

Birmingham, UK

Tut: 1x02 Part Two: Betrayal

Shout by Simon

For a people so wrapped in the actions of the Gods, and for a person so fearful her actions had caused the loss of her child - I do wonder why she thinks burning another pregnant woman alive will help further her cause. Some people are so narrow visioned.

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Tut: 1x01 Part One: Power

As with many of the 'Kings' and 'Queens' of any time period it seems Tutankhamun was just a puppet; no-one had even really seen him and just joked about his apparent physical deformities.

Unsavory marriage practices (by today's standards) seem to be commonplace; it's no wonder a fair share of 'crazies' ended up running things....

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The Golden Girls: 7x14 Old Boyfriends

It seems Blanche is no longer the biggest 'Slut' in the house; who would have thought it!

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