

Birmingham, UK

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2

Top marks for the special effects. I heaven't read the books but I do find the storyline confusing... I didn't understand the events of the ceremony at the end. Truthfully I only watched this because I had seen the others in the series but I'm left wishing I hadn't started. My personal grade of 6/10 is a reflection of the special effects rather than any other aspect of the film

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Independence Day

Certainly not a winner for dialogue and acting but with entertainment in the special effects department there's fun to be had.

Is there an Area 51? A sobering thought.

Brent Spiner makes this film! On the other hand the general who keeps saying 'My God!' is so so annoying

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Thor: The Dark World

…and so as the 9 realms come into alignment….

A good fun film with high calibre special effects and the usual Stan Lee cameo, but, with absolutely no chemistry between any of the cast. An ideal film actually for a drizzly Saturday afternoon

For me, the best scenes being the Greenwich scenes, total carnage and destruction rains down on Earth, but, please be quiet in the library as you walk through; typically British!

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The Midnight Sky

On the edge of being too fringe for me.

Predictable story which didn't seem to explain anything, unless I missed it, about why the Earth was damaged and Billions had perished. perhaps I dozed off for that bit of the dialogue [sorry!]

Very scenic film with what is I guess a positive ending - already slow moving, but, it would have been nice to see that they made their second journey successfully; I guess that would have required a film the length of Cleopatra!

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Be Big!

Be Big boys!!

Told by friends and wives to Be Big the hapless two simply need to get ready for a trip out only to be stopped by a stuck boot.

How much fun can you get out of a boot. Swathes if laugh out loud moments that’s how much.

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Humerus if expectantly weird (it is a Coen Brother’s movie) view of suburban life. What lies behind the keyhole is not all that you expect.

A very topical view of just how dark people can be be it with strangers, work colleagues, neighbours and family. For some people all they truly care about is themselves.

I just want to ask; who the heck was driving that fire truck!? LOL

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The Lost City of Z

It seemed to me that this guy fathered children, disappeared at every opportunity and that somehow his wife managed to raise this children, alone and make a living. I guess part of his expedition monies must have gone to her, thats what it was.

For children who had never seen their father they were certainly open to embracing him and eventually going off on what certainly seems to be a trip to an early grave. As neither Percival nor Jack were ever seen again it's of course all open to guess work

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Steve Jobs

Solitary, bloody minded, egotistical and generally it seems a fairly disliked man. Should any of this come as a surprise?

I would have imagined that the focus required to deliver the Apple products and services over the years certainly would require a certain type of mindset.

Whatever you may think of Steve Jobs there's no denying his legacy and the contribution he has made to almost every person and life currently living.

Taken too soon; who knows what a difference he might have made

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Crimson Peak

A deliciously 'visual' movie as Guillermo del Toro movies usually are. Quite brutal in places, obscenely so at times, particularly the bathroom murder! I've thought about and I still don't understand the significance of the red clay?

Watching to the conclusion I can't help but want to know what happened to Edith and Alan....

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Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials

Why do I feel like 130+ minutes of nothing just unravelled in front of my eyes? The characters don’t seem to have achieved anything.

On the plus side the journey of the characters through the destroyed cityscape was incredible; the teams involved in creating that achieved brilliance

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The Intern

Shout by Simon

"You're never wrong for doing the right thing…”

Well, this wasn’t what I thought it would be, and for me, thats a bad thing. I wanted more substance, instead it was all a bit insipid and a little dull.

Retiree finds he needs a job, is employed by an Internet startup by a businesswoman who (initially) neither wants or likes him.

Of course Ben (De Niro) works his magic and before long he is her best friend, life of course always works this way.

I’m not at all clear on that ending though; does life work itself out if you exercise in the park?

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The Maze Runner

Yeah, not a bad movie. The dialogue and approach of the characters was just a little silly I think. Years they have been there and not until Thomas arrives do they see anything 'happening' with heir daily lives. Shown a possible 'out' the community that was once happy to accept their position in life and the rules of the game suddenly put all their energies behind Thomas' vision. I don't buy it!

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Shout by Simon

Watching now, this movie remains fairly up to date although the futuristic ‘clans’ seem to have advanced technology coupled with outdated [1980’s] approaches which clash a little.

I have to feel sorry for the worms being used as battle machines and what kind of brother sends a little sister. Into the lions den like that !

