k p


Garland, Texas

Titans: 1x04 Doom Patrol
  1. Doom Patrol was the best part of the show (including Gar).I got a feeling that Doom Patrol is going to be awesome.

  2. This show is so full of flaws,Dick is a detective and he didn't even questioned that Nun properly.

  3. That fight between dick and the hunter felt unsolicited.

  4. Beating someone and giving them money Titan has gone to a whole new level.

  5. This is the fourth episode and this show has failed for me.I think it's undecided what type of show they want Titans to be.

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@ashuk Life is a whole lot more fun when you are a little dumb. You asked for way too much logic for entertainment. If you really want to challenge yourself, get another degree. Never mind me if you are already a Dr. of something...

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For All Mankind

This season isn't as good. I will blame the woke movement on that... Years ago I wouldn't care and would just watch and enjoy shows, but today with woke being shoved down our throats, I cannot help but be tired of the movement. It's backfiring. I am done with woke story lines. I seriously have no issues with gay people and wish happiness for everyone, but please please please stop shoving wokeness down our throats! we are all getting tired of it.

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@darthunderpants Have you seen how many shows about god, a person that does not exist? You complain about something that exists but you are probably one of those people who pray to something that does not exist.

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Don't Look Up

The real question is why the hell did the guy charge money for snacks at the white house?

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@sagar_uchiha it's a power move.

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The Final Table

Reply by k p

freaking fantastic. What a show. It's similar enough to other cooking competition shows but so different in that the competitors are some of the best chefs out there and food from all around the world are celebrated. I really hope there's a season 2.

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@astaraya Thank you. I watched this show because of your comment. Great show.

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For the People

Shout by JayGreene
BlockedParent2018-06-02T05:58:10Z— updated 2024-01-24T22:53:29Z

Started watching initially because of Britt Robertson and stayed because of Susannah Flood (Kate Littlejohn)

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@ohuaithnin I agree. Kate was a very interesting character. 2nd season will be great.

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For the People: 1x05 World's Greatest Judge

That final speech was just... Amazing. Chills.

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@debbiie-cooper That's right. It's very touching. Something that I have not felt watching a TV show for a long time.

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Guy Ritchie's The Covenant

Reply by k p

Uneven, but gripping nonetheless.
Jake Gyllenhaal was fine. Dar Salim was amazing.

(In case it's driving you crazy too: Parker is Homelander. I had to look it up :joy:)

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@hgram i don't even remember seeing him. I just saw the movie like 1 hour ago. LOL

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Grey's Anatomy

Reply by k p

Serious question: is this show EVER gonna end?

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@michellecgb it will end it 2025.

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Reply by k p

Loved this so much. its raw and violent and touching at the same time. I just wish the caveman didn't have to lose every single one at the end. that really spoiled my enjoyment.

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@risana there are more now :)

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Free Solo

Reply by k p

"Free Solo" is a spectacular achievement in storytelling, cinematography, and filmmaking. It expertly captures the pinnacle of Alex Honnold's accomplishments: his free-solo ascent of El Capitan. The film is absolutely worthy of a big-screen viewing!

I most enjoyed the way the creators captured the emotions of everyone involved in the climb. The main focus was naturally on Alex, but the movie also thoughtfully presented his girlfriend Sanni, his climbing partners, and the filmmakers themselves.

My main criticism: Certain words were censored via dubbing, and that yanked me out of those scenes. This was an emotional event - let the language flow freely!

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@valefox No kidding. Nobody under the age of 18 would sit through this movie. Censorship is getting out of hand.

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Titans: 1x04 Doom Patrol

Reply by k p

Titan's X-Mansion looked dope! Too bad hairy Charles Xavier was sketchy af. Nice to finally see the gang (almost) complete!

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@misnomer NM, I googled :)

Wait a sec...is this really the beginning of X-men? The dude is wheelchair is Charles?

