Omicron Persei 8


Great horror thriller about Jigsaw who chooses "unworthy" people not appreciating their lives (like drug addicts) and gives them 2 choices: die or make a major sacrifice (like cutting of your leg, slicing up the belly of an innocent, etc.). He communicates with his victims via video tapes. Very cool ending and great plot-twists!

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Blade Runner

BlockedParent2015-07-27T11:06:29Z— updated 2016-09-01T15:25:09Z

One of the worst and most hyped films I've ever seen. I absolutely don't get what this flick wants to tell me.

Besides that, it is neither thrilling nor entertaining, so I can only hope that there is a message and deeper meaning to it that I just don't get... However, I would recommend to stay away from it if you expect a SciFi thriller because I know for sure that Blade Runner is not thrilling at all.

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The Others

Superb suspense movie (I wouldn't call it a horror flick!) with a great plot twist and ending!

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The Godfather

"The Godfahter" is Coppola's lengthy epic about the Corleone Clan, one of NY's big mafia families in the '40 and '50. The film is rather slow pacing and features way too much drama and too few action for my gusto.

Why this is considered "one of the best movies, ever" I will never understand!

Despite it's shortcomings the film has some nice ideas and shots (i.e. Sonny's shooting or the switching between the baptism- and shooting-scenes at the end of the movie).

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Well... could have been better. While the general idea behind the flick is cool, the adaption wasn't to my liking: why had they to use a soft-focus lens? Why are all the SFX clearly recognizable as such? Why haven't the characters more "depth"?

All in all just a mediocre Sci-Fi action flick.

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Super Size Me

Oh so boring... I knew that it's a documentary, but I expected something more along the lines of Michael Moore's movies / documentaries, which really get you interested.

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Raiders of the Lost Ark

While it's not a bad action / adventure movie, I just don't get why a lot of people think this is one of best movies of this genres! For me it is a mediocre action flick!

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Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

BlockedParent2015-07-27T13:00:49Z— updated 2016-09-01T15:29:11Z

I thought I couldn't get more disappointed by Indiana Jones after watching the (in my opinion) absolutely hyped "Raiders of the Lost Arc". But then I saw "The Temple of Doom" and it's even worse! I will never get how this franchise got such a huge fan base: a mediocre plot at best, mediocre acting, laughable characters combined with special effects and stunts that let you tear out your hair (at least in the year 2015)! I suggest you skip this crap-fest and watch another one of the 1001 decent action/adventure flicks available!

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Batman Begins

BlockedParent2015-07-09T13:59:50Z— updated 2017-06-04T21:20:02Z

A sensationally good comic adaption, the best one I've ever seen to be honest, and one of my all-time favorite movies!

This is in no small part thanks to the astonishing performances by the lead actors and actress.

So all in all: a perfect plot plus perfect directing plus the perfect cast equals a perfect action movie!

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Little Miss Sunshine

I did not expect all too much from this movie and bought the BluRay mainly because of all the good things I kept on reading about it. But boy, was I in for a surprise: the story is told in a saracastic way and with some very black humour, but at the some time with so much emotions that I just have to love it.

The characters (from the drug addict grand father, over the overworked mother, the suicidal uncle and the mute-by-choice teenage son to the jobless father, who tries to get a new career as a motivational speaker started) are absolutely hilarious, the criticism on kid beauty contests as one example of what is wrong with this world and its beauty mania very pointed and the plot so entertaining that I just regret not having watched this comedy earlier.

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SciFi-Movies often do not stand the test of time, nowadays e.g. the original Star Wars or Star Trek flicks as well as Alien look ridiculous at certain times. But this is nothing compared to Dune, because here weak acting (or at least very weak characters) are put into the mix and make this supposedly master piece really bad. Why Dune is (still) considered a must-see by certain fans is beyond me and I suspect that the hype about director David Lynch is the main reason for that.

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A little too much romance and there could be some more action. But beside that it's a good movie that wants to convey the message "With great power there comes great responsibility" (which it does certainly, and quite well IMHO)!

And I actually enjoyed this flick even more watching it the second time!

