



Shout by Elie
BlockedParent2016-10-08T05:42:51Z— updated 2016-10-09T09:51:28Z

An exceptional masterpiece.

  • Stellar performances by Bogart, Bergman, Henreld and Rains
  • The writing and dialog are extremely well done
  • Breathtaking scenery and lighting (remember this is the 40s so CGI is unheard of)
  • Fun music and OST

I heard about all the praise the movie received but after watching it, it is now easily in my top movies of all time.

Here's looking at you, kid

A Classic Gem !

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Shout by Elie
BlockedParent2017-01-21T07:11:23Z— updated 2017-09-18T05:55:07Z

Best Movie quote:
"If we are alone in the Universe, it sure seems like an awful waste of space."

  • Eye popping opening scene
  • Deals with the science vs religion debate in a clear and well thought manner
  • Superb cast
  • Intense and exciting plot that keeps you on the brink of what is yet to come
  • Carl sagan is one the writers so expect some great science stuff :)
  • Although this is science fiction, but the technical accuracy of when it comes to contact with an alien race is very believable and intelligent
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+ Dunkirk depicts and reveals the scale of the event on all levels: Land, air, and sea
+ Glorious cinematography (by Hoyte Van Hoytema) and editing (by Lee Smith) adding significantly to the experience
+ Electrifying soundtrack by Hans Zimmer
+ Loud and fulfilling sound effects from the diving Stukas to the distant machine gun shots
+ Your heart will keep pounding due to the blend of senses emitted by the visuals and audio
+ Great cast and chemistry through actions (Dialog is limited)
+ Nolan throws the audience right in the middle of WAR.
+ The whole movie focusses on the event itself instead of on a couple of soldiers. Hence, the lack of strong character development which I thought was awesome and a wise choice by Nolan

- Music at times might feel too loud thus covering the dialog

Dunkirk must be experienced in IMAX!

Plot Complexity:

Best Movie Quote:
Men my age dictate this war. Why should we be allowed to send our children to fight it?

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A Monster Calls

A Monster Calls is a movie that will take you on a roller-coaster of emotions. One of the best movies of 2016. Simply mind blowing !

Here is my quick review:
+ Stunning performances by all actors
+ Out of this world art and cinematography
+ Lots of drama and moral discussion
+ Captivating and deeply moving plot with a perfect flow
+ The movie leaves a long lasting impression.
- Sorry but I couldn't find any

Plot Complexity:

Best Movie Quote:
Because humans are complicated beasts. You believe comforting lies, while knowing full well the painful truth that makes those lies necessary. In the end, Conor, it is not important what you think. It is only important what you do.

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It's a Wonderful Life

A classic ageless gem that should be watched at least once a year.

Frank Capra regarded this film as his own personal favorite and it was also James Stewart's favorite.

This is one of the few movies that I can easily give a perfect 10 for all the emotions it brought forward.

If someone asks me for a classic to watch I will blindly tell them "It's a Wonderful Life"

  • Storytelling and flow like no other
  • Drama and some comedy make the movie fun all over
  • Superb cast and directing

Awesome quote from the movie:
Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?

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Terminator 2: Judgment Day

@dunpealhunter Excellent Review. I agree with everything you mentioned.

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Terminator 2: Judgment Day

So just to see how exceptional this movie was:
Until Mad Max: Fury Road (2015), this was the only sequel to win an Academy Award when the previous installment(s) received no nomination.

Terminator 2 is one of my favorite action movies of all time and here is why:

  • Amazing Antagonist (Robert Patrick) and Protagonist (Arny) with a set of great actors/actresses: Linda Hamilton and Edward Furlong
  • Lots of memorable moments that will stick with you forever
  • Action sequences with tons of explosions and VFX
  • CGI that still outshines current day CGI. Believe it or not, this movie was released in 1991
  • One of Cameron's biggest achievements ever imo.
  • Soundtrack that never gets old
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Shout by Elie
BlockedParent2016-11-06T09:24:56Z— updated 2016-12-21T06:40:23Z

Electrifying Movie (Not quite my tempo !)

  • Powerful Cast: The chemistry between J.K. Simmons and Miles Teller was exceptional
  • If you are not a Jazz fan, this movie might change your perspective :)
  • Thrilling and Inspirational moments
  • Perfect flow
  • One of the best movies of 2014/2015: Won 3 oscars so enough said
  • This movie will stick with you for quite sometime

One of the best movie quotes:
There are no two words in the English language more harmful than "good job".