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Kingdom: Ashin of the North

A bit slow, a bit dark and a bit confusing, not bad but not as good as the series. One question, why are the poor people always have to have dirty faces all the time, the water was free :)

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@lat try to work day and night to see if you have time to wash your face!

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Mrs. Fletcher

I try to give new shows at least three episodes to determine if it's personally viable. Couldn't get through the first episode with this one. Hard to care for any of the characters.

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@cmonster try 3. funny as shit.

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House of the Dragon: Season 1

Reply by k p

Nice try, HBO. Fools me once...

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Sex Education

Reply by k p

I was waiting for the grand ending where Otis and Maeve end up together, fuck you wheelchair guy. Fuck your life

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@mickeymarvin Come on now. Do you want season 3 or not?

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Mrs. Fletcher

Reply by k p

I try to give new shows at least three episodes to determine if it's personally viable. Couldn't get through the first episode with this one. Hard to care for any of the characters.

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@cmonster lmaol....you should watch ep 7 too.

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Wow!... Not really into westerns per-say, however, this show is Amazing and will bring Sorrow & Joy to your heart & Eyes.

I can't ait for season two,... Paramount+ confirmed on February 15 that more episodes are indeed on the way. It's unclear how many new episodes will be shot and if they will consider it a full season, but rest assured that the story isn't ending yet.

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@alienmoon no season 2 :( everything got wrapped up nicely already.

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The Handmaid's Tale

Reply by k p

It's a beautiful looking show but it takes forever before anything happens. It's getting harder to watch with each episode. I was hoping season 2 would be better but it's worse.

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@peeps_ lol, u didn't see the finale?

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I didn't realize this was a Predator movie the first time I saw the poster and thought this was some random horror movie but the positive buzz certainly didn't pass me by so here we are again. After watching it I'm certainly... shocked?
From the get go this did very little to pull me in, be it the CG animals, one-dimensional plot or the the selfish attitude of our heroine. Now obviously one can argue how much that all matters when the action is good but it didn't really scratch that itch for me either... the Predator fighting with the animals was certainly entertaining but random guys biting the bullet with mostly offcam/unclear CG gore not so much. Would have been nice if they showed some wits when they fought him at the camp but somehow him going invisible is enough reason to lower their weapons and start talking to each other. She saw how the camouflage works multiple times in action already..?!!
What all those scenes, and the movie poster for that matter, certainly established, is that our protagonist has little to worry and that a showdown was coming but I would never have predicted the amounts of bullshit that would contain:
- Somehow becomes a baller and expert in alien technology. Knows when the Predator is coming, takes her magic herbs to immediately lower her blood temperature (but is not shivering and still standing up) and is in the Predators path who obviously doesn't see a standing corpse right in front of it or notices her moving out of the way...
- Never used the gun but knows the right angle to shoot and remove his mask (betting on this being a weakness when this did little to stop it before).
- Gets to conveniently escape for the n-th time and has enough time to finish up some traps (which the Predator even hit on some random tree lol).
- Gets hit to the head twice from the shield that cut through the Predators limbs, spear and even stone but is unscathed.
- Can easily remove a fang attached to it's face to save herself just in time.
- GPS dog that always magically reappears is ready to bring her the tomahawk...
- Manages to sit on top of the Predator and even pull him into the bog with a tiny rope and a much much smaller statue.
- The Predator obviously submerges immediately, but little does it know of her the grand plan to have him placed at that exact LOS of the mask in anticipation that he is gonna fire from his gun (despite not having had his mask for the whole time) while he is already targeted by the laser the entire time... b r a v o. Obviously that one shot was also enough to kill it.
Honest to god - how does a movie with such a contrived finale get so much praise, or even leave the script writing phase??

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@sp1ti you need to calm down bruh!

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A Teacher

This is why so many American women cheat. American men are soft, they act like a KITTEN :)

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@salmoore No. To establish dominance, just leave 2 hickies on her tits for the husband to see. Not being a puss is not the same as being tough. Do you need some examples?

