

Port Moody, BC

Serial Killer: Devil Unchained

Not worth the long runtime, I was familar with the case and it didn't shed any light, or come up with anymore insight on the topic. Could have been covered in 90-120 minutes, even then would be stretching it out a bit.

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Features a good cast, great special effects, and great craftsmanship it suffers from attempting too much character development. There are way too many characters and the show loses focus on the story at hand. I am finding season two a bit better, but the story still stalls with character developlent of characters I frankly don't give a rats ass about. If they combined the two seasons into one and increased the pacing I think it'd a much more enjoyable story.

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Better Call Saul Presents: Slippin' Jimmy

No idea how this ever got made, wasn't sure what I was expecting when I finally got caught up with this, but it feels so disconnected from BCS, I've watched the first two episodes and if I didn't know what it was I don't think I'd ever put it together. I'll finish it out only because it's so short...

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Flatbush Misdemeanors

I gave it 6 episodes... and a HARD pass.

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