Omicron Persei 8

Doctor Strange

For ME, a typical Marvel flick: nice especial effects and witty lines cannot disguise a weak plot that has been told a thousand times.

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BlockedParent2021-04-17T21:03:45Z— updated 2021-04-26T15:06:38Z

Best Asian action movie I know.

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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

A huge disappointment for me!

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Would be superb if the plot wasn't that predictable! Fast pacing action and shootings that look,feel and sound like the real thing and not the artificial 0815 Hollywood action crap.

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The Predator

What a waste of time! Worse than predators and waaay worse than the original, this totally unnecessary movie butchers the name of one of the best (at its time) action movies!!!

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The Equalizer 2

Not too bad, but too predictable

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Fight Club

Watched it ages ago, didn't like it but cannot remember why that was

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The Commuter

Nice action thriller with a simple yet interesting and intriguing plot. Didn't like the ending, otherwise I can recommend this flick.

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The Equalizer


Didn't expect much but liked it alot. Even though there are tons of clichés ([spoilers]foremost the lawless eastern European monsters / gangsters against the righteous US one man equalizer [/spoilers] ;-)), it is a fun watch that I can recommend to all action fans!

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Baby Driver

Some of the drifts, stunts, gunfights, etc. are a little too much (-1 ) and the soundtrack is mostly shitty (- a second *) IMHO. Man, think about how great this flick would be with solid rock&roll tracks instead of those mainly annoying bepedy-bop rap and pop sh*!

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True Grit

Well, what should I say? It's a long winded story and neither really funny nor compelling. Even the decent to good acting doesn't make it much better. I would not watch it for a second time...

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Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters

I can only second that! Not a blockbuster for sure but a fun one-time watch.

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Tropic Thunder

BlockedParent2017-12-15T21:39:18Z— updated 2017-12-16T22:49:17Z

Stupid and not really funny, Tropic Thunder has not much to offer, neither as a comedy nor as tribute to action war movies. Skip it!

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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

BlockedParent2017-12-10T13:50:46Z— updated 2017-12-16T22:51:02Z

The beginning was way to long and the ending unsatisfying. However, the action sequences make up for a lot!
Nowhere near Nolan's Trilogy but watching the movie wasn't a waste of time, either. On the other hand I'm probably not going to watch it again...

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Watched Dunkirk at a movie theater and was disappointed: without knowing anything about the movie besides that Christopher Nolan has produced it and that it was a WWII movie, I hoped to see something with a brilliant story like "The Dark Knight" or "Memento". That is not the case here, there is not match to be had here storywiese (however, it is accurate historically according to: http://www.slate.com/blogs/browbeat/2017/07/20/what_s_fact_and_what_s_fiction_in_dunkirk.html).
From a technical point of view, Dunkirk is a good if not even great flick: good acting, minimalistic but great / creepy soundtrack and bombastic sound effects. You have to be at a cinema to feel those bullets fly, the motors of the Spitfires howl or the torpedo hit in your guts! Wow!!! Additionally it manages to make you really fear for the life of the soldiers from the get go to and there is this certain claustrophobic feeling about it throughout the whole time.
While Dunkirk reminded me again of the cruelty of war and how happy and thankful all of us, who live in western Europe, should be that there is currently now open war raging here, I still found the movie lacking and wished for a much better plot.

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Alien: Covenant


Didn't like it, unfortunately! There are nearly no horror elements here, something that made the original Alien movie so ingenius! And I mean come on, as Frikilax puts it: how can a crew responsible for 2000+ lives in a colony mission be so incompetent??? Thats just not realistic... I think the whole idea with David turning bad is brillant but thats just not enough to save the flick.

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Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets

Technically sometimes impressive and, from an visual point of view only, well done. However the storyline is very thin and rather boring. Wouldn't watch it again!

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Inglourious Basterds

Watched it at the cinema and did quite like it.

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From Dusk Till Dawn

Watched it a long time ago on TV and didn't like it at all! Tarantino made much better movies.

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Watched it on Amazon Instant TV and I thought the first half was really funny but then it went south somehow. Cannot point the finger to what exactly it was I didn't like about the second half, but I kind of found it rather boring.

While not a bad movie, I most probably won't be watching it again.

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The Hateful Eight

While not bad (like "From Dusk till Dawn"), I don't think this is a brilliant movie, either. It is overly brutal and the story is not that intriguing. Granted, it also never gets boring since you cannot anticipate, what Tarantino has up its sleeve next. However, I'm probably not going to watch it again and would advice you to watch Django, Kill Bill or Inglorious Bastards instead if you are in the mood of watching a Tarantino movie.

