


No Game No Life

Reply by deanzel

Through 4 episodes, I think that this is the best show that is airing this season so far. It is an amazing combination of wit, comedy, epic "battles" and, of course, fanservice (Shiro = moe). The brother-sister MC combo of Sora and Shiro have vibed perfectly so far and I can't wait for the new episode to air each Wednesday. It reminds me of the setup in Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo? but has many more interesting premises and brings more intellectual charm and humor imo. The art/colors take a little getting used to in the beginning but I don't mind it now. Madhouse is really showing off their stuff with this and I hope that a second season is in the works soon. Definitely give this a shot and watch a few episodes for the action to really heat up.

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@ManiacB I'm surprised that you didn't pick this up sooner. It seems like something that'd be right up your alley... ahem... closet otaku... ahem :) While the premise sounds generic in the beginning, you really have to watch the show (give it a few episodes) to really see that it is all about No Game No Life's unique style, presentation and comedy. I think that is what has set this show apart from other anime with a similar basic premise. Plus, it's from Madhouse. You can't go wrong... usually.

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Time of EVE: The Movie

Reply by deanzel

Science-fiction authors (and the Japanese) have always been interested in relations between humans and androids. This movie looks at this in a great setup: Having a café with one simple rule; No discrimination between humans and robots. Inside, human looking androids are indistinguishable by appearance (they are forced to have indicators on their heads outside) and can act independently from their owners. Since I'm a sucker for the kinds of stories where the line between man and machine is blurred I enjoyed this a lot and I think it's a strong sci-fi movie even outside the medium of anime (if you're not just an action guy).
(FYI: The movie is an extended version of an OVA series by the same name.)

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I liked this movie (and the ONA series) a lot too. I liked how this didn't stray into the more typical android-human romance (aka the Chobits) and focused more on all the relationships of the characters. I think the extended scenes (and HD) in the movie version added a good amount of intrigue to the story. This is definitely the definitive version of the story to watch for sure.

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Reply by deanzel

Katanagatari is one very unique and beautiful piece of art and I highly emphasize the word "art". It may not be for everyone but if you give it a chance, you may see what truly makes it spectacular. In that sense, it reminds me a lot of the Bakemonogatari series. On the surface this may seem like a simple fetch quest story about collecting these demon swords with childish character designs. However, there is so much more than what meets the eye in this series. The art and designs may seem simplistic at first but look deeper and you'll see a masterfully animated world full of tiny intricate details that just reeks of style. And hidden within are darker and thought-provoking themes of revenge, purpose, self and death.

The defining strength of this anime is the relationship and romance between Togame and Shichika in particular the witty and masterfully scripted dialogue between the two MCs. But be prepared. There is a LOT of dialogue and it very rarely stops. But as I said, the dialogue is top-notch and what drives the character development. The banter between Togame and Shichika almost never gets old whether they are piling on jokes or delving into deep philosophies. And the action (when it finally does come around between all the talking) is excellently done although it can be short at times. Each episode is 45 mins in length and this is both good and bad in a sense. It's good in that each episode's story gets fully developed and it helps drive the character development. However, it makes each episode a bit more of a challenge and a chore to go through along with the simplicity and predictability of the story, amount of talking and overly episodic nature of the series.

Still, this is a unique gem that should be watched and appreciated by all anime lovers. Katanagatari may not be for everyone but if you liked Bakemonogatari or want to try something that is a bit different, definitely give it a shot. "Cheeeeeeerioooo!"

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You can't go wrong with Nisio Isin LNs. But Bakemono is my anime crack. I can never get enough and I'm itching for more. Plus, you can't beat the Senjougahara and Shinobu tsundoli combo.

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Reply by deanzel

This is another masterpiece done by Kyoto Animation. Can they do no wrong? It's a great slice-of-life school anime with a good mix of mystery, drama and a bit of romance (wish there was a bit more personally). I really loved how this series was very realistic in its scenarios, drama and character development which really helped me fall in love with the charming characters even more. Obviously, the art, animation and music are off the charts too. I just pray that there is a second season or movie to tie up the ending (beautifully done but I need my romantic conclusions!!).

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Gosick is definitely on my watchlist and I watched the first episode. Unfortunately, so are like 50 other animes. It will be seen in due time for sure.

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Rokka: Braves of the Six Flowers

Hi! You might not know me but I'm Adlet Mayer. The strongest man in the world.

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The DANKEST man in the world. Science.