An easy recommendation for anyone.

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Kill Bill: Vol. 1

- Gorgeous Cinematography and transitional effects. One moment the movie goes into black and white and the next is silhouettes conducting sword combat.
- Spectacular set designs and visuals
- Unforgettable OST that will sit on my playlist for quite sometime
- Movie is divided into numerous Acts making it a treat to follow (Another QT signature)
- Unexpected comedy at certain places which is always a big welcome
- Sword fights and choreography at its finest
- Character development is handled perfectly
- Music, Art, and Film combined into a classic
- Now I need to watch Vol 2

- Might be too gory for some but this is QT’s trademark

Plot Complexity:

Fast and there is never a dull moment

Movie Facts:
- Extremely gory and violent (QT Trademark)
- Listed in IMDB top 250

Nominated for 1 Golden Globe

Best Movie Quote:
Revenge is a dish best served cold

Yes it is just a masterpiece in action

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Seven Samurai

Seven Samurai can only be described as magical piece of art.

  • Don't let the 210 minute tag on the movie scare you. It is worth the ride and experience.

  • Each samurai has a distinguished trait which makes them memorable and allows the audience to form a bond with them

  • The cinematography is simply outstanding especially when it comes to the scenes that include rain.

  • An easy to comprehend plot with thrilling action scenes is also what adds to the appeal of Seven Samurai.

  • Depicts the Japanese culture and relation between Samurai and Farmers in the 1600s.

Memorable movie quotes:
* This is the nature of war: By protecting others, you save yourselves. If you only think of yourself, you'll only destroy yourself.
* Danger always strikes when everything seems fine.

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Blade Runner 2049

Shout by Elie
BlockedParent2017-09-30T10:43:54Z— updated 2017-10-07T04:38:45Z

For all those who want to get in the mood of Blade Runner, you should watch these 3:


and the awesome anime version by Shinichiro Watanabe:

Can't wait for release !

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Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV
  • Great plot and flow
  • Stunning CGI like you've never seen before !
  • Insane large battles which glue you to the screen: although they get too fast at times
  • Just like the visuals, the sound effects also add to the depth and experience
  • Even if you haven't played the game, you can still enjoy the movie
  • Keep an eye for the post credit scene: If you're interested in seeing their backstories too, there's an ongoing mini anime series titled Brotherhood: Final Fantasy XV available on the game's official YouTube channel.
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Downfall: The Case Against Boeing

The definition of human greed.

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Pan's Labyrinth
  • Del Toro considers the movie as a spiritual successor to his earlier film The Devil's Backbone
  • Stellar performances by the cast namely Lopez and Baquero
  • Stunning visuals and beautiful cinematography filled with magic and unique creatures
  • Fantasy creatures like you've never seen before
  • Winner of 3 oscars which I believe says enough
  • Beautiful Score by Javier Navarrete
  • Captivating flow and story which intertwines amazingly well

Other notes:
Not for kids due to violence

Plot Complexity:

Best Movie Quote:
You're getting older, and you'll see that life isn't like your fairy tales. The world is a cruel place. And you'll learn that, even if it hurts.

Post Credits:

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Life of Pi
  • Surreal visuals and CGI (The 3D effects are worth it for a change)
  • Captivating story and flow
  • Poetic, Emotional and Spiritual depth
  • The movie will make you hunt for more information
  • One of the best movies of 2012
  • One of Ang Lee’s finest works

Random Facts:
- Based on Yann Martel’s Booker-prize winning novel

Plot Complexity:
Medium to Hard

Memorable Quote:
- Believing in everything is the same as believing in nothing
- I suppose in the end, the whole of life becomes an act of letting go, but what always hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye.

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The Girl Who Leapt Through Time

I thoroughly enjoyed this as I'm into any movie with time-traveling. Great story about how valuable time is.

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Green Book

A fantastic movie that will stimulate all your emotions. Fantastic chemistry between the cast is a big plus.

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Being John Malkovich

Stunning and Unique:

  • Fantastic Cast: Cusack, Diaz, Malkovich, Keener
  • The flow is perfect with new ideas and scenarios revealing themselves every now and then keeping the audience glued to their seats
  • The concept of the movie is quite unique and unmatched
  • Not going to spoil this but there are a couple of hilarious scenes and events that will unfold as your mind keeps questioning the endless possibilities
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Ready Player One
  • Mindblowing CGI
  • Insane number of easter eggs from movies and video games
  • Great soundtrack
  • Fast-paced and just fun to watch
  • If you are expecting a great plot then this is not your movie
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Star Wars

Shout by Elie

This is my first Star Wars experience and yes I plan to run the complete franchise marathon !

