

The Internets

Community: 5x03 Basic Intergluteal Numismatics

Yep, Community rediscovered its roots and returned to what it does best: genre parody.


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Community: 2x24 For a Few Paintballs More (2)

An episode that can make me actually like Pierce deserves a 10. I thought that was impossible.

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Cheers: 1x06 Any Friend of Diane's

Absolute stitches. So many times.

The only thing I regret about watching Cheers is not doing it sooner. The reruns on TV when I was a kid were great, but I forgot about it for years until getting around to searching and finding out it was available on Amazon Prime Video.

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WKRP in Cincinnati: 2x19 In Concert

Few episodes of WKRP show off the true depth of the actors' skills like this. They aren't just comics and straight men. Every member of the cast (with the possible exception of Jennifer, for some reason) gets an opportunity here to really emote, beyond the usual humorous banter that fills most episodes of this sitcom. It's really well done.

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Scum's Wish: 1x01 Scum's Wish

No 23-minute anime has ever felt that short before. I was just dipping a toe in at the start, and then all of a sudden it was the midpoint. What felt like two minutes later, the credits were rolling. This is going somewhere—I can feel it.

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Happy Endings: 3x12 The Marry Prankster

I say the only flaw is Robert Picardo's screen time being too short. :ok_hand:

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Frasier: 4x06 Mixed Doubles

Shout by dgw

This entire episode's execution is nothing short of perfect.

Might have seen it before, but even if I did, it was still 110% fresh this time.

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Cheers: 3x10 Diane's Allergy

OK, so the basic premise isn't genius, but would you just look at that execution though?! Shelley Long couldn't have done better.

And Carla's "B" story? *chef's kiss*

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Penn & Teller: Bullshit!: 2x10 Profanity

This might be the strongest episode of season 2, on the basis of its thesis. The editing and structure weren't as strong as I hoped they would be, but the point is still there—and still relevant even today, nearly 15 years later.

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The Dick Van Dyke Show: 1x21 The Boarder Incident

Where's Ritchie for this whole episode? I get that it would have been much harder to write this episode with him included in all the many scenes at the Petries' home, but it's very strange that he didn't appear at all. Maybe Larry Mathews was busy with school? Or maybe there would have been too much confusion with two Larrys (one boy, one dog) on the set. Yeah, that has to be it…!

Spotted a fold-out chair/step-stool combo in the corner of the Petries' kitchen in one shot, and I'm pretty sure it's the exact same model my family has (though not necessarily in the same pastel yellow color) as a result of moving into such an old house (built in the 1940s).

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The Nanny: 2x01 Fran-Lite

Wow, I haven't laughed so hard at this show since last season. Oh wait…

Niles bumped the phone in Maxwell's office off the hook before leaving with Cece? That's odd. (It's also back in place when seen later from another camera angle.)

That Lion King reference was super topical, considering the film had been out less than three months when this episode aired.

I also like the microphone on Brighton's desk. Wonder what it's for… or maybe it's a radio, like the one my dad got me a while back.

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Sabrina, the Teenage Witch: 1x21 As Westbridge Turns

One of the best genre parodies I have ever seen. This mock soap opera has everything!

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The Captains Close Up: 1x02 Patrick Stewart

It's true what they say about Sir Patrick: Whatever you give him, he'll make it better.

Few documentaries make me want to see the cut footage, but in this case I just know there had to be a huge amount of great leftover material that simply wouldn't fit in the allotted time.

The remaining three episodes have a new benchmark to meet, and it's pretty high indeed.

In case anyone else thought that class system cartoon they used briefly was interesting, here's the full version: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pyramid_of_Capitalist_System.png

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Lizzie McGuire: 2x13 You're A Good Man, Lizzie McGuire

Oh look, it's Phill Lewis before he was Mr. Moseby. (Yes, I know he was already in a previous Lizzie McGuire episode, 1x15. I just don't remember if I called it out, so here we are.)

How big is the McGuires' back yard? Better question: How many students are in this school?

"If we were gonna get busted by now, we would have." Kate, do you know what you actually just said? Nothing. And it doesn't mean you're safe going forward—you didn't address the future, only the past. Great dialogue!

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Leverage: 5x15 The Long Goodbye Job

I can't believe they dropped the series finale on Christmas Day 2012. For many fans who watched this show as it aired, that had to be a real proper bittersweet moment.

Well now what am I supposed to watch? No other show I know of can fill this slot in my rotation.

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Mr. Robot: 2x08 eps2.6_succ3ss0r.p12

"For you, though, swallowing's not really a problem, now, is it?" Wow, lewd.

