


The Nanny: 2x25 The Chatterbox

Some most parts of this episode really didn't age well

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Good Trouble: 4x03 Meet the New Boss

Mariana is making some dumb choices BUT I DID SEE MY BOY EVAN IN THIS EPISODE SO :eyes:
I'm not loving the new guy but he's getting a bit more interesting at least and Booboo Stewart made an appearance which was a pleasant surprise

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Cherry Falls

There's toe sucking in this movie and I did not anticipate or appreciate that

It does have some funny dialogue and that vibe that only early 00's horror movies have and even though it was kind of goofy and stupid I had a good time and I'd probably watch it again if it was on

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It's a bit like if you took half a glass of freshly pressed orange juice and filled the rest up with water. I get what they were going for but it just lacks anything that will truly make it interesting
It falls short with the humor, the thriller aspect and the character development and I just feel like they could have done more with it.

Not horrible but yeah, watered down orange juice

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Better Watch Out

Throw the whole child away

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Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum

The first half was lighthearted fun. The second half almost had me shitting myself. So there's that

I should mention that I had pretty low expectations as I'm not typically a fan of found-footage type movies and yet I quickly became very invested in what was going on and although the premise is very simple it still worked extremely well

I still can't get that ladys face out of my head. The eyes and those noises? no sir, no ma'am. Fuck that shit. I don't usually look away when watching horror movies but I genuinely felt like she was staring into my soul bro

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Palm Springs

I had really high expectations going in and it surpassed them by a landslide and every minute was a fucking blast. Now, it should be mentioned that I'm a whore for time loops so that's definitely a strong factor BUT I think most people would enjoy this

The vibes, the pacing, everything

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Together Together

I went into this without any expectations, I knew nothing about it and the premise sounded okay but by the end I was fully in love with this story and these characters. This is definitely a new comfort movie for me.

When they first started getting closer I was prepared for it to take a romantic route(it's to be expected and it's been done so many times before) but I'm so glad it didn't.

In conclusion: It was great and we need more platonic love stories

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The Fog

Listen, my expectations were low and I was still disappointed. I'm not too picky and I can find something to appreciate in most movies but this one was extremely slow and not much happened. It's 100 minutes and yet it felt like 4h.
The only reason I didn't turn it off after 20 minutes was because of Tom Welling

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The Great North

Review written after finishing season 1

It's not quite at the same level as Bob's Burgers and a lot of the jokes do fall a bit flat HOWEVER it's not bad and the characters do grow on you and I think it definitely has potential if it's given some more time. It's hard not to compare it to Bob's Burgers but honestly even if you do it's still pretty enjoyable and I was a bit surprised by how much I liked the songs.

Judy was the first one that I developed a liking to, mainly because she's The Great North's equivalent to Tina and I feel like she's the most interesting so far and I really enjoy the scenes when she's talking to Alanis but Beef has a certain charm as well. It definitely leaves something to be desired but I'll keep watching it for at least a while longer just to see if it finds its footing a bit more.

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The Nanny: 3x19 Your Feets Too Big

The Nanny foot fetish episode

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The Great North: 2x02 The Great Punkin' Adventure

Beef Tobin best dad, absolutely

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The Golden Girls: 6x25 Never Yell Fire in a Crowded Retirement Home (2)

Some of the jokes in this episode really didn't age well. Yikes

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Cursed Films: 2x02 Rosemary's Baby

The fact that they didn't mention once that Polanski is a pedo but just kept mentioning on and on how difficult his life was and how many bad things that happened to him like????
Even if the information on all these things that he did came out after the release of the movie it's still extremely tone deaf to not even acknowledge it at all, especially because they did bring up his personal life but they just happened to gloss over ALL the things that HE did?
Gross, Shudder, gross :thumbsdown:

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It's a great movie and I hated it. It made me angry and I hate both of them(but I also don't). I had a bad time but also kind of a good time but I got a lot out of it and I don't know what to make of that

Love/hate relationship with it for sure

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Growing Up Creepie: 1x05 Bug It On

"Never say die when you can try" said in the most monotone tone possible. I love her

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Minor Premise

This man's hair was wet or drenched in gel or mousse throughout the entire movie and I gotta say he looked hot.

It was interesting enough but I feel like they could've done more with it. I'm not opposed to rewatching it at some point but I wouldn't recommended it to anyone unless they specifically like anything related to mad scientists and parallel universes. While it may not exactly contain those things I think it would appeal to those people

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Hocus Pocus 2

There was no way this would've ever lived up to the original but it was definitely fun. I wish the main new characters would've been fleshed out a bit more though

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This was a mess but kind of an entertaining mess?
I think it would have been much more effective as a horror thriller than this weird romcom drama it was trying to be.
I can't with a clear conscience say that it was good but it did keep my attention all the way through because of several things that were just so....morally fucked up. I just had to see how this was gonna conclude

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9-1-1: 6x03 The Devil You Know

Whoever is responsible for the song choices in this episode I will kiss you

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Dead End: Paranormal Park: 2x06 My Super Sweet 1600


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Ghost Whisperer: 2x12 Dead To Rights

The way I literally got goosebumps and teary eyed at the end of this episode.
If anything happens to Jim istg

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The Wolf of Snow Hollow

Men Yelling: The Movie

It had some funny moments but mostly it was just pretty snow scenery and yelling

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Bedrooms and Hallways

A row of pickled gherkin is pretty serious

A fun bisexual mess idc :orange_heart:
(they should have been a throuple though)
It has aged surprisingly well and it has some funny one liners. In general just a fun time really

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To All a Goodnight

It's objectively bad in every way but it's also funny and I had a good time so I can't in my heart of hearts rate it any lower

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Emily in Paris: 3x01 I Have Two Lovers

Glad to see the outfits are still horrendous

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Looking at Gizmo physically hurts. He's so cute I can barely put it into words

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It's very pretty but not much else

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The Way Home: 1x01 Mothers and Daughters

Ohhh I fucking love this premise. Considering it's a Hallmark show I had quite low expectations but this was a great first episode!

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Was it good? unsure
But was it a vibe? absolutely

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