


Squid Game: The Challenge: 1x10 One Lucky Day

The last 2 games could have been chosen better

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Castlevania: Nocturne: 1x08 Devourer of Light

Oooo what an episode! Completely unexpected!!

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Parasyte -the maxim-: 1x01 Metamorphosis

What an amazing first episode!

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Berserk: 1x25 Time of Eternity

Damn... Now how do we continue

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Black Mirror: 2x03 The Waldo Moment

The weakest episode so far

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Castlevania: 2x07 For Love

This is one of the best TV show episodes I have ever watched. A masterpiece in every sense!

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Cowboy Bebop: 1x15 Ballad of Fallen Angels

One of the best episodes so far

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Westworld: 1x03 The Stray

Lauren: These talks... I don't know if they help or... Do you ever wish you could forget?

Bernard Lowe: This pain... it's all I have left of him.

This show just keeps getting better and better.

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