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Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches

Reply by deanzel

I'm absolutely loving this show so far. A great Rom-Com with a premise that does actually deliver imo. It may be slightly rushed compared to the manga but it still works well. Plus, Shiraishi = love.

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Just finished the show and love it but I hate Shiraishi. #TeamNENE for life. Beautiful ending nonetheless.

I'm a bit torn on what to rate it as the last quarter of the show was sooooooooo rushed but I loved the adaptation of the manga before then and the changes that they made up to that point. I'm amazed that they were able to cram 90 chapters into this. If I hadn't read the manga, I'd give this a very solid 7/10 (which is quite high for me). Knowing how much things were rushed at the end, I may have to knock it down slightly.

Anyway, I'm still enjoying the manga and it looks to be finally getting back into shape recently. Also, if you haven't seen the OVAs yet, I'd definitely give them a watch. It is new OVA-original material and the Second Festival arc was absolutely hilarious.

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Reply by deanzel

The second season of Noragami has just finished and it surpassed the first in every way. I remember really enjoying the first season but finding the final few episodes and confrontation a bit underwhelming. Well, the second season doesn't have that problem. It hits the ground running and remains consistently good throughout. Deciding to animate two arcs back-to-back with little-to-no filler in between was definitely a wise decision by Bones.

As others have already said, this series really does stand out from other more generic action/comedy shows, thanks to a likable and well-developed cast, good quality animation and of course a godly soundtrack by Iwasaki Taku (also responsible for the soundtrack in Katanagatari).

All in all I have really enjoyed Noragami thus far and I hope we get more in the future.

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Nice. I gotta finish up the second half of the first season and get to the good stuff!!

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Amagi Brilliant Park

Reply by deanzel

An enjoyable 13 episode romp through a silly theme park with fantasy elements thrown in.

The series looks great and holds up to KyoAni's usual high quality of animation for the most part, although a couple of episodes do seem to suffer some "still frame" budget issues (which they may or may not fix in the BD releases). The comedy usually works well and the plot never gets too serious to not retain the light hearted enjoyment factor. Most of the characters are likeable and play off each other well.

This is probably KyoAni's most "fanservicey" show in recent years, although still very tame compared to some out there. Whilst it's obviously aiming primarily for the male demographic, I don't see why others couldn't enjoy it too. And hey, if you are a hetero male, all the better, as there are lots of cute girls to gawk at (Sento best).

A fun experience overall with all but a couple of episodes hitting their mark and hitting it well. Definitely one of KyoAni's best shows in recent memory.

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What am I going to do without my MEMES/SENTO?!?!

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Silver Spoon

Reply by deanzel


Shout by sp1ti

I've added my two cents about the show previously and I'm happy to say it hasimproved (even my wish of a better OP was granted). Where as most anime play it save in an detached setting, Silver Spoon keeps it's Slice of Life grounded and has characters dealing with real-life issues. The start was a bit slow imho but Hachiken keeps on growing throughout the show. If we're lucky another season will be made but this would still be an ending I could live with. It's not selling that well but the manga is still ranked highly.

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I was definitely surprised by how much I enjoyed this show. It was a very relaxing watch and a SOL that had real issues to deal with. I'm praying for a third season but I won't get my hopes up.

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Reply by deanzel

Season 2 confirmed! Prepare for more "will they, won't they" teasing and probably nothing resembling a resolution in sight :D

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I can tell you one thing as a manga reader, "You ain't seen nothing yet".

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Broken Blade

Reply by deanzel


Shout by deanzel

I liked the films and thought it was a cool nice take on a bit more realistic mecha war action. You really got to see how war changed people. The characters were well done and the action wasn't over-the-top with ridiculous powerups or abilities by the MC. But man... that ending was brutal. Anti-climatic and incomplete = essentially begging for a sequel (I can dream). But I guess that's what you get with an anime original ending at movie 6 when the manga material ran out. I could read the manga (and am considering it) but I'm not interested unless I know for a fact that Rygart and Sigyn end up together!!!

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After watching the TV series, this was an egregiously blatant cash grab. There were virtually no differences between the movies and the TV series except for parts of episode 10. And they kept the same anime original ending which just pales in comparison to the manga version and does not leave things as open for a sequel/continuation of the series. If you were watching this for the first time, I'd watch the movies in BD quality (along with a pretty nice dub for people who enjoy that) and just see episode 10 to see the added battle/scenes. It's still a very enjoyable show but I'm disappointed with what the creators did with this "reboot".