Entertaining if confusing at times. Lock-in forward to seeing the new spin on this due shortly

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Throw Momma from the Train

Shout by Simon

Could they make this movie today? “Watch this Beth, have you ever seen a Weeble snorkel?”

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Maze Runner: The Death Cure

Shout by Simon

Seemed a little over long, I lost interest a few times. Predicable rescue and chase moments particularly the climatic ending

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They Go Boom!

Only L&H could get into so much grief with a sneeze

A superb demonstration as to why air beds are not good and why people with no common sense should not have gas supplies

Hilarious as always.

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Shout by Simon

I’m not sure I fully understood what the movie was trying to say

It seemed comical then serious with mixed messaging. The ultimate in poor communication between husband and wife though yeah! He gets reduced in size, she ditches and heads home with one eyebrow missing.

I enjoyed part of the movie, after a slow beginning the mid section was entertaining whilst the ending, well it’s odd!

Technically, a very well done movie; small looks believable . Personally it’s an interesting concept and it’s made to sound very appealing. Who wouldn’t be tempted by the offer of living a pampered existence usually well out of grasp.

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Blade Runner 2049

Shout by Simon

I probably shouldn’t have started to watch this film, with its long running time, when I was feeling tired. Especially with the dark scenes and often muted colours.

Yeah, it was OK. The best scenes saved for the final portion of the film.

Love the cityscape and the technical side which suggests great advances over current day. Of course, we are somewhat behind the curve; we won’t have ‘replicants’ by 2020 that’s for sure!!

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Shout by Simon

What an odd film; I gave 6/10 which might be a little high actually - mainly for the nice shots of the Vegas skyline!

I'm confused to an extent; was he always undercover? I thought he was a dirty cop? Oh well, it all went badly wrong didn't it.

Film synopsis: shootout, chase, kidnapping, running around a bathroom and kitchen, chase, shootout, unsurprising double-cross, shootout, smiley glad-hand moment, open ending suggesting more corruption....

It would have been better if they built the profile of Down's better so that you understood him and his sacrifices; there wasn't really any characters to care about.

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In the Heart of the Sea

"Experience the true encounter that inspired the myth Moby Dick"

A voyage into the historical tragedy that was and to some extent remains 'Whaling'. It's horrendous to think this happened and even worse to think it still does today; sickening. Personally, I cheered for the white Whale, I had no feelings of sorrow in regards the crew, whatever happens they deserved it... so be it!

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Sex Tape

'Siri, How do you perform CPR on a dog?'

'I found 4 places named Starbucks!'

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Black Mass

Shout by Simon

While factual movies are always interesting, this particular one failed to hold my attention despite a veritable who's who of acting talent

Depp is great in his role, I confess the makeup is so good you can barely tell its him!

If it has no other accolade, it probably does hold one for the most prolific use of the 'f' word!

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The Gunman

Slow pace, a little confusing. Didn't quite hold my attention. I think the message is there's a lot of corruption out there and all of it is in the name of corporate greed!

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Point Break

Shout by Simon

| Justice has no limits

Breathtaking scenery can't compensate for the rest of the film which just isn't mildly believable.

An actor [ Max Thieriot ] I would have liked to have seen take a bigger part in the movie was dispensed with fairly early on.

I'm disappointed. The Keanu Reeves 'Point Break' was a good film, this is not.

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Before I Go to Sleep

"You had an accident. It was a bad accident. You had head injuries. And you have problems remembering things."

How awful, to find that a whole chunk of your memory is wiped each night, you have to wonder at what type of injury could achieve such a thing.

We don't really find any of that out; what we do see is the unravelling of a web of deceit and a woman with a chequered past, well played by Kidman and Firth but I did find my attention wandering; it's not until the last 15 minutes we have any real action or urgency.

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Leave the real world behind. Welcome to the high life

I hadn't read any reviews before watching this. I wish I had, I'd have given it a miss.

Very visual, totally weird or at least to me it was totally weird. Very artistically expressive

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Shout by Simon

Watchable if bizzare story of a family who unfortunately seem to have more than their fair share of trouble.

Unless I missed it there doesn't seem to be a concrete conclusion as to where the daughter has gone; Australia being such a huge place the answer is unfortunately - anywhere

Nicole Kidman certainly keeps your focus despite (as a character) some quite questionable choices. What's wrong with her indeed!!

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The Hurricane Heist

Not so much dramatic as hilarious.

Some good moments and special effects with poor to hilariously bad scripting.

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Knock Knock

Oh wow! For me, it's just bad bad bad

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