


You: 2x09 P.I. Joe

Well that took a fucking turn, didn't it?

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9-1-1: 7x04 Buck, Bothered and Bewildered

Big day for bisexuals :heartpulse::purple_heart::blue_heart:

Moving to ABC was the best thing to happen to this show and I can't wait to see how the rest of this season turns out

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American Horror Story: 6x02 Chapter 2

I may be one of the few people that actually like this format.This is so much better than season 4 & 5(which were trash btw) and it's actually more on the level of season 1 & 2(at this point) but it can go downhill mid season(which I hope doesn't happen).
Right now it's good and I like it,but we'll see.

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Emily in Paris: 3x01 I Have Two Lovers

Glad to see the outfits are still horrendous

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You: 1x05 Living with the Enemy

Using suicide threats as a way to manipulate your friends, neat.
Sarcasm aside though it's probably the best episode of the season, especially with that cliffhanger. This episode really shows the dynamic and the similarities between Peach and Joe. Him criticising Peach for essentially the same things that he does.
Joes savior complex is just getting worse and worse.

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9-1-1: 6x03 The Devil You Know

Whoever is responsible for the song choices in this episode I will kiss you

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Riverdale: 1x02 Chapter Two: A Touch of Evil

that ending though, can't wait 'til next week!

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Orange Is the New Black: 3x09 Where My Dreidel At

Ruby Rose has to be one of the prettiest human beings ever.

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iZombie: 1x09 Patriot Brains

Lowell CAN'T be dead,please tell me he's not....
F*ck Blaine,honestly,just f*ck him...piece of sh*t.

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Elite: 1x08 Assilah

Not a huge fan of Nano, he's not the best person but damn, he's no murderer.
Netflix, we're gonna need a season 2

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Bob's Burgers: 9x01 Just One of the Boyz 4 Now for Now

I really enjoyed the songs in this episode.
I've really missed this show, man.

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American Horror Story: 6x10 Chapter 10

Shout by Devalabra
BlockedParent2016-11-18T10:23:58Z— updated 2016-11-27T01:44:01Z

I really liked this season.It was almost as good as Asylum,up until this finale.The finale was horrible.
This season as a whole was intense,confusing at times and actually pretty scary(leaving you at the edge of your seat type of thing)and THIS is how it ends?!
No,not cool.I expected a lot more.

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Virgin River: 1x01 Carry On

City girl comes to a small town to work at a clinic and is immediately disliked by the town doctor...which is exactly what happened in Hart of Dixie (the doctor is even played by the exact same man). She is surprised by how worn down the house she has to live in is (which is also in Hart of Dixie).
So far I'm a bit suspicious but we'll see how it goes.

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Shadowhunters: 2x20 Beside Still Water

Malec is back....I can rest in peace.

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iZombie: 3x02 Zombie Knows Best

Shout by Devalabra
BlockedParent2017-07-04T17:22:14Z— updated 2017-07-13T13:58:26Z

Major was the best thing about this episode. Hilarious. The fact that the cast managed to keep a straight face, props.

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Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency: 1x02 Lost and Found

That crazy murder woman is my favourite character,by far. I actually find that storyline more interesting than the main Drik Gently/Todd one.

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American Vandal: 1x01 Hard Facts: Vandalism and Vulgarity

Unexpectedly kind of funny. A breath of fresh air

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Shadowhunters: 1x01 The Mortal Cup

The writing,acting and line delivery is sooooo bad. God damn, I have probably never cringed more at a show.

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iZombie: 2x03 Real Dead Housewife of Seattle

Liv(Rose) looks gorgeous in this episode!honestly,just fantastic.

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iZombie: 1x04 Liv and Let Clive


In this episode Liv's eats the brain of a Asian gang-member.
She all of a sudden is an expert at Kung Fu,or maybe it is karate,either way it's cool to watch.
She suspects Clive is a ''dirty cop''(thanks to her visions),who's actually in their gang,the Blue Cobras,though in reality he worked undercover trying to take them down.
Ravi agrees to move in with Major and they seem to get along really well.

I think it's fun that Ravi and Major are becoming friends.
I have to admit I almost belived that Clive could have been a part of the Blue Cobras,good thing he's not.
Generally a good episode.

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Pretty Little Liars: 1x11 Moments Later

Noel being the voice of reason in this episode, Ezra´s a creep, idc idc.

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American Horror Story: 8x01 The End

Looks promising.
Also, really glad to to see Adina Porter back.

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The O.C.: 1x01 Premiere

It makes you want to continue watching.
Seems good.

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iZombie: 1x06 Virtual Reality Bites


Liv eats the brain of a man that's a hacker/internet troll.The brain is rather old,about one or two weeks ,her vision gets blurry occasionally because of this.
She starts playing a fantasy game on his computer and starts to eat and drink a lot of junk food.
Liv has her first kind of date with Lowell or drop-by as Lowell expressed it.Lowell tries to kiss her,she ducks,it gets awkward and he leaves.Lowell can no longer play at shows(he's a musician)because he gets all ''full-on-zombie mode'' so he only plays in the studio.Then at the very end of the episode they kiss outside the studio.
Blaine kills Jackie(at least that's what it looked like.Most likely she's dead.).
Liv finds out about Blaine's shady business,at least some part of it.


I thought this episode was interesting.It was cool to see her eat rotten brains and what the effects of doing so was.

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iZombie: 1x05 Flight of the Living Dead


Liv eats the brain of someone she knows,who she knew in college.
She meets Lowell,another Zombie.He dyes his hair so at first Liv has no idea he's a zombie,he however says he knew she was a zombie all along.They connect and even though Liv is not completely over Major she is willing to give him a chance.She said in this episode that:
''Lowell could turn out to be nothing,or everything''
Major is still worried because Jerome is still missing.
This episode is special because of two reasons:
1.First time Liv eats the brain of someone she knows.
2.She meets Lowell.Possible love interest,total cutie.

Yeeess,another zombie!Hopefully he isn't a douche.I didn't trust or really like Blaine when you first get to meet him,I still don't but I liked Lowell pretty quickly.

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Good Trouble: 4x03 Meet the New Boss

Mariana is making some dumb choices BUT I DID SEE MY BOY EVAN IN THIS EPISODE SO :eyes:
I'm not loving the new guy but he's getting a bit more interesting at least and Booboo Stewart made an appearance which was a pleasant surprise

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Single Drunk Female: 1x08 James

This drunk acting was kind of awful but a little bit funny. I hope we don't get any more full episodes of them acting drunk because dear lord no
The backstory was interesting but also felt almost entirely unnecessary except for the end

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Nailed It! Holiday!: 1x06 3…2…1, Ya Done!

Fun to see Amanda back, such a lovely human

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Gilmore Girls: 5x07 You Jump, I Jump, Jack

at 24:58 :
"I have to kill myself now, excuse me"
Best line

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Eyewitness: 1x09 Savior Unknown

Shout by Devalabra

If they don't catch him I'm gonna be hella mad!Ugh,god damn.
I mean they will though right?Unless they're trying to drag it out for a second season.Though it doesnt seem like that's plausible.

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