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The Kawai Complex Guide to Manors and Hostel Behavior

Reply by deanzel

I really enjoyed this series. It reminds me of Sakurasou ( but I enjoyed this one more. Visually it reminds me of a Makoto Shinkai film ( and that's a good thing!

In terms of the humour and the characters, I really enjoyed both. Kawai is adorable and Mayumi/Sayaka make for some very funny and likeable support characters.

It's a shame this was only 12 episodes long. The final episode isn't terrible but it could easily have continued for another cour. Hopefully we'll get a second season at some point!

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Agree completely. Kawai had a very similar feeling and setup like Sakurasou (weird cast of characters living in a house/dorm). Although, Maison Ikkoku could be considered the precursor to all this in the first place! In terms of pure entertainment, I may have enjoyed Kawai a bit more also. The humor just hit home about 90% of the time. All the characters were just full of win although my personal favorite was Mayumi but maybe because I could sympathize with her a bit :(

It definitely sucks that it was only 12 episodes as I was interested to see if the same formula would work for another cour or not. It is difficult with the format to keep things fresh but the characters are so strong that I think they could have pulled it off. Anyway, I'll add this to my already egregiously long list of shows that I hope will get a second season.

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Knights of Sidonia

Reply by deanzel


Shout by sp1ti

Season 2 has been confirmed as per last episode. That is good news!

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"CG nipples" you say? SOLD!!!

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Knights of Sidonia

Reply by deanzel


Shout by sp1ti

Season 2 has been confirmed as per last episode. That is good news!

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As long as it has sufficient fanservice, I will watch anything :)

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Knights of Sidonia

Reply by deanzel


Shout by sp1ti

Season 2 has been confirmed as per last episode. That is good news!

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This show always looked intriguing to me. I may have to check it out if you think that it's good.

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PERSONA3 THE MOVIE #1 Spring of Birth

Reply by deanzel

This was a great adaptation to one of my absolute favorite games of all time. It's been a little while since I played the game, but its glory was all starting to come back to me as I was watching this first movie. While I enjoyed P4 as a game more, P3 definitely has a better and darker story which is more suited to an anime adaptation like this. And I think that from the first movie alone, the P3 movies have already shown to be better than P4 the Animation. Also, how can a movie with Mitsuru not be awesome?

I do think that Yuki Makoto (the name of the MC) was a bit too anti-social to start but I guess that it leaves a lot of room for him to develop in the next movies. We were beginning to see glimpses of it in the last quarter of the movie. The visuals were top-notch (much better than in the P4 anime series) and I think that the battles played out pretty well and never got too repetitive. While some may say that too many of the social links were cut, I thought that the creators did a great job with the pacing of the movie and were able to still flesh out the main characters with the little time given without things feeling rushed. And the music... Wow. Shōji Meguro is a based god amongst men. When I started to hear the high school and the dorm theme music, I just about lost it. All I need to hear is "Living with Determination (Iowato Dormitory Arrangement)" and my life will be f'n complete. If you haven't heard it, play the link below on repeat for the next 2 hours.

I am a complete Persona homer so I may overlooked some of the flaws of the movie. Still, I'm completely pumped for the next set of movies and I'm interested if the creators will still go with the same dark ending as in the game (perhaps with FES material added in) or make an anime-original ending. I'm kind of hoping for an original ending just to experience something different but the original ending is epic itself. Anyway, I can't wait for the next movie (and Persona 5!!) to come out and get some more Mitsuru action.


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@ManiacB This Persona 3 Movie cover art is now my new official profile backdrop. It is just too god damn bad ass and the Persona homer inside me just can't resist. I'm also a huge closet MC x Yukari fan. What can I say, I love my tsunderes. Just don't tell the Mitsuru fans.

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Broken Blade

Reply by deanzel


Shout by deanzel

I liked the films and thought it was a cool nice take on a bit more realistic mecha war action. You really got to see how war changed people. The characters were well done and the action wasn't over-the-top with ridiculous powerups or abilities by the MC. But man... that ending was brutal. Anti-climatic and incomplete = essentially begging for a sequel (I can dream). But I guess that's what you get with an anime original ending at movie 6 when the manga material ran out. I could read the manga (and am considering it) but I'm not interested unless I know for a fact that Rygart and Sigyn end up together!!!

