Omicron Persei 8


Although not a bad sci-fi action movie, it shows that the flick is over 20 years old. Especially the animations of the killer robots are very bad and somewhat kill the "sci-fi" setting of the movie... The plot itself is mediocre.

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@guenguer I'm not gonna indulge you with an answer, since your "question" is posed in a rude tone and with such offensive generalizations that I think it doesn't deserve one. Have a nice day.

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Blade Runner

BlockedParent2015-07-27T11:06:29Z— updated 2016-09-01T15:25:09Z

One of the worst and most hyped films I've ever seen. I absolutely don't get what this flick wants to tell me.

Besides that, it is neither thrilling nor entertaining, so I can only hope that there is a message and deeper meaning to it that I just don't get... However, I would recommend to stay away from it if you expect a SciFi thriller because I know for sure that Blade Runner is not thrilling at all.

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@sighunter Thanks for your support (-:
It's nice to know that there are not only people like @KrimbusKreme with his fake news and @mr-sackamano with his name calling trolling the message boards of trakt.

BTW: what are your top 3 sci fi action movies? Perhaps with agree on those, too?!

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Blade Runner

BlockedParent2015-07-27T11:06:29Z— updated 2016-09-01T15:25:09Z

One of the worst and most hyped films I've ever seen. I absolutely don't get what this flick wants to tell me.

Besides that, it is neither thrilling nor entertaining, so I can only hope that there is a message and deeper meaning to it that I just don't get... However, I would recommend to stay away from it if you expect a SciFi thriller because I know for sure that Blade Runner is not thrilling at all.

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@mr-sackamano hahaha Did I hurt your feelings, Ninja Poon? Or is the name calling your clever way of trying to hide from us that you didn't get Blade Runner neither but do want to admit that to your buddies and therefore rate it with a 10/10??? Well, have it your way then, I can live with disagreeing with you, sir.

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Blade Runner

BlockedParent2015-07-27T11:06:29Z— updated 2016-09-01T15:25:09Z

One of the worst and most hyped films I've ever seen. I absolutely don't get what this flick wants to tell me.

Besides that, it is neither thrilling nor entertaining, so I can only hope that there is a message and deeper meaning to it that I just don't get... However, I would recommend to stay away from it if you expect a SciFi thriller because I know for sure that Blade Runner is not thrilling at all.

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@krimbuskreme I do not know from where you get your "intel" from, but you're wrong! Additionally I think it's considered good manners to state one's own opinion and reasoning if criticizing someone else's. You do neither. So, please, let us know what you like about blade runner and why.

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Blade Runner

BlockedParent2015-07-27T11:06:29Z— updated 2016-09-01T15:25:09Z

One of the worst and most hyped films I've ever seen. I absolutely don't get what this flick wants to tell me.

Besides that, it is neither thrilling nor entertaining, so I can only hope that there is a message and deeper meaning to it that I just don't get... However, I would recommend to stay away from it if you expect a SciFi thriller because I know for sure that Blade Runner is not thrilling at all.

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@mex5150 I watched the 1982 cut and I am happy to know that there are others who would rate it as mediocre or less as well. Perhaps I will give the 2007 cut another chance...

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Snake Eyes


Nice flick! One doesn't realize that Commander Dunne is responsible for the assassination until one is told. I also liked the ending where Rick gets honored for saving the "woman in white" but has to go to prison anyway because of his past as a corrupt police man.

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@gddgb: didn't you see the big fat SPOILER ALERT sign? I am sorry if I ruined the movie for you, but there is a reason for those alert signs.
To come back to your question: keeping Dunne's involvement a secret from the audience without creating holes in the plot I found the best aspect of the movie, that's why I mentioned it (and, along with the saving of the "woman in white", only it ) in my comment.

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The Time Machine


One of the best sci-fi thrillers I know, although there are some plot holes (Why does the time machine work as depicted? What's the real reason one can't change the past? ...): After the murder of his fiancé, the college teacher Alex Hartdegen builds a time machine and travels into the future only to discover that man managed to nearly destroy planet Earth and that a part of mankind lives in slavery. He then decides to help free the slaves from the grip of the Molocks and sacrifices his only chance of returning to his time: he destroys his time machine so that the Eloi can escape slavery.

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@q11x: Yeah, its the reason he went back. But after going back and changing the past, the events along the timeline would be changed from there on and there would be no reason for him to go back because his fiancé would not be dead, meaning there is no loop, no?!?!

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Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones

Good action movie with excellent SFX but nothing more (at least that's what I thought after watching it for the fist time).

However after watching it again, I have to say that I begin to like this one more an more!