Here is my quick review:

+ Outstanding Technical Achievement which set the bar high for special effects
+ Music and score are pure ear candy
+ Loveable characters: Darth Vader, C3PO and R2 are always fun to watch
+ Captivating plot and perfect flow

- Lack of emotional display from some characters (Spoilers Below):
- Luke's Uncle and Aunt disintegrated and not even a tear is shed
- A full planet blows up and no one cares
- Obi Wan perishes and Luke seems more attached to him than his Uncle and Aunt

Plot Complexity:
Easy to comprehend

Best Movie Quote:
Darth Vader: The Force is strong with this one.

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Hell or High Water

Quote: I've been poor my whole life, like a disease passing from generation to generation. But not my boys, not anymore.

  • Written by Taylor Sheridan, whose first produced screenplay became last year's largely acclaimed thriller "Sicario" -- Source: Ebert
  • Perfect chemistry and outstanind performances by all cast members
  • Eye popping cinematography
  • Excellent movie flow
  • Gunplay and Heists by the dozen

No wonder the movie is nominated for 4 oscars

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The Intouchables

Brilliant Uplifting Movie

  • Great cast: Francois Cluzet and Omar Sy were a perfect match. Francois Cluzet acted with his face only and was quite magical.
  • Loved the soundtrack
  • Heart touching true story with lots of life lessons
  • Movie shows how it feels to have everything and nothing at the same time
  • The comedy and laughs were spot on
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Forrest Gump
  • A well executed movie with a clear and concise message.
  • The cinematography and scenery is breath-taking also.
  • Tom Hanks delivers an unforgettable performance.
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Terminator Genisys

I really enjoyed the movie. Much better than the previous 2 but does not exceed the first two. The cast was well chosen also.

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- Artistic and Beautiful Cinematography
- Creepy and disturbing sequence of events
- Solid character performances
- Heavily based on metaphors and symbolism which allows open ended discussions

- Might turn out many viewers due to its complexity

Plot Complexity:

Flow: (Act 1, 2, 3)
Great flow

Movie Facts:
Throughout the entire movie, no one's name is ever mentioned and not a single character is ever referred to by any name, the way they are listed in the end credits is by their given role in the story.

Fact: There is no musical score for the film, and not a single bit of music appears in the film whatsoever until the end credits, where "The End of the World" plays covered by singer Patti Smith.

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The Platform

Shout by Elie
BlockedParent2020-03-28T21:54:01Z— updated 2020-03-30T07:59:47Z

The movie is a representation of society. It has a bit of "SnowPiercer" and "Cube".
It is a bit extreme on the gore but overall an enjoyable experience.

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Terrifyingly awesome without being cheesy and too predictable.

The protagonists are fighting a shark which has no super powers.
The suspense and thrills are well crafted and not over exaggerated.
There is only 1 major jump scare which is perfect in my book.
A recommended and well paced thriller!

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The Fountain

Shout by Elie
BlockedParent2016-11-15T20:23:45Z— updated 2017-02-20T12:41:27Z

From the director of Requiem for a Dream and PI comes another powerful and earth shattering movie.

Smart and profoundly moving film that deals with eschatology, metaphysics, and love.

You will want to watch this several times.

It is one of the movies strongest points.

Deeply affecting, Transcendent, Melancholy that will last for quite sometime on your playlist.

Superb performance by Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz.
I know that Jackman excels in almost every role but Rachel Weisz was equally fantastic.

To learn more and further understand the movie, please read:

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You Were Never Really Here

Extremely powerful and well shot+edited. However, this movie is not for everyone as it is not a point a to b type when it comes to story telling.

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Nocturnal Animals

Tom Ford: other well known movies include "A Single Man"

  • A movie with one of the strangest and most bizarre openings but yet carries a powerful message once understood
  • Superb performances from all the cast with a couple of unforgettable thrilling scenes
  • Beautiful Cinematography and music
  • Contains a sequence that's one of the most discomfortingly suspenseful in quite sometime
  • A movie that will stick with you and will let you dig further into the symbolisms

Articles to read after watching:

Plot Complexity:
Medium to Hard

Best Movie Quote:
When you love someone you have to be careful with it, you might never get it again.

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