

The Internets

The End of the F***ing World: 1x01 Episode 1

Well, OK. I guess that was a start. Not awful, intriguing enough to keep going.

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 1x11 The Nagus

So how does Odo shapeshift through a door that's supposed to seal the exterior hatch of a space ship? If it's meant to be airtight, surely Odo wouldn't be able to fit through anywhere in a liquid state…

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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Some good and some bad. The pacing issues are understandable, as the fourth book was the longest yet in the series and they still had to cram it into a 2.5-hour movie. A major continuity error (the awning ripped in half by Harry's dragon magically is repaired for a later wide shot) and incorrect application of the Expelliarmus spell (Krum is still holding his wand after landing on his back, unconscious) drag it down a bit, as do editing shortcuts that mangle character in a few spots.

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The Orville: 2x14 The Road Not Taken

I liked this episode. It was possibly the most Trek-like The Orville has ever been, what with the time-travel angle and all.

Kelly's cleavage was wholly unnecessary, though. When literally every other female character is dressed in "normal" (read: cleavage-covering) clothes, singling Kelly out to wear an unbuttoned tank top the whole time felt awfully fanservice-y.

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Star Trek: Voyager: 2x15 Threshold
Star Trek: Voyager: 2x12 Resistance
Supergirl: 1x03 Fight or Flight

Supergirl watches Homeland? The cross promotion is real.

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Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
The Orville: 3x10 Future Unknown

A reasonably satisfying conclusion to the season, open-ended enough to allow for a fourth season if it's picked up again but with enough closure that it can function as a series finale if not.

Unsurprisingly, barely any reference is made to the events of last week. Lysella returns from the social-credit planet and Alara comes back for a surprise appearance near the end, but this episode otherwise tries to exist independent from past events. I wished for more reflection on "Domino", but can understand why the production didn't take that direction.

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The Office: 2x20 Drug Testing

Couldn't really care less about the titular plot, but Jim and Pam? *chef's kiss*

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 2x08 A Matter of Honor

It's hard to nitpick this episode. There are some minor goofs (mostly in visual continuity), but the story is solid.

I might not like Mendon—something about the way his character is acted feels wrong, and it's a complete cop-out that the Enterprise would receive a Benzite exchange officer who looks exactly like Mordock from "Coming of Age"—but the Klingon angle is a welcome one. More Klingon episodes are always welcome!

This is a fun, if brief, exploration of Riker's character.

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Lost: 1x18 Numbers

A box company, huh? "They make boxes."

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Lost: 1x17 ...In Translation


Hurley was on the TV in Secretary Han's house? What? This show is playing the long game.

The one scene I don't know quite what to do with is the one between Sun and Jin when Sun breaks into English talking to him. I'm just not sure if the character was really speaking English, or if that was a production choice to make her emotions clearer for the viewer by removing the abstraction layer of subtitles. Other than that, I loved this episode!

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Star Trek: Voyager: 2x20 Investigations
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 2x15 Paradise
The Expanse: 2x09 The Weeping Somnambulist

"Puking Diplomat"… now there's a role title.

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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: 1x08 Dax

"Dammit, if you were still a man…"
This line struck me as somewhat uncharacteristic of Trek. They usually try to avoid portraying any human behavior that would suggest inequality between men and women. To insinuate that a woman is less capable of taking a punch than a man goes against that.

But what is very characteristic of Trek? The rest of the legal adventure into whether Dax is or is not responsible for the actions of every past host. This was a lot like putting Data on trial to determine whether he qualifies as a life form with all the rights guaranteed thereto. Trek is at its best when attacking philosophical questions like these!

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Stargate SG-1: 8x11 Gemini

Inputting the data "directly" through the computer's LCD monitor connected via VGA… Sure, that'll work. /s

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Community: 2x24 For a Few Paintballs More (2)

An episode that can make me actually like Pierce deserves a 10. I thought that was impossible.

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The Office: 1x04 The Alliance

Loved the "alliance" bit and Jim working with Pam to prank Dwight.

Michael, as usual, was completely unfunny. I realize he's supposed to be so unfunny that it's funny, but it just doesn't work for me.

The 6/10 I gave this episode is the average of ~9 for Jim/Pam/Dwight's plot, and ~3 for Michael's party.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation: 1x07 Justice
Lost: 1x13 Hearts and Minds

You know what makes great sense? Encouraging people to cut up perfectly good rope when you're stranded on an island indefinitely and might not be able to get more rope. Good job, Locke.

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The Blacklist: 1x12 The Alchemist

Tracking an insulin pump by "radio frequency"? Let's be realistic: the transmitter power is probably really low, not detectable even through a building wall. It's not like the thing is cloud-enabled (thank goodness).

I don't understand Tom throwing the dinner he made in the garbage. Well, I understand the symbolism, but that's a literal waste of food. Do real people actually do that? (Actually, don't answer that question. I've seen plenty of what real people do at restaurants…)

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Star Trek: Voyager: 1x15 Jetrel

The general dislike the Trek fandom as a whole seems to hold for Neelix is unfortunate, as is the "comic relief" role he was relegated to for the vast majority of the series. Ethan Phillips is capable of so much more than they let him do in Voyager. Between Phillips and Rene Auberjonois, I already have plenty of reasons to watch Benson as soon as I have a slot in my TV show rotation.

(With apologies to @LeftHandedGuitarist for the spurious reply notification… I changed my mind and decided this was better as a top-level comment.)

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The Last Ship: 4x10 Endgame

Oh yeah, the refugees. Um. They kind of just disappeared after the whole Fletcher thing. Think the writers forgot they were on the ship just as completely as I did…

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The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2
Dark Matter: 2x09 Going Out Fighting

What the hell, android? You can't just walk off with Five's hot chocolate!

Bit of a slip-up on the writers' part when they had Five just say into her earpiece "I need help" without specifying where she was or who she wanted to talk to. Unlike TNG-onward Star Trek's clear demonstrations of the combadge's capabilities, Dark Matter hasn't established that the comms devices do anything related to location reporting or automatic routing, nor is it established that the ship's computer (or the android) monitors audio transmissions for signs of distress. But at least they remembered that a space elevator's orbital destination has to be in geosynchronous orbit!

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How I Met Your Mother: 6x15 Oh Honey

"I thought the oven was Celsius" makes no sense. The Fahrenheit scale has higher numbers for higher temperatures. Dinner would be severely undercooked, not charred.

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