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Well, they are releasing a TV version of the movies in 2014 that will include "new" extra scenes as well that will expand a bit more on the story. I respect that they're continuing work on Break Blade but honestly I'd rather have more of a sequel. I guess this is more along the lines of a "cash-grab".

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Berserk: The Golden Age Arc III - The Advent

Reply by deanzel


Shout by sp1ti

I guess it was alright? The third movie in the series improved on the CGI which is great but it still had many scenes where it felt like three different art styles thrown together in bad taste... The "Berserk Saga" Project seems game so I'll be looking forward for more of these. If they wouldn't have greenlit these movies it would all have been rather pointless. They didn't really improve on the first adaptation so at least getting some new stuff animated will be cool. Not recommended if you have not read the manga and want to experience "Berserk". There is too much back story missing for it to make an impact so these are more fan-service (unless you're just looking for some violence).

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Yup. These movies should definitely be watched after at least seeing the original 1997 anime (and preferably the manga). However, I will say that the 3rd movie was a huge improvement over the first two as they finally had a decent running time and things were actually added that weren't in the original adaptation. And I agree that the animation finally started to look more natural (I still was not a fan of the style). I hope that more parts of the Berserk saga will be animated too but honestly, I'd rather have Miura finish the manga within the next 10 years.

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A Certain Scientific Railgun

Reply by deanzel

J.C. Staff (yes, THEM) did a great job with the Railgun series and created a very complementary side story to A Certain Magical Index which I think surpasses the original (particularly the second season, Railgun S). Mikoto Misaka aka "Biribiri" is one of my favorite anime characters and Railgun gets her front and center in the action, which is never a bad thing. I watched the first season of Index before this and I think that is the best way to truly enjoy this series. Railgun can definitely be watched without seeing Index first, but all the Touma (he is such a boss in Railgun vs in Index) cameos (and other characters allegedly) really lose their impact. And while Index was purely an action shounen, Railgun is more of a girly slice-of-life where the chicks also kick ass during their time off. This is particularly true of the first season which is about 50% SOL episodes. The second season is beyond epic and there are only a few fillers there.

The biggest strength of this series is without a doubt the protagonist, Misaka. I love her. There is so much to her than just a tsundere with unspeakable esper powers. But it isn't until the second season, where her character really gets a chance to develop and go through some truly difficult hardships. Shirai is hilarious with her yuri love for Misaka and Uihara and Saten are there to be cute adding to the girly SOL part of this series. I wish that there was more Touma in Railgun (like in every single episode) but when he does appear, he comes off so much better than he does in Index (so much less preachy). The action scenes are animated very well and give us a great variety of esper powers especially in the second season. The soundtrack for Railgun is fantastic filled with great BGM tracks. I loved the OPs and EDs from both seasons (especially Dear My Friend and sisters noise).

As I said earlier, the first season of Railgun is much heavier on the girly SOL. I didn't mind this that much but there were a few too filler episodes for my tastes. However, the second season of Railgun is epic and really cuts down on the filler. The first 16 episodes of season 2 cover the "Sisters" Arc which is hands down the best arc of the Raildex series and J.C. Staff knocked it out of the park. Even though Index covered it for a few episodes in the first season from Touma's perspective, Railgun really delves into everything Misaka had to go through especially her suffering and depression. I absolutely loved every moment of it, in particular the final battle, even though I kind of knew what was coming. The final arc is not as good, but I'll let it slide since the "Sisters" arc was so epic. So, I'd give the first season a 7/10 and the second season an 8/10 (a 9/10 for the Sisters Arc).

If you've watched Index at all, Railgun is a must see if you liked Misaka in any capacity. One can never get enough of Biribiri. It is definitely a step up in quality from the Index series. And you don't have to watch Index before this (or at all) in order to enjoy Railgun but it definitely helps. Anyway, if you like watching girls doing girly things and kicking ass with crazy esper powers, this is the show for you.

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@ManiacB You gotta watch S2 just for the Sisters Arc. It's so much better here. Although, I admit that I was speeding through all the Biribiri parts (which are still great) just to get to the Touma bridge scene and beyond (episodes 14-16). The epic fight with Accelerator did not disappoint at all.