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Django Unchained

That's some crazy shit! As often with Tarantino's movies, Django is very brutal. IMHO certain parts and scenes are too brutal and unnecessary because they do not help conveying the brutality of the slave traders and plantation owners but are just a glorification of violence.
Despite that, I liked the movie quite a bit. The first half was great, I would give it 8/10, the second was only decent to good with a ending that could have been better: 6/10 to 7/10. This leaves me with mixed feelings overall and while I can recommend to watch it once, I'm not sure whether I would watch it again. For that, I think it misses a certain something that would compel me to give it another spin!

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Well the imagery is sometimes stunning and I liked the soundtrack and that there is from time to time just silence.
About the plot I am divided: I do not think it crap or junk like others do, but on the other hand I also have to admit that I do not think it a masterpiece. For that both characters as well as the story itself lacks depth and is quite predictable IMHO (granted I didn't see it coming that Kowalski is killed off about half way through the movie, but somehow this is only emphasizing that Stone is going to survive.) .

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X-Men: Apocalypse


Lent on Google Play, I mostly enjoyed Apocalypse. It is an entertaining watch packed with a lot of action and characters known from the previous X-Men movies.
What I did not like at all was the villain and I think they should have come up with something better. I therefore found the beginning to be a little boring in parts and all the scenes in Egypt throughout the movie were not that great IMHO. It didn't help that in some of the scenes the CGI was discernible as such quite easily (something I found rather odd for a movie made in 2016!).
Overall I think Apocalypse was better than "The Wolverine" (the weakest in the series for me) but worse then X2 and "Days of Future Past".

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BlockedParent2016-12-29T12:05:56Z— updated 2017-01-08T10:20:31Z

While not as bad as some of the other Marvel movies as Iron Man or The Avengers (personally, I only like their X-Men franchise and Spider-Man 1-3), Thor is no must-see. It is a no-brainer that you can watch once, but that's it IMHO.

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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story


Not as brilliant as "The force awakens", bit still great and so much better than a lot of people feared when only a year has passed since the last Star Wars movie was out.
I think the newly introduced characters are not as great as the ones from the original films (but since a lot of them died during the film, they may be thought they shouldn't create characters that the audience loves and therefore is severely disappointed when the die, but still much better than ones featuring in "of the rack" action flicks.
The scenery was great and I thought the beautiful planet of Scarif a nice touch and good contrast to the mostly grim planets depicted in star wars movies! What I missed was a great new type of star ship, but that's not that crucial.
Plot-wise it fits perfectly between Episode III and IV and features (as always) a lot of action! I really enjoyed it and look very much forward to the next Star Wars movie: keep up the good work, Disney!!!

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Watched this at the movie theater back in 2009 and gave it a try at home this year: while the 3D effects are still OK (although not that impressive anymore after having seen quite a few other action flicks with decent 3D effects since 2009), the story is just too flat, as are all the characters IMHO, to let it stand out besides all the other mediocre action flicks available!
Take a look a the original Matrix movie: this provided mind-blowing action sequences (for the time it was released) and still managed to provide a story and characters one cares about. Avatar is nowhere near that level of brilliance and for me a perfect example of Cameron flick that is hyped and provides no real sustenance.

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John Wick


Lent this on Google Play and got what I expected: an action flick with a lot of shooting and a mediocre plot (retired hitman John Wick gets back in the game after his dog, which he got as parting gift from his dead wife, is killed by Iosef Tarasov. Wick then decides to take revenge on Iosef and his cronies and when Iosef father, mobster boss Viggo Tarasov, decides to stand in revenges way, his is killed in the final showdown, too).
While the movie is never boring thanks to its fast-pacing action sequences, I doubt that I'm going to watch it again because it just doesn't offer much beside those action sequences (which are done really well and stylish): the characters are rather shallow as is the story.

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Killing Them Softly


Well, not bad but neither is it a really good movie IMHO. While I like the quite different take on gangsters and crime (they are all depicted so different to the stereotypes depicted by Hollywood normally presents as nowadays: an accountant-type of person is quite a big shot hierarchy-wise and instead of crunching numbers hires assassins, the hit-man doesn't want to kill persons he knows personally because it gets too emotional and no high-tech equipment or weapons are to be seen anywhere ) the plot is rather boring and besides Brad Pitt the characters are all very wooden (heck even Pitt's performance is mediocre). I do not regret having watch this flick but I'm also not going to watch it again!

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Ok, but certainly not more. For that characters as well as plot are missing depth. Since their is that much action happening on screen, it is not that noticeable but that everything is rather "flat" and I probable wouldn't want to watch the movie for a second time!

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