Darshan Langalia



Human: Season 1

This is an utter waste of 7h 30m. This story should not take more than is not more than 40 minutes.

Bhopal's Manthan hospital is caught in a drug trial scandal. Dr. Saira (Kirti Kulhari) uncovers it, clashing with Dr. Nath (Shefali Shah) who runs the trials. Mangu (Vishal Jethwa), a slum dweller, gets involved and helps expose the truth. Saira's husband Neil (Indraneil Sengupta) dies, and she joins forces with activist OP (Aasif Khan) to fight for justice. Dr. Nath is exposed and killed, Mangu blows up the drug company, and the victims get some peace.

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Another case of not following Isaac Asimov' Robotics Laws! :open_mouth:‍:dash:

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The Billion Dollar Code: 1x04 Episode 4

I wanted them (terravision) to win! ☹

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Shark Tank: 14x01 Shark Tank LIVE!

I was excited to see this episode in Hindi language dub, but watching in Hindi is not at all recommend. I assume 2-3 persons has dubbed for everyone and result is poor.

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Marvel's Runaways: Season 1

Didn't watch already thanks to RecapMan!

Tried as it was a part of Marvel Watch List, didn't like it though :sweat_smile:

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5x11 All the Comforts of Home

She was already joke for being speedster. Why she needs to find hand-to-hand when she's got speed already? I am more upset now, was upset with her from beginning.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4x18 No Regrets

Am I the only one wanting to end this dream soon?

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Marvel's Jessica Jones: 2x11 AKA Three Lives and Counting

So Hard, Food for a thought!

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4x07 Deals with Our Devils

Ever heard of Ultron's sister?

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Marvel's The Punisher: 1x13 Memento Mori

We need to shock him or multivitamin him or something, why The Punisher can take more punches compared to opponents, always!! As Gore as Funny as Good!

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Marvel's The Punisher: 1x12 Home

Last scene was really making this an adult tv show. Just to increase blood they made so fake blood that he was sitting and bleeding on floor but it should be chair seat. That was fun part trying make it more bloody than it was in real.

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Marvel's The Punisher: 1x10 Virtue of the Vicious

Learnt that he isn't what other's say he is and yeah we can see that but did we came here to see that?

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Marvel's The Defenders: 1x08 The Defenders

Everyone is here together, where are these Agent's ot SHIELD, in the centre of New York, where they are supposed to be all knowing? :joy::joy:

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Marvel's Iron Fist: 1x11 Lead Horse Back to Stable

May be different name of group, instead of The Ear or The Arm, The Left Hand or The Right Hand us good enough! :joy:

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Marvel's Iron Fist: 1x08 The Blessing of Many Fractures

Wondering why one who stayed with monk for 15 years and practiced on his chi, can't keep a calm (in flight) or a patience (outside alleged drug making big building)

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3x22 Ascension (2)

So that something, which Hydra was trying to bring back from 70 years or more, just died like that!! :person_in_lotus_position_tone1::male_sign:

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Marvel's Iron Fist: 1x04 Eight Diagram Dragon Palm

I don't understand why all villains send their third quality henchman.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3x13 Parting Shot

I was enjoying acting of Hunter, wanting to hear them more.. Hunter and Bobbie.

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It's great to know story of Word No. 1 Badminton Player who is Indian. Movie is good but I believe there shouldn't be any movie of person famous for specific field till he moves ahead from that. Sportsperson's movie should be made once s/he is retired, documentary may be yes but preferred after retirement. This is my personal view.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 1x14 T.A.H.I.T.I.

Somebody tell me what it was? :cold_sweat:

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 1x09 Repairs

Instead of episodes this was just a DC's Easter Egg. I hope to see crossover someday. :partying_face:

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The Great Hack

I am not much of documentary watcher but this documentary's topic attracted me to watch it. Generally I don't like documentary as some has narrative from single side only.

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The Flash: 3x22 Infantino Street

It's always Astonishing to see Captain Cold and I expect death in this episode kind of fake. Writers are getting a quite predictable.

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The Flash: 3x16 Into the Speed Force

Don't mess with me by bringing back Wentworth Miller as Leonard Snart. I miss him already at DC's Legends of Tomorrow!!

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 2x12 Camelot/3000

WooHoo to the Sir Raymond of the Palms

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The Flash: 3x02 Paradox

Whoa!!! Draco Malfoy, I did not expect this pure-blood wizard at this place. These 2 episodes of season is may be worth gold, loving it!!

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Arrow: 4x05 Haunted

Thanks for this Episode (with Constantine) because I almost started believing that Series is getting boring and writers has no story and just to keep season running thief-police game will only be continued..!

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Arrow: 4x18 Eleven-Fifty-Nine

I do not believe Laurel Lance's death. With all those Pit heals happening to Thea Queen then resurrection of Sara Lance. In other city Flash reverses many things via Time Travel so future must be interesting. Is timeline is fixed or in flux?

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Upload: 1x01 Welcome to Upload

All these upload's memory files (.mem) can be best proof-ever on court floor!

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