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This (science fiction) family drama is a slow burn with no burn. It's like reheating leftovers in the oven but not turning the heat on high enough even if you leave it in for two hours.

Proxima is the story of an astronaut who's also a mother and thus must also deal with female / maternal issues as she trains for a mission to Mars. I'm probably alone in this, but I left the cinema feeling the director wanted me to think being a mother makes a woman less qualified and too sensitive to be a good astronaut. This take-away made me very uncomfortable, despite the sideshow of actual women astronauts with their children that's shown during the credits.

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@saint-pauly I agree. It is a very stupid thing for her to do at the end. They were quarantined for a year and she ruined all that effort just a few hours before launch. I'm glad to see Eva's asset is still looking good after all these years though.

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The Boys

Reply by k p

Season 1 was ok and fresh but season 2 is boring and lazy, wtf happened?

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@cabbagehead Did you finish season 2? FINISH IT!

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Ip Man 4: The Finale

Reply by k p

The first Ip Man is the best. This one is OK. Nobody will be as good Ip Man as Donnie.

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@konax you can't. I watched it in theater.

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Lost Girls & Love Hotels

Reply by k p

This was extremely boring and dull.

Alexandra Daddario’s character is annoying and frustrated me so much. There didn’t seem to be an answer for why she acts the way she does.

I can not recommend this movie :sleeping::sleeping:

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@olivewahh Depression. Nothing to hold on too. The only bad thing about this movie is not seeing enough of her tits.

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Billions: Season 6

Loved season 1-5, but Season 6 is just a dud.
Without Axe, it's just Chuck with an axe to grind over anyone that's rich.. kinda priceless when you consider he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth thanks to his dad's ruthlessness. Black, kettle, glass house, stones etc.

There's no tension or what's gonna happen next - it's just an endless "let's block this guy cause he's rich and wants to bring the Olympics to NY."

When he was battling Axelrod - it was a game of cat and mouse, this is just ugh. Why the hell does Wendy Rhoades even have a job anymore? She brings NOTHING to the table now and just wanders off doing her own thing.

Gone downhill really fast. Best I can give it is 4.5/10

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@speeddemon Just finished watching the finale of s06. BO RIN GGG!

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Everything Everywhere All at Once

Did you all give high ratings to make a point? Half way through the movie I could not keep my eyes open. Seriously... 8.7 / 10 in IMDB. Crazy!

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@mrbuerger you mean anesthesia? It put me to sleep :sleeping: :zzz: :sleepy:

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If i had to sum this movie up with one word.


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@mediacenterkodi one word... TIHS

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Westworld: Season 3

This season turned the series into a joke.

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@oxcelot It's more like a pile of S H II T.

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Walker Independence

Reply by k p

The Pilot grabbed my interest. The acting and directing/writing was unexpectedly better than anticipated. The story line is unique and there is potential for a great show to some out of it. The next few episodes will determine that. I hope it succeeds.

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@robeh lol lmaol rotfl this is a pos.

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Reply by k p

Ok - so there's good news and bad news about this one.
The bad first. I personally am very tired of the shaky-cam shtick. It's over-used and just plain annoying. Just cut it out already. A lot of the drone footage might make some people queezy. It did me, and i don't get motion sick. There is nothing but wall-to-wall action here. Like zero downtime. I know, some might see that as a good thing.
Now the good. Wowza! Non-stop action. Is the whole movie far-fetched, unbelievable, fantastical? Yes - but that's what makes it so much fun. This movie is like if Jason Bourne and John Wick had a baby and then we tossed in a bunch of zombies as well. It's that kind of frenetic. I would say that like 90% of the stunts/effects are practical (RL) with very little CGI in there. The whole thing is shot in such a way that it looks and feels like it is one continuous shot (which is not an easy thing to do).

The Koreans are truly becoming one of the leading story-tellers in movies and TV.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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@schmoogie wall to wall BORING action. this movie is a piece of shi.

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