The Last Ship's President Michener (Mark Moses) appeared in a cameo here. That was fun.

This was the best episode of the season so far. Plum great. So much wonderful character work; masterful maintenance of tension throughout.

Maybe it's the omission of Eliot's bullshit that makes the show so much better. Ironic that leaving out the title character would improve it so.

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Great Selection Taxi: 1x08 Choices of Husband and Wife

I swear, NOP actually meme-subbed in this one. There was a preview sequence of some kind in the middle where the subs were just numbers counting up, 1 to 9, and then the last one was 9001… Oh, please. (And as if the meme wasn't enough, they didn't translate the on-screen text. Lol.)

But wow, this might be the actual best episode of this show.

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The Golden Girls: 5x03 The Accurate Conception

Well, this show came out swinging for season five, huh? This is easily one of the top three episodes so far.

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My Senpai Is Annoying: 1x06 Grandpa Hearts Futaba

Full of predictable tropes, but I thought it was very well executed.

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Stargate SG-1: 4x06 Window of Opportunity

Latin for the Novice, by Joseph Mallozzi, Ph.D.
I am dying of laughter over here! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Don't get the joke? Joseph Mallozzi was a writer and producer for this show, who went on to create Dark Matter, another favorite sci-fi series of mine. He's also very active in the Reddit communities for both of those shows.

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Counterpart: 1x06 Act Like You've Been Here Before

Oof, that coffee mug continuity error around 12 minutes… Thing almost did a 180 in the space of a cut. :joy_cat:

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Frasier: 10x14 Daphne Does Dinner

Were former Star Trek franchise actors so costly that they couldn't afford to have Nana Visitor's character stay at the party a bit longer? Or did they blow that part of the budget on Harve Presnell, even though he was only in one episode of Voyager? :rofl:

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Mischievous Kiss: Love in Tokyo: 1x10 Confessions of a Snowy Night

Sometimes I wonder if Kotoko really deserves Kin-chan's friendship, considering how little attention he gets. :joy: Kin-chan is so great!

Oh hey, people finally have cell phones. Except Naoki, because of course he doesn't.

Also: If it's important to the story that Kotoko needs to have a light kept on at night, make sure there aren't any other lights that could serve the purpose, eh? Naoki didn't turn off the light behind the door to the bathroom, which just so happens to be mostly made of glass, so from a practical standpoint Kotoko shouldn't need to bother him about turning on a small light in the main room. (Yes, I know it's probably Kotoko deflecting, and the real reason is she doesn't want to be in a pitch black room alone with him. Still.)

Also also: Being in the same bed as a girl but not trying to do anything is the bare minimum standard. Honestly, shoujo tropes… This one's maybe unfair for me to point out given where the rest of that scene's dialogue goes, but still.

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Malcolm in the Middle: 2x16 Traffic Ticket

I considered docking this episode a point for the awful editing in that last scene. (Technically awful—functionally and creatively it was just fine.) But the story is just so well put together in this one, I couldn't do it.

Craig looked like a ventriloquist at the end, though.

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Sound! Euphonium: 2x13 Early-Spring Epilogue

Amusing that the ensemble plays more music in this episode than in the previous one, when they were at nationals.

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The Dick Van Dyke Show: 1x01 The Sick Boy and the Sitter

This "official" pilot illustrates very well why a series rework was necessary. While the unaired "Head of the Family" pilot was good enough, it didn't have a whole lot of flair. I'm guessing that Carl Reiner, as a career television writer, didn't have a whole lot of acting experience to draw on, and it yielded a passable but overall underwhelming performance in "Head of the Family".

Bringing Dick Van Dyke on definitely gave the series a huge boost. Van Dyke is well known for his musical and comedic talents. Much of his reputation stems from this show, and it is well deserved. He had me laughing throughout the entire episode, and it's hard to overstate how effortless he makes everything look. He is a truly great performer.

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Kim Possible: 2x05 Car Trouble

Does the driver's ed class have more than one student car? Because Ron crashed one and we saw parts of it rolling across the screen… I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be driveable after that.

I wonder where Dr. Freeman went to school. MIT, perhaps? #HL3 #MaybeSomeday

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The Nanny: 2x04 Material Fran

This is near perfect form for the series. Keep the references coming, and don't let up on the dry wit!

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The Suite Life on Deck: 1x17 The Wrong Stuff

That thing about the human body exploding in the vacuum of space? Total myth. Please do better, Disney.

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Lizzie McGuire: 2x28 The Greatest Crush Of All

Whatever "Beth Edelstein"'s real last name is, that's definitely not what Lalaine said on camera. Captions for this one were really… off.

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