


His Dark Materials

Reply by drbi

Through the Majority of the show I felt nothing, no attachments to any of the characters, I wasn't rooting for anybody. The whole show felt like a joyless ride. Lots of the characters were dull and not very engaging. Lyra was pretty annoying. You can see it had potential so many stories within the story. The real stars of the show were James McAvoy and lyras mother.

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@thatguyyy Indeed. Lord Asriel and Marissa had emotions and was protrayed quite well. Other main characters were so lacking.

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We Have a Ghost

Reply by drbi

It's a nice, sweet movie, but come on... Can't 3 men take on a 70 year old???

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@angelcosta I missed that detail.

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Reply by drbi

don't waste your time, watch something else.

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@c0b41 Thanks for the heads up

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Dexter: New Blood

A show notorious for an awful ending comes back from the dead and has an even worse second ending.

An ending which wasn't earned at all:
- Dexter is acting sloppy and idiotic the whole time. This is a man who got away with hundreds of murders.
- Angela, who hasn't been able to solve a series of missing persons cases in her own town for 10+ years, solves the BHB case thanks to a series of plot contrivances, a google search and a freaking retcon (the M99/ketamine inconsistency, that made all of this possible). Her conversation with Batista in the final episode makes no sense either.
- The writing for Harrison is all over the place. After ten episodes I barely know who this kid is and what he wants. He keeps running away from conversations until the final couple of episodes and then we get barely 45 min of father-son bonding out of the whole season. His 180° turn in the next and final episode feels incredibly rushed.
- The show completely falls apart when Dexter kills Logan and he didn’t have to. All the evidence they had on Dexter was circumstantial at best, they had nothing solid to tie him to any of the murders. Any capable lawyer would have got him out of this. So his decision to attack a cop and prove himself a killer is the most illogical and out of character action he could have taken at the time. It was all downhill from there.

I am not upset Dexter died. His death could’ve happened in any number of fulfilling ways that honored the journey and the themes of humanity, morality, consequences, personal growth, development of empathy, justice/vengeance, the lasting effects of trauma the show explored in its' original run.

I’m upset they instead had his own son put him down like an animal while undermining years of character development to tell us he was just a psychopath incapable of feeling all along. Vilifying him entirely at the last second to force this outcome feels like weird moralistic bullshit punishing and mocking us for caring. Miss me with that bullshit.

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@rhaeneris This was unexpectedly all things that bugged me about the finale. It was a solid 6/10 show till finale and 3/10 after the finale. Yes, the character Dexter was dumbed down for plot convenience and for the morality to triumph.

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