


Wonder Egg Priority: 1x10 Confession

Damn, why have always the animals to suffer? That's something I really hate in animes.

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that's the only thing that bothered me in this anime, I can stomach all the rest but I had to avert my eyes there

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The Flight Attendant: 1x08 Arrivals and Departures

Shout by Jim G.
BlockedParentSpoilers2020-12-19T06:55:56Z— updated 2021-01-14T05:42:38Z

Well, the Megan subplot was every bit as stupid in the end as I thought it'd be, and more. Not only was her motivation almost entirely nonexistent, but there wasn't even any real resolution to any of it. It was as if they got a couple of episodes into this thing and realized that they didn't have enough for the actress to do so they rushed out this mess overnight. Other than that, though, it was okay even though I was expecting three corpses to be wheeled out of that Rome hotel room and there ended up being none. Go figure. But really, the highlight was that Cassie might -- just might -- be on the right path to putting her messes behind her. Because while I found Dumpster Fire Cassie to be hilarious at times, the whole thing was beyond sad once you thought about it for more than five seconds.

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@jimgysin I'm sure they're going to pick up the Megan subplot in Season 2, because of course they had to do a season 2....

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Little Women

Shout by psonnosp
BlockedParent2020-01-26T09:08:05Z— updated 2020-03-22T14:21:23Z

I'm allergic to time jumps back and forth, back and forth and this movie has a lot of it and it ruins the movie completely, and they really have removed a lot of story. Especially noticeable after having watched the 3h miniseries and the movie from 1994 in the last month.

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@psonnosp so happy to find someone else who thought the time jumps were horrible! I love both the book and the 90's movie but this one was boring, difficult to follow and bland. And I hated the cast for the girls so it didn't help

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Sierra Burgess Is a Loser

I loved it !! This is such an adorable movie, and yes, my favorite part is hands down the relationship between Sierra and Veronica, which I noticed right away in the trailer. Yay for subverting the popular girl-mean girl trope and for having such a beautiful, positive female friendship take the stage!

And I know people are saying they wish Sierra hadn't gotten the guy at the end, but nah man, I love me some cutesy romance.

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@thelonereader I have exactly the same opinion!! Loved the friendship between the 2, made me cry!

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The Good Doctor: 6x10 Quiet and Loud

Lovely to see Anne Dudek again. (Cutthroat Bitch anyone)

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@rahila I was SO HAPPY to see her! Now I have to re-watch House

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Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood

Review by PorterUk

Rewatch (4th, maybe 5th) - Oct 2020

What a film... A directorial masterpiece and a hell of a tale.

It oozes quality and substance in every shot with a wonderfully flowing narrative.

When you want to celebrate cinema, this is the kind of film you go to. It's not a perfect film but it is almost... And the level that Tarantino is operating at is quite phenomenal.

On that... I often wonder how a director keeps that muscle toned. Like a boxer needing rounds - or a musician can write songs and play often - but a director has one project every 2 or 3 years at most. So how do you come to set and have ideas for great shots without first having to get the ring-rust off you... Just a thought.

There are two negatives I must mention. The first is a big one, and involves the wonderfully atmospheric trip to the old Bounty Law sets. The scene with Bruce Dern falls flat after such a great build up. (I heard Dern interviewed and he said he improvised his lines and Pitt had to work with them. This is likely the reason why...) The rest of that act is fantastic though.

The second negative is the reception of the film. I've not scene an actor cover as much ground as DiCaprio does in this since DiCaprio in Wolf of Wall Street. The guy has grown into the best actor of his generation and he's showing all of his powers here. To play a guy struggling with the scene and then play the guy nailing the scene... What a a talent. And it pains me that he was largely overlooked for this come awards season.

Brad Pitt. The character of Cliff Booth is the coolest guy since The Dude. And it's such a great twist to see how a cool alpha would deal with the situation that took place on Cielo Drive. I read that McQueen should have been there that night and I wonder what a "man's man" would have done... Well now we don't have to wonder. A sober Booth would have dispatched them no problem (with vicious assistance from Brandy) and a trippy Booth does pretty damn well.

I'd pay good money to see a 4hr version of this with extra scenes and exploration. It's so well shot, full of class and such a riveting event that I hope it gets the Extended Netflix treatment.

If this is 9 of 10 for Mr Tarantino then I hope his swansong is as great as this, Jackie Brown, Pulp Fiction, Hateful Eight or Django... He's a wizard.

(that rare beast that improves with each watch)

After thoughts:

  • Bruce Lee. I'm a huge fan and it pains me to see this scene. But the reality of physical combat means its not a million miles from being wrong. Best of 3 would go something like that. And it's interesting that the 3rd point is unresolved. Bruce is struggling but he's still in it. Who knows who would have won...

  • Francesca, la sposa Italiana... I can't see the marriage lasting a triple homicide within it's first 24 hours on American Soil! Though she may like flamethrowers... Hahaha!

What a film.

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Rewatching it right now and gave it an extra star, your review perfectly sums up my feelings

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Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood

Shout by Luca
BlockedParent2019-08-01T20:12:09Z— updated 2019-08-18T02:54:54Z

Edit: I don't think a lot of people understood what I was getting at when I first wrote this review. Like I said, it's a phenomanal movie, but I simply cannot condone the ending. It's one thing to depict graphic violence if it's either a) stylized to a point where it is completely unrealistic, as is done in movies such as "My Bloody Valentine 3D" or b) meant to horrify the audience, like in movies such as "The Hunger Games" or "Hacksaw Ridge." It's an entirely different matter when the violence is there simply to supply the audience with some twisted sense of childish glee. It's not that I can't stomach or "get over" gore. It's that there was no reason, and it aided the story in no way. The same script with tamer, whackier violence would have worked just as well, yet the victims are shown being brutalized beyond recognition - and for what? For fun? The movie was perfectly fine without it. That's simply my opinion, however, and I'm raising it to a six simply because the rest of the movie was phenomenal.

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@melkiades96 my thoughts exactly, typical Tarantino and that ending was phenomenal!!

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A Star Is Born

I finally watched A Star Is Born, and boy... was I just blown away. This film is a literal whirlwind of emotions culminating in one truly tragic ending. I was hyped for this movie for months, and it definitely lived up to expectations (even exceeded them). I was totally floored by the performances of Lady Gaga and especially Bradley Cooper who completely disappears into his role of Jackson Maine (in a good way). The soundtrack to this movie is just spectacular with some of the best ballads that I've heard in a long time in both "Shallow" and "I'll Never Love Again". That first scene where Gaga and Cooper perform together on stage is just a revelation.

While this is a story that has been done many times (literally, this is the 4th remake), Cooper's version is just masterfully built and developed amazingly well even though it does run a bit long. It was over 2 hours long (135 mins), but at times I actually wish that it could have been longer due to how much I connected with the characters. It's a true "modern take" on a classic tale. And definitely prepare to cry as well. My god, the last 20 minutes of the movie were just... beyond brutal. If you've ever dealt with or really known/loved someone with addiction and/or depression problems, this movie hits so close to home that it is scary.

A Star Is Born is an instant classic and a definite Oscar favorite in multiple categories. If you told me that in 2018 the guy who played Sack in Wedding Crashers 13 years ago would direct and star in an emotional and moving film like this, I'd call you crazy. I'm definitely going to watch this again, but those last 15 minutes of the movie truly were gut-wrenching. Maybe I'll just stick with listening to the soundtrack over and over again... :P

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@deanzel thank you for summing up my exact thoughts on the movie, I agree with you on everything you said. I bought the soundtrack right after I watched it and I cried all afternoon listening to it ;)

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