

Belo Horizonte - MG - Brasil


It plays like the perfect satire/revenge to one of those recent religious movies. Anything Kirk Cameron will do if you never had the displeasure.

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Everything, Everything

Ok-ish, though it comes really close to being a good movie. The pacing is probably its biggest mistake, so the last third of it falls a bit flat. The plot is interesting enough, the chemistry between the leads is the high point - and it's where most of these stories fail, so it's disappointing they had it here and wasted it. A better soundtrack could also have done wonders.

I rank it somewhere above 'The Fault In Our Stars' and below 'Now Is Good'.

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School Spirit

Christine! :rage:


It's always fun to watch someone who portrayed an older character years ago turn back around and play someone in High School. Never change US film industry...

And boy, am I happy to avoid trailers and synopsis whenever I can. Whoever wrote this one deserves to step on Legos for eternity.

All in all, it was a fun watch. It even steered clear of the obligatory needless sex scene that would have downgraded it to a B-movie.

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The Body

Spoiler from "The Handmaid's Tale" Season 2: Moira's partner from The Handmaid's Tale! Every time she appeared I couldn't shake the feeling I had seen her before...

It ranged from OK to Good for me overall. The final twist seemed a bit silly, though fitting for the genre. "A-Ha! It is me, the character who didn't die from a fatal wound!" At least the joke afterwards with her using his strategy was good.

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Crossing Over

Critics can be (and often are) stupid, exhibit #84218789616. This gem is criticized for having too many intertwined storylines while movies with similar format like Love Actually are praised for the same thing. Go figure.

Around 10 years before "being woke" became the standard, here's a movie with a diverse cast, compelling stories and relatable characters. Had it been done nowadays - and by a different production company, mind you - I'd wager it would have had a very different reception.

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(500) Days of Summer

There's something to be said about a movie that can be funny, relatable and moving, all while being an easy watch. I probably watched it 4+ times. If it was possible I'd rate it 11 for the soundtrack.

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Reaching for the Moon

I've seen it at least twice now. It's one of those movies you won't see reeling you in until you're halfway through. It's a melodramatic story but it never seems over the top. We get to see these people and how deeply flawed they could be at times, and how messy their lives could be as a result. The threeway relationship being just the cream of the crop.

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Wish for Christmas

I wish I had my time back.

There are good Christmas movies and there are bad Christmas movies. This one is a serious contender among the many that fall into the latter category. The bad acting is irrelevant for the genre at this point but the really stupid plot can't be ignored as it makes the whole thing unbearable.

I could go on but this thing won't waste any more of my time - hopefully this review will save yours.

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Behaving Badly

It starts off well but the plot really takes a dive around 1/3 of it. It would still have been average if it at least had been consistently funny but sadly that doesn't happen. A considerable part of the jokes fall flat and that kills the mood for the most part. The last 5-10 minutes are OK but the damage is already done by then.

I'm not sure about the lead but the rest of the cast seemed like good choices and they could have done much better with a good script.

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Fullmetal Alchemist

Opportunities to watch movies just because they're on TV are scarce these days but every now and then it'll be well worth the time. This was it for me this time.

The message is very clear and has been explored often these last 10 years or so, but this movie caught my attention for not pulling any punches. The victim struggles to even admit she's been abused. The father struggles not only to come to terms with the fact he couldn't protect her and with thoughts of vengeance but also to understand her, what she's going through. It's hard to not make it about him and to realize he's only thinking of himself and how he feels about it, not what she needs from him. And I felt I was with him all the way through, which makes the blow land that much harder. The only thing preventing this movie to reach higher was the lack of development for the mom. She gets a few scenes but that's that, so I don't feel like I understand her character that well by the end. And then, of course, the ending. Brutally realistic.

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Not Another Teen Movie

♫ Janie's got a gun... ♫

It's a funny movie all the way through but that part really cracks me up each time.

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Nicholas on Holiday

Sweet and funny family movie.

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It's amazing (however not surprising) how many good sci-fi movies have been made outside Hollywood, without big budgets, heavy CGI use, car-chasing and explosions.

Interesting concept. Although not exactly new, I liked the storytelling's way of getting us inside Ren's skin, to understand why she would make such dangerous choices for someone as smart as her. It's not without flaws but I've found myself enjoying it more than similar stories, like the "Playtest" episode of "Black Mirror".

