Like Sunday, Like Rain

The soundtrack is so good but I can't seem to find it anywhere,ugh.
As for the movie,it was charming,relaxing and just nice.
I've never seen any bad movie with Leighton Meester in it and this wasn't bad either.
I'd recommend it if you're just looking for a movie that isn't overly complicated but is very enjoyable.
The feeling it gave me was just calm....and happy.Which is a good thing.

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Dana Carvey: Straight White Male, 60

His imitation of Trump is spot-on.Actually all of them were spot-on but the trump on was the best.
Funny dude.

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Eyewitness: 1x06 The Yellow Couch

Lukas hasn't really bothered me THAT much up until this episode.He is such a complete asshole, even though Philip is so nice.
yeah, no, fuck him, honestly.

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Eyewitness: 1x08 The Larsons' Dog

Shout by Devalabra

I'm so mad!Stupid ass motherfucker shooting Lukas.He might not be the most likeable person but GOD DAMN,don't shoot him!
Can they just arrest/murder this psycho already?

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Santa Clarita Diet: 1x10 Baka, Bile and Baseball Bats

That was the most mediocre ending

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Bang Rak Soi 9/1: 1x10 Where's My Laptop?

The suspense in this episode....dear lord..... and oh that ending......leaving it on a cliffhanger,huh

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My Only Love Song: 1x16 Die by My Hand

That must have been a dream or a stunt of some sort.....

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Crimson Peak

I liked it. I didn't know it was supposed to be a horror movie, I hadn't watched the trailer prior to watching the movie and I didn't really know much about it.
There wasn't any chemistry between Mia Wasikowska and Tom Hiddleston even though I think they're great actors individually. It wasn't a make it or break it thing for me but it was something I noticed. The acting was good apart from that though.

Visually, it's a beautiful film and the story is pretty decent. The CGI and the ghosts are very so-so and even laughable at times, however, I don't think that is pivotal, there are lots of great movies with shitty CGI or shitty looking monsters.
It wasn't scary, there's a few jump-scares but that's about it. It is certainly pretty weird and can cause you to feel uneasy at times but mainly it's just an interesting story. Don't go into it expecting tons of jump-scares and gore.
I think it's a good movie to watch on a rainy, bleak day.

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Ari Shaffir: Double Negative

The first half was not very good at all, the second half was better but still not all that great.

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Burden of Truth: 1x02 The Ties That Bind

I really like it so far

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Bad Moms

I thought it was gonna be bad but it was actually really funny.
Good soundtrack too.

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Backstage: 1x01 The First Day

Eyy, they've got a knock off Shawn Mendes. Cool.

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Kiss Me First

It wasn't what I exptected. It's unique, definitely.
It reminded me of Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, probably because it's quite odd.
It's a bit confusing at times but certainly intriguing.
If it does get a second season I can't wait to see what they do with it.

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Deadly Class: 1x01 Pilot

I wasn't expecting much but so far it's really fucking good
I was a bit surprised to see Lana Condor in this type of role but she's really is killing it(pun intended).

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Meteor Garden: 1x05 Episode 5

Jing is such a gem.

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Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist: 1x01 Pilot

I'm not crying, you're crying.

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Missing Link

I had pretty low hopes for this one but I ended up liking it a lot. Quite a few funny moments.
It was cute.

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All Cheerleaders Die

Clearly not a masterpiece but I won't lie, I had so much fun watching it(especially the second half when the pacing picks up a bit). If you take it for what it is I think you'll enjoy it

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Shout by Devalabra

I literally queerbaited myself. I'm an idiot. This movie was trying to trick me into thinking Sam isn't fruity and I'm not buying it. Just to be clear: this should have been gay and Landon was boring. Other than that it was kind of sweet in a dumb(and cliché) way and Colin had some funny moments

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The Nanny: 3x19 Your Feets Too Big

The Nanny foot fetish episode

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The Golden Girls: 6x25 Never Yell Fire in a Crowded Retirement Home (2)

Some of the jokes in this episode really didn't age well. Yikes

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Growing Up Creepie: 1x05 Bug It On

"Never say die when you can try" said in the most monotone tone possible. I love her

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Minor Premise

This man's hair was wet or drenched in gel or mousse throughout the entire movie and I gotta say he looked hot.

It was interesting enough but I feel like they could've done more with it. I'm not opposed to rewatching it at some point but I wouldn't recommended it to anyone unless they specifically like anything related to mad scientists and parallel universes. While it may not exactly contain those things I think it would appeal to those people

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Hocus Pocus 2

There was no way this would've ever lived up to the original but it was definitely fun. I wish the main new characters would've been fleshed out a bit more though

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This was a mess but kind of an entertaining mess?
I think it would have been much more effective as a horror thriller than this weird romcom drama it was trying to be.
I can't with a clear conscience say that it was good but it did keep my attention all the way through because of several things that were just so....morally fucked up. I just had to see how this was gonna conclude

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Bedrooms and Hallways

Shout by Devalabra

A row of pickled gherkin is pretty serious

A fun bisexual mess idc :orange_heart:
(they should have been a throuple though)
It has aged surprisingly well and it has some funny one liners. In general just a fun time really

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Looking at Gizmo physically hurts. He's so cute I can barely put it into words

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Was it good? unsure
But was it a vibe? absolutely

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Sea Fever

If you, like me, enjoy slow paced atmospheric movies set in one location then you'll really enjoy this. If not, I'd recommend skipping this one.
It was obvious by the first half hour where it was heading but I really enjoyed it anyway. I have nothing bad to say about the acting and the script was pretty good. I feel like some of the characters could have been developed more if the screen time allowed it but oh well. Solid simple movie.

If you did like this one I'd recommend Life (2017) and The Bay (2012). Or if you were disappointed and want something similar but better.

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oh wow(derogatory)

Just watch Gremlins instead

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