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To Love-Ru

Reply by deanzel

If you love infinite panty shots, uncensored breasts and hundreds of tentacle scenes (with a splash of spectacular raunchy comedy), then To Love-Ru is the perfect ecchi show for you. To Love-Ru and High School DxD are probably the two best ecchi anime that I've seen and if you're a fan of the genre at all, this is a must watch. To Love-Ru is an ecchi comedy SOL harem that involves aliens and creatures of all sorts who lead our fateful protagonist, Yuuki Rito, into countless jaw-dropping and cringe-worthy situations over and over again. I never got tired of Rito falling headfirst into the breasts of an unsuspecting female student. And thanks to Lala's countless inventions (and the help of many alien friends/foes), the scenarios keep coming and always seem fresh. The greatest strength, by far, of the series is the cast of female characters. This is one BIG harem. There are easily 10+ women at the end (each with varying affection levels for Rito) and I can honestly say that I love them all. Each girl has a very distinct personality and ability along with different motivations and background. And they interact marvelously with each other as they try to chase Rito or fend off his unwitting sexual harassment. My personal favorites are definitely Yui, Yami, Momo, Lala, Mikan and Oshizu.

The quality definitely differs from each season by getting better and better. The first season is by far the weakest and has the least to do with the manga. It's still funny and a good introduction for most of the characters but don't drop the series just because you think the first season wasn't that great as there is plenty of quality to come. The first set of 6 OVAs after the first season revert back to the manga material and this is where the comedy starts to get good and we finally get introduced to the full set of characters (for the most part). The second season (Motto To Love-Ru) swings into full force and adopts a different format from the first where each episode is broken into 3 separate independent sections that are different stories entirely. I thought that this format really allowed the comedy to come alive and keep things fresher and interesting. Also, the ecchi really starts getting pumped up in this season. The third season (To Love-Ru Darkness) is absolutely fantastic and the best of the bunch. While Motto didn't really have an overarching story, Darkness does a great job incorporating that into the fray especially by delving into and really focusing on the characters of Yami and Momo (who are two of my three favorite characters). Also, Yui Kotegawa starts to get more and more screen time (which I love). And my god... The ecchi reaches borderline-hentai levels here and it is glorious. And the last set of Darkness OVAs just keeps on bringing the same goodness.

If you are an ecchi fan, you better watch To Love-Ru and don't drop it just because you think that the first season was a bit weak. Power on through. It only gets better. As the Darkness OVAs have just concluded, I hope that they announce a new season in the near future because I need my fill of the best harem in the universe getting caught up in tentacles.

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@ManiacB The uncensored version of Darkness is just... WOW. Truly a sight to behold. And the focus is on my three favorites, Kotegawa, Yami and Momo. I couldn't ask for more.

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Beyond the Boundary

Reply by deanzel

KyoAni strikes again. They've created a beautiful and immersive fantasy world based upon the hunting of "dreamshades" that really pulls the viewer in and almost makes it seem like all these things are possible. This is a bit of a darker anime compared to what we are used to from KyoAni (thankfully with a lack of half-naked gay swimmers) but they still manage to instill their patented charm and humor into it all. The animation, art and music (love the soundtrack) are top notch as with all KyoAni productions. The fight scenes are epic. I honestly love all the main and supporting characters in particular the four main leads (along with Ai-chan) especially with their "megame" (glasses) and "siscon" (little sister) personas. Kyoukai no Kanata may start a bit slow but stick around till about episode 4 for things to really heat up. Now, I can't wait for each week's new episode and what's going to unfold next. Watch it.

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After finishing the series, I'd say that the show was pretty solid overall but definitely inconsistent. I give it a 7/10. The earlier episodes are definitely the weakest part of the show with a bit too many fillers. However, the last half of the series really picks up the story and finishes on a very strong note. The very final ending was definitely a bit rushed and left some big plot holes but I think that a lot of this can be resolved with a second season or substantive OVA (not just a fan service filler). Still, it's a fun ride and I'd definitely give it a watch if you are a fan of KyoAni at all.

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West Side Story

Like an NFT of a classic musical: it was technically well-made and looked really good but I got no emotion from it.

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@saint-pauly Just watched this in theaters and kind of agree. It was just... kind of there. I can't even count the number of times that I checked the time on my phone.

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Is it Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?

The show that invented the "tit ribbon". Need I say more? A must watch.

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NOW, I don't have to say anymore. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Tomb Raider

Just got back from seeing the new Tomb Raider. Not bad. Solid action albeit nothing too original going on here. Alicia Vikander was a pretty good Lara Croft, and I actually liked the way she developed in this one from the newbie that constantly gets 'owned' to the badass dual-gun tottin' lady at the end. As for the movie itself, there is fun action, some ancient "riddles", and a little bit of the "supernatural" thrown in. It was basically an update on Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (like almost verbatim with the formula minus Nazis), plus some National Treasure bits thrown in. A tried and true plot line, but not groundbreaking.

