"


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The Blacklist: 2x12 The Kenyon Family

Lots to think about in this episode, for sure, and lots of it I found to be quite distasteful subject matter.

Red; whats in the case?

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Grace & Favour: 2x04 The Cat Came Back

Sometimes the most straightforward of humorous lines are the best.

This episode brings a smile to you face :)

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Family Guy: 4x02 Fast Times at Buddy Cianci Jr. High

Stewie "Can we stop at the supermarket, I want a Granny Smith apple"

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Family Guy: 13x13 Dr. C and the Women

LOL "Start the credits... lots of little names"

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The Walking Dead: 5x16 Conquer

This had to be rated 10/10

What a brilliant episode from the first minute right to the end.

Trouble is approaching from all sides; the next season already has so much promise.

So! "Rick, Do It!"

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Elementary: 3x12 The One That Got Away (2)

Best episode of the season so far with flashbacks to reveal some history, only sad to see Kitty leave at the end as her character had come interesting. Hopefully she will return

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The Flash: 1x15 Out of Time

Superb! So much has happened in this episode I can't believe anything will happen but the reversal of it all via a time travel twist; we're all set for that now so over to you Barry

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Family Guy: 4x13 Jungle Love

Only Stewie can pull off a convincing 9 to 5 sketch!

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Family Guy: 4x10 Model Misbehavior

Stewie's power of Brian is scarey... LOL

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Scorpion: 1x19 Young Hearts Spark Fire

These guys really do seem to get into some fixes! Today, air flight crashes, smoke, fire, dehydration; they look good on it!

Sylvester is the man of the episode, if not for coming through in the end for putting up with the constant jibes from the pilot; I'd have been very tempted to leave him behind!!

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