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Beware the Gonzo

Almost good. The build-up isn't that refreshing but it works. Tragedy strikes when it becomes Gawker.

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The Karate Kid Redux. It sounds worse than it is though. It's better than the 2010 remake, for instance.

Plus, it must be the first time I've ever seen Steve Austin playing a good guy.

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Frank vs. God

Welp, that was a huge waste of time.

I didn't originally intend to watch it but it seemed fair enough for the first 20 minutes or so. It was kinda funny, valid arguments were being made and the storyline was flowing but then things went downhill really fast. To be fair, I'd expected it to go downhill from the start but failing to do so actually got my hopes up. The logical arguments come to a halt after it seems like Frank actually has a shot, and from then on it becomes all about the characters' personal views and problems. Reason is replaced by emotion and it becomes just another movie of its kind.

If you're disappointed like me and/or wanted to watch a real discussion, try

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The Book of Eli

Good acting and visuals wasted on a weak plot.

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The Dictator

I should have watched it sooner. With all the indie comedies that provide sensible chuckles, I missed a sharp, crass comedy like this one.

It's not as good as Borat but it's close enough.

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You had me at 'Le Petit Prince'.

Good movie to watch for all purposes (alone, couples, friends, family).

I don't know much about Asperger's but Hugh Dancy's performance feels believable and endearing, which are 'musts' for me and he nailed it most of the time.

I also liked that Beth (Rose Byrne) is neither a knight coming to save poor defenseless Adam or a manic pixie dream girl with no life away from the protagonist.

Why does Peter Gallagher must always be some kind of antagonist though? Poor Sandy Cohen.

I really didn't like the ending but it's not something that takes away from the rest of it. I guess I had high hopes that Beth would be there and deliver the book in person. Oh, well...

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Fly Away Home

Feel-good flick with adorable geese (who would've thought?).

Seeing Anna Paquin and Jeff Daniels working together after having watched them in "The Squid and the Whale" is great, though a little bit disturbing. Their quirky characters are funny and believable, which makes the movie that much better.

Seeing the younger versions of rest of the cast was also amusing but it took me a while to recognize Jeremy Ratchford.

Solid entertainment for all ages.

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Won't Back Down

An amazing cast, an interesting subject, it basically writes itself, right? Well, no. Unfortunately it fails miserably.

Don't get me wrong, it can still be watched and even enjoyed but other than a few reasonably good characters, the story being told comes off as unbelievably shallow.

I simply can't shake the notion that it should have been much more had it had a decent script and a better director. Or if at least it didn't have a hidden agenda.

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Resident Evil: The Final Chapter

Solid action movie. Some good fight sequences, a little bit of lore to tie up loose ends and overall a dignified ending to the series.

The pacing bothered me a bit but I guess it makes sense. Some good little scares as well, which is nice since it brought some nostalgia as it reminded me of the feeling of playing the first games.

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Fullmetal Alchemist the Movie: Conqueror of Shamballa

Obligatory to watch after the original (2003) Fullmetal Alchemist series.

It's a beautiful work that closes this story arc, even if it fails to achieve all expectations - which leads to my 9 instead of a perfect 10.

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After the Dark

An interesting plot that could have made a great movie if it had had a better execution.

The storyline itself has many flaws but thankfully it still manages to present the concepts, which would have been the most important part in any case.

If you do decide to watch it, don't fool yourself thinking everything will be spelled out for you. After watching it, go through every philosophical problem presented and try to find parallels within the storyline. Don't stop at the shadows being projected on the wall.

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Blue Like Jazz

What a shame. It could've been a great movie but the ending didn't feel real or conclusive enough. Setting, ok. Conflict, great. Climax, so-so. Resolution?

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The Man from Earth

Amazing story! A lot of big productions could learn from such a simple, yet very good movie. The dialogues could've been better but it's still worthy of high praise.

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Black Death

Surprisingly good. Had the characters been more well constructed, this could've been a top movie. Anyway, I'll always appreciate a movie that doesn't end in a cliché.

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It could've been a great movie. The story is very well-developed but near the ending it kind of loses its focus a bit. 8 out of 10 for me.

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The atmosphere is great but Val Kilmer is completely out of his element for most of the time. It could've been better. Good movie though.

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