

Birmingham, UK

Star Trek: The Next Generation: 3x07 The Enemy

Romulans. So, what were they doing there? I wanted answers.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 2x11 Contagion

Have you tried switching it off and on again?

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The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

The 1960's, a time when east and west didn't get on; not much different to now really! Loved the comedy in this, it makes the movie. When it ended, I was honestly surprised, I was waiting for the next scene... sequel please!

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Sense8: 1x12 I Can't Leave Her

I can't believe that's the ending of the season. So much to explain. I see the only viable resolution being they have to get to Whispers and take him out. Is that Season 2? I think my favourite character remains Wolfgang

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Sense8: 1x09 Death Doesn't Let You Say Goodbye

Shout by Simon

Well. Now I feel depressed. What a mountain of personal baggage revealed in the last 45 minutes. Do we think Lito knew the gun was fake? He must have right?

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Lost in Space: 2x04 Forbidden World

Missile | Crash | Alien - kind of in a cycle here

The ginger alien has been on the planet for 200yrs... Of course :) . As always, Robot saves the episode

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Lost in Space: 2x01 Blast Off into Space

So, we have taken off again. Thank goodness. Personally I would have left Dr Smith behind for sure!!

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Ahsoka: Season 1

I pushed through all 8 episodes. Sorry, this was quite poor. I don't know specifically what's wrong it just doesn't work. After the other shows recently Like Kenobi and Mandalorian I had a different expectation. This is, boring. I say 5, thats frankly on the generous side.

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Sad this was cancelled, it could have gone further and it could have been way better. It seems wide open for someone else to pick it up.

I'm not a fan of the Russ Taylor character; they could have done without him and way too much Desi....

Love the humour, love the action and the great Mac-style resolutions to problems

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The Golden Girls: 3x07 Strange Bedfellows

Blanche: Hello? Yes, this is Blanche and how did you get this number? And better yet, why am I even talking to you? I don't like you. Matter of fact I hate you. You can just tear up my number and then go climb back under your slimy rock with all the rest of your slimy friends! And don't you EVER call here again!
Blanche: Dorothy, call Stan.

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The Golden Girls: 3x06 Letter To Gorbachev

Sophia: This watch is broken.
Dorothy: Ma! Stan gave me that watch for our wedding anniversary!
Sophia: Well the marriage never worked, why should the watch?

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The Golden Girls: 3x04 The Housekeeper

Sophia: She's the housekeeper, right?
Dorothy: Right.
Sophia: But she's not supposed to lift a finger, right?
Dorothy: Right.
Sophia: If anything needs to be done, you take care of it, right?
Dorothy: Right. Where are you going, Ma?
Sophia: To get a job as a housekeeper!

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The Golden Girls: 3x03 Bringing Up Baby

Rose: There you are! You get in the kitchen and eat your slop before I spank that little pink fanny!
Sophia: All right, I'm going, I'm going... Oh, sorry. That's the way they used to call us for dinner at the home.

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The Golden Girls: 3x02 One for the Money

Rose: When I was younger I was known as the Dancing Fool.
Dorothy: How old were you when they dropped the "Dancing" part?

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The Golden Girls: 3x01 Old Friends

Blanche Devereaux: But, honey, she's just a child. You cant expect a child to give back a toy. You do understand, don't you?
Rose Nylund: Just cut the crap and get the damn teddy bear!

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The Golden Girls: 2x26 Empty Nests

Renee Corliss: At two in the morning, waiting for George to come home, I called a radio talk show. I gave them the solution to the crisis in the Middle East.
Rose Nylund: Giving the Palestinians Greenland?
Renee Corliss: You heard it?
Rose Nylund: I didn't know that was you. You were great!
Dorothy Petrillo-Zbornak: Giving the Palestinians Greenland?
Renee Corliss: It's a big place. Nobody uses it.

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The Golden Girls: 2x25 A Piece of Cake

Salvadore Petrillo: I'm tired of this "old lady" business. You're acting like an ass! You don't look 50. You don't look 48. You're as beautiful as the day I married you.
Sophia Petrillo: Oh, Salvadore! Tell me that again.
Salvadore Petrillo: You're acting like an ass!

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The Golden Girls: 2x23 Son-In-Law Dearest

Rose Nylund: Do you want to watch I Like Lucy with us?
Blanche Devereaux: I Love Lucy.
Rose Nylund: I haven't seen it yet so I don't know how I feel about it.

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The Golden Girls: 2x22 Diamond in the Rough

Rose: I found out that Baked Alaska can be baked locally.
Dorothy: Rose I know something else. Mars Bars are made right here on Earth.

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The Golden Girls: 2x21 Dorothy's Prized Pupil

Rose Nylund: Mario, can I fix you a snack?
Mario: Sure, I'm starved.
Rose Nylund: How about a herring salad sandwich on raisin bread?
Mario: Oh wow, I'm gonna miss my bus!

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The Ice Road

Shout by Simon

This was an OK movie and far above the quality that has been available to watch over the last 12 months. Plot holes by the bucket load and never was there a more insipid villain in the guise of the insurance underwriter.... what did happen to him in the end? Something gruesome I hope; perhaps that was a cut scene.

I feel there was a missed opportunity with the Ice Road itself, more suspense, more drama. Goldenrod was a bit of a twit really wasn't he... supposedly experienced but actually not so much. The best prop has to be the bobbleheads; every vehicle should have one!

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The Woman in the Window

Probably one of the best movies I have seen this last 12 months. Haven't read the book, the movie holds attention, the last section much faster paced and surprising actually.

Can I just say... love Brownstones!

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I'm not sure there was anything here maybe that hasn't been covered before. I often think that news people in modern times are ruthless beyond belief but actually when you watch historical footage like this you realise they have always been just as despicable.

Even if there wasn't much (if any) fresh discussion here it's still a wonderful celebration of a person battling the odds to become one of the most successful and well loved people in my lifetime.

Believe it Tina, you are The Best!

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The Golden Girls: 2x20 Whose Face Is This, Anyway?

Rose: Oh, Blanche, how do you feel about performing in front of a video camera?
Blanche: I think it's okay as long as you've already had at least three dates.

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The Golden Girls: 2x19 Long Day's Journey Into Marinara

Angela: May your shampoo get mixed up with your Preparation H and shrink your head to the size of a mushroom!

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The Golden Girls: 2x18 Forgive Me, Father

Sophia: Rose, I found my lucky handkerchief.
Rose: Where was it?
Sophia: It was in my bra.
Rose: What was it doing in your bra?
Sophia: I was blowing my breast, Rose.

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The Golden Girls: 2x17 Bedtime Story

Sophia: You know, in the right hands and the right bag, this chipped beef is not half bad.

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The Golden Girls: 2x16 And Then There Was One

Dorothy: Rose, honey... have you been washing the fruit off before you eat it?

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The Golden Girls: 2x15 Before and After

Blanche: I am abhorred!
Sophia: We know what you are, Blanche, I'm glad to hear you finally admitting it.
Blanche: Sophia, I said abhorred.
Sophia: A whore, a slut, a tramp - they're all the same.

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The Golden Girls: 2x14 The Actor

Rose: I feel so common, so cheap... so used. How do you usually deal with that Blanche?
Blanche: ...Rose, just for that I'm going to flush the toilet tonight while your taking a shower.

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