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The Prestige

Highly entertaining flick with a lot of suspense and plot twists along the lines of Nolan's "Memento" make Prestige a great movie! Mainly the double-crossing of the "Transported Man" trick is a superb idea: while Borden only uses a (perfect) double / assistant (which has to cut off some of his fingers to be as identical as Borden himself as possible), Angier uses a machine to clone himself, which forces him to kill his "double" after every performance of the trick. This leads to the situation that both magicians are not only incapable of finding out how the rival does the trick but also to the fact that in the end both die because of the repercussions of the trick: Borden is (falsely) accused of killing Angier (after the death of one of Angier's clones is blamed on Borden) and hanged for the crime while Angier is shot by Borden's assistant / double as the only means to save the Borden's daughter from being raised by Angier.

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Entertaining action flick about the battle between good & evil with some really nice special effects!

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Spider-Man 2

One of the few prequels I know that surpasses the original! Very entertaining & with a great message: "Sometimes you have to give up your dreams for the greater good".

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A Clockwork Orange

VERY (!) sick film about a bunch of young man who are so bored and spoiled by society that they do nothing else but beat up homeless guys, rape strangers and drink themselves into unconsciousness.

Kubrick's criticism of society and the system is not bad and certainly keeps you think. However, I never got access to the movie because it all is too strange and too overdrawn (which is probably exactly the intention of the directory) for me.

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Watched Dunkirk at a movie theater and was disappointed: without knowing anything about the movie besides that Christopher Nolan has produced it and that it was a WWII movie, I hoped to see something with a brilliant story like "The Dark Knight" or "Memento". That is not the case here, there is not match to be had here storywiese (however, it is accurate historically according to: http://www.slate.com/blogs/browbeat/2017/07/20/what_s_fact_and_what_s_fiction_in_dunkirk.html).
From a technical point of view, Dunkirk is a good if not even great flick: good acting, minimalistic but great / creepy soundtrack and bombastic sound effects. You have to be at a cinema to feel those bullets fly, the motors of the Spitfires howl or the torpedo hit in your guts! Wow!!! Additionally it manages to make you really fear for the life of the soldiers from the get go to and there is this certain claustrophobic feeling about it throughout the whole time.
While Dunkirk reminded me again of the cruelty of war and how happy and thankful all of us, who live in western Europe, should be that there is currently now open war raging here, I still found the movie lacking and wished for a much better plot.

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Red Eye

Cool horror thriller that never gets boring!

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The Descent

One of the best horror films I know: thrilling, brutal, fast and unpredictable!

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The Blair Witch Project

Very creepy movie with a very simple plot: find the "Blair Witch" in the dark woods.

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The Matrix Reloaded

The sequel to "Matrix" is a huge disappointment for me!

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This is the 3rd part of the "Alien" saga and I like it a lot. In my opinion it is better than the second part (contrary to almost everybody else's opinion). Why? Because it brings back the horror of "Alien" and drops the unnecessary action-overdose of "Aliens".

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A.I. Artificial Intelligence

I don't know why everybody hails this film as a masterpiece. I found it only a mediocre movie! Don't get my wrong, the idea and the opening of the movie are great, but for me it gets very implausible when David is "released into the wild" (the aliens, that David finally can sleep & dream, "the rising moon", etc.). Additional it is way too long for my gusto.

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Fantastic Four

Surprisingly good and very entertaining! I can only recommend this flick if you like action flicks. Of course it is no X-Men or Batman, but the decent special effects, a fast-pacing & fun plot as well as its honest declaration of what it wants to be makes the "Fantastic Four" what it is: a rock-solid comic-based action movie!

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The Ring

One of the best and scariest horror movies. Highly recommendable!

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Silent Hill

Very scary and sometimes shocking horror flick based on the eponymous PC game: a girl, burned nearly to death because the village elders think she's the devil's spawn, takes revenge on the whole town of "Silent Hill". The ending (the return of Rose and Sharon after the destruction of the Church in Silent Hill by Sharon's "Twin") is somehow strange: are they both dead and live in a parallel world or why can't Christopher see them?

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Inside Man

It's an entertaining watch anyway. In the end, Dalton walks but lets enough clues for Detective Frazier to frame Case.

What bothers me and what I don't understand is the films message: Stealing from rich people isn't a crime? Blackmailing people is necessary? To be a good Detective isn't enough, one has to blackmail the right people to get promoted? Or what???

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Shark Tale

All in all a mediocre movie with a nice idea, an OK plot and a rather weak ending. Why Oscar has to be a "Gangsta Hip-Hop Guy" I will never understand...

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An original idea presented in a fast paced and action loaded way. A thrilling and entertaining watch!

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Underworld: Evolution

A lot of action combined with a nice story make this sequel a worthy one. Very entertaining!

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