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@mitzle / Miles Kato: well, perhaps I am not aware of aspects of film making like cinematography and editing. But I think most of the people do not care as much about these aspects as about the story and being entertained. At least I am not. Perhaps Star Wars is not the best series for people interested in those cinematographic aspects?

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The Host

BlockedParent2015-07-15T15:44:45Z— updated 2016-09-01T18:38:16Z

Crap! Why this Korean flick (originally titled Gwoemul) created such a hype I absolutely do not get. The monster looks mostly ridiculous and the (for me) unbearable way of telling a story including absolutely silly dialogues and situations ruin what little potential this action-shocker could have had...
I think I am not made to get the drift that a lot of Asian movies have when it comes to story telling. Perhaps that's the reason why I do not like The Host, Battle Royale or House of Flying Daggers.

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@splenda: sorry, this may have come across the wrong way, as I am not a native english speaker. I didn't mean to offend Asians in general an did NOT meant to say that Asians in general have an unbearable way. I edited my comment in the hope to better reflect what I wanted to say.

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Battle Royale

BlockedParent2015-07-27T05:17:20Z— updated 2016-09-01T18:27:50Z

What the f**k?! This is a terrible, terrible Japanese trash horror flick: a ridiculous plot, bad acting, terrible characters... To watch this unrealistic and not even funny (B-movie, strike that) movie through, was nearly torture.

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@ugglypuff / Puff: Hmmm... I do not know about the manga series, having never watched it and maybe the director is (pretty) famous in Japan. But for me it is still a "VERY" bad movie, one of the worst I have every seen. Do not mean to offend, its just my honest opinion.

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Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

BlockedParent2015-07-27T13:00:49Z— updated 2016-09-01T15:29:11Z

I thought I couldn't get more disappointed by Indiana Jones after watching the (in my opinion) absolutely hyped "Raiders of the Lost Arc". But then I saw "The Temple of Doom" and it's even worse! I will never get how this franchise got such a huge fan base: a mediocre plot at best, mediocre acting, laughable characters combined with special effects and stunts that let you tear out your hair (at least in the year 2015)! I suggest you skip this crap-fest and watch another one of the 1001 decent action/adventure flicks available!

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@snelvuur / Erik-Jan Riemers: maybe that's the explanation...

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After seeing the 2010 remake of Tron, I had to watch the original (or at least I thought I had to) but it was unbearable for me and i quit after 20 minutes. The special effects were really , REALLY bad (even for 1982 in my opinion) and the dialogs so cheesy that I just cannot understand how this flick got it's cult status...

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@philip-j: I agree mostly, but few are as bad as Tron is in this regard IMHO (-:

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One of the worst movies I know! I have absolutely no idea how this rubbish can be hailed as a horror classic, because everything about it is so silly: the plot is laughable, the characters and actors a joke, the SFX really, really bad and there isn't a single scary moment because everything is so very predictable! DO NOT WATCH THIS, there are so many good horror flicks out there, but Braindead for sure isn't one of them.

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@cage: I would agree with you that it is a cult movie. But a horror classic like Halloween or Elm Street? No way! IMHO, to be considered a horror classic (and that's what I read about from quite a few people) Braindead would have to been on a totally different level!

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The X-Files: Season 9

Mediocre at best! Why they made Dogget and Reyes take over the X-files instead of bringing back Mulder is just... unbelievable stupid!

Man, is that a bad way to finish one of the best series EVER! At least the last double-episode was quite good.

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@jim222001: I know about the money issues with Duchovny and find it very sad that these issues destroyed the last seasons. But I think they could have found better solutions! I mean Scully was still there and there are a few appearances by Mulder which have been sufficient to somehow incorporate it into a (granted) ingenious way of having Scully and Mulder still be in charge of the X-Files.
But hey, just forget about Season 9 and have a go with Season 10 (-:

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Battlestar Galactica: Season 1

One of the best Sci-Fi Series I know. The biggest issue for me is its focus on military aspects (however, this is not as bad in the first season as it is in the following ones).

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@sungoddess / N'Delamiko Bey: you're right, of course, when you say "it's a show about a warship, at war, in desperation, so yeah... military". I just would have liked it much better if they had incorporated less of the military aspects of such a desperate flight and thrown in more of the socio-economical, religious, political, emotional, etc. aspects, that's all!

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Donnie Darko

The movie offers a lot of room for speculation and is sometimes very strange but also very compelling.

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@Robin Abrahamsson I wouldn't know about that, since I have never seen the director's cut. But because of your comment I will stay away from it, lest it ruins the film for me (-:

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A huge disappointment: weak plot, not very funny and all the singing was just too much for me. There were so much better animations flicks made 2010 (e.g. Shrek For Ever or How To Train Your Dragon).

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Gave it another try, still don't like it!

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