While I wasn't the biggest fan of the "bad guy" played by Goggins in terms of his intimidation factor, I thought that they did a real good job on making his motivations quite real and believable. He's not out to destroy the world or conquer everything. He just wants to get this thing over with, find/give the weapon to his evil organization, and go back home to his family. Not bad. You could really feel his desperation in everyone of his scenes. As for the other characters, I didn't really like the incorporation of the twist, but it is what it is. Can't really go into it much more without spoiling things.

I'm not too confident with the way that they setup the sequel/s to come. I didn't really get the whole "the evil Trinity organization is everywhere" vibe that they really wanted to emphasize in the end. Plus, the movies to come will have quite a different feel since we now have a relatively "proven" Lara rather than the girl making all these rookie mistakes and learning from them. Kind of like how Casino Royale was for the Bond reboot, with Quantum of Solace being a big let down. Anyway, solid action and adventuring. Nothing too original here, but some decent character development along the way for this reboot. I give it a good 6/10.

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@deadpoolmerc11 Well, 6/10 is a pretty decent score for me (I try to deflate scores as much as I can). If you read my review, you'd see that I actually enjoyed the movie quite a bit and was pleasantly surprised by it.

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A Ghost Story

I have been wanting to watch A Ghost Story for the past month, so when my local theater started showing it a week ago as part of its Indie lineup, I couldn't wait. And I get why it has a 91% on RottenTomatoes and lots of positive reviews and all that but... man, is it a boring movie.

I get that it is a well-made with great editing, direction and some amazing long single-shot scenes. I get the poetic message that it is trying to send, and it does a good job with that. However, I just can't get over the fact that the entire movie is incredibly boring. I honestly could not wait for this movie to finish (which is tough to do with a movie that is less than 90 minutes long).

Imo don't watch this in theaters. Wait for it to come out on home video. At least you can fast-forward at home...

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@allori No, I know and appreciate the direction, editing and cinematography in the movie. It's one of the first things that I mention especially with some of the fantastic long single-shot scenes. That doesn't keep it from being boring. And it's a little bit more of a pain when you've paid $15 and driven out to go watch the movie in theater rather than you just downloading a pirated version of the film...

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Reply by deanzel

Should have had 24 episodes :(

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It is going to be 24 episodes. Second cour (last 12 episodes) will start airing in the winter season though.

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When We First Met

Reply by deanzel

Where's Blake and Ders mannnnnn fuck it I'll be on the roof gettin ripped

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@mr-sackamano If they were in this movie, I would have been FULLY TORQUED!!

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High School DxD

Reply by deanzel


Shout by ManiacB

Yay, third season confirmed!
Season 2 got a bit crazy towards the end, but I guess most people don't watch it for the plot anyway :P

Wonder what crazy crap they'll pull in S3!

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Banzaii for Oppai!! And, of course, for plot!!

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Rumbling Hearts

Reply by deanzel

A surprisingly engaging and emotional drama. Despite appearances, this really isn't just another standard "high school romance" and I would recommend giving it a few episodes before deciding if it's for you or not. The story is a little "soap opera"-ey but I still found myself caring for all the characters involved and hoping for a happy resolution. I won't spoil how the series ends, but personally I was satisfied.

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I hate Narumi Takayuki. That is all.

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Outbreak Company

Reply by deanzel


Shout by sp1ti

What on paper sounds just plain terrible turned out to be a fun little LN adaptation. It wears it's intentions on the sleeve and has it's fun with all the possible tropes and references in the medium. I can't say that I was always eager to watch the next episode but I had my fun with them. Unfortunatley the last two episode were a bit overly dramatic for nothing really which was a bit of a bummer. If you're looking for a comedy that is celebrating "Otaku" culture this one fits the bill.

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This was a pretty solid comedy that I didn't expect to be very good. I was attracted to it due to the premise of all the otaku references and it certainly didn't disappoint in that regard. It went with the anime stereotypes (especially for the girls) but I liked the way they handled them by embracing them which made things more interesting. I didn't mind the last two episodes introducing the "conflixt" but I thought that the resolution was very generic. Other than that, I enjoyed this a lot more than I thought I would.

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