Alexander Johnson


Sydney, Australia

Battle Beyond the Stars

This was perfect fine. This obvious rip on the success of Star Wars was not offensive, lower budget of course and it shows. Overall it was fine. Not life changing, but I understand why it’s a cult classic.

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Plot? What plot? Character development? Who’s she? It’s tragic given the cast. Basically the series took all the best from the book and the movie and really improved it in every way. Ultimately this movie is a wash because the series was made, if you loved the book I’m sure you’ll enjoy this, but never watch this after seeing the series.

TW: Racism, Sexism, Homophobia

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I was so bored I could die. This is easily one of the worst horror movies I’ve ever seen. Dakota Johnson gives her usual monotone level of bullshit, but I’d argue it’s mostly a trash fire script. Basically just don’t even bother. I’m so mad at myself for sitting through this.

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The Invisible Man

I was so bored. Don’t bother.

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Karaoke musicals are bullshit. Either use Rodger and Hammerstein’s music or write your own. All but two of the cast have a strong enough voice to carry the movie.

The movie itself is fine, I have no issue with the plot. The costuming, the acting, and script are all fine, it’s funny. Cinematography could be better though.

But honestly it’s very let’s get a bunch of very now people, to sing music that is either very now or everyone knows. Most of the cast have just meh voices, breathy and poppy and meh, barely appropriate for music they’re singing.

Also James Cordon, why.

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Everything Everywhere All at Once

Deserved every single Oscar, every single award, it was exceptional story telling from beginning to end.

But also give Angela Basset her Oscar as well.

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An exceptional movie, I am baffled that Tetris took so much to make happen. I highly recommend, it’s a long movie but so full of twist and turns that you don’t even notice! A thrilling ride from start to finish.

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Hocus Pocus 2

The first twenty minutes, amazing!

Everything else was a complete and total let down as I knew it would be. There was a reason it wasn’t done for over twenty years.

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Meg 2: The Trench

I liked it because it had a shark, but much like the first movie, it’s far from a shark movie. That being said lots of friendly boys this time so yay!

Also props to the b movie reference with the octopus fight.

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Red, White & Royal Blue

gif of Michelle Visage waving her hand above her head YESSSSSSSS

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Shotgun Wedding

Why do I constantly let my low key infatuation with Jennifer Lopez as an actress blind me. This movie was a just okay, nothing special, nothing new, it was fine if it was on but I wouldn’t again, not even Jennifer Coolidge helped it.

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The Grand Budapest Hotel

Not what I expected based on the trailer, but amazing nonetheless. Dragged a little bit, but the story was fun, easy to follow, amazing performances, and as with all Wes Anderson productions: stunningly beautiful!

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James, sweetheart, you’ve made so much better. It wasn’t painful to watch by any means, but predictable and the writing and dialogue was lazy. Basically this is hardly his magnum opus. Watch but don’t expect it to change your world.

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How the Grinch Stole Christmas

This is my only Christmas tradition. Every year without question.

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Jennifer's Body

I just did not enjoy this. I am annoyed I didn't enjoy it. Just didn't give me what I wanted. I think largely in part because its often included and lauded as one of the best horror movies. It was just not scary in the slightest. A wonderful feminist movie, allegorical and all that, but not scary at all.

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Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings

I think my husband summed it up best. It was a great movie, but the problem is we're all jonesing for the tie ins and broader implications to the MCU, and in that regard it was only okay. I enjoyed it, the representation was stunning and the themes and respect to Asian cultures were amazing while still being true to the MCU.

But overall, I wasn't blown away. Far far from bad, and worth your time watching. But not one of Marvels best.

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Red Notice

Don’t expect much. You’ve seen this before and better, but this one has the Rock and the very fast becoming boring sassy Ryan Reynolds trope.

Not bad, but eh.

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Shout by Alexander Johnson
BlockedParent2021-11-03T11:00:20Z— updated 2022-07-11T19:47:56Z

Everyone who voted this down are just sad pissbabies who don’t realise that diversity and inclusion are good things.

This movie was a little slow paced and the lighting was too dark, egregiously so. But honestly they were my only criticisms.

It’s a good set up for wider cosmic threats, but it is its own self contained mythology and character exploration. So enjoy it for its self contained nature.

Fantastically acted, brilliant historically tie ins, wonderful representation, good effects. Jemma Chan really shines. Basically it’s not the best movie Marvel has produced, but I really enjoyed it, and it’s a great look at things to come.

Extra points for Marvels first open queer representation on screen. No Loki doesn’t count. A queer interracial (Black+Muslim) relationship with a child. Also all this race representation is delicious.

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Tomb Raider

Jolie’s Tomb Raider is not terrible, it’s camp, and based on a video game that was camp. Turns out when you remove the camp and over the top action and fantasy from Tomb Raider you get this. This was weak sauce. The character is supposed to be aggressively upper class and badass with an attitude to match. This movie was well acted, and the action was fine. But it has no stupid fantasy fun, I was so bored.

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Wow this is bad. So bad. Aggressively bad. This isn’t a replication of the times this is a characature of a fantasy of what teenagers were like. Joss Whedon may have had a stroke of genius when he wrote this but honestly this is just garbage and it’s shameful Whedon wasn’t given control.

Just watch the series.

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The Great Wall

I refused to watch this for years because I thought it was going to be a white saviour movie starring Matt Damon set in Ancient China and I was not here for it.

I was wrong, there are for more reasons to not watch this. Okay first yes, white saviour, two insane fantasy nonsense that is too far removed from any mythology to really appreciate, and some really crappy plot, with little character development.

Props to the cinematography, the costumes, the visual effects. I mean if you go in with no expectations at all it’s an okay watch. But ultimately there was a reason I didn’t watch this for over five years.

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Finally a good movie, I've watched a lot of absolute crap lately and this finally broke the spell.

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The Rundown

I don't know if I am just wildly unimpressed by anything anymore or if this was just as boring as I found it to be. Today I said "lets put on an easy to watch silly little action movie", I found this and hey who doesn't like a good or even bad movie that stars Dwayne. Yeah it was a waste of time. This was trying to be a fun family friendly Rock movie but with the action of some of his more intense action films. Basically it flopped.

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Spiral: From the Book of Saw

Meh, I mean the twist and the last ten minutes where good but everything else was meh. Basically nobody asked for Chris Rock in a dramatic role, and oh no I’m supposed to care about dead cops. This did nothing for the franchise.

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Follow Me

Don’t waste your time. :sparkles::v_tone2:

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An American Haunting

Neither here nor there. Well acted, fantastic costuming, but it just simply isn't that interesting to be honest. A movie you're content having watched once.

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The gratuitous violence, the blood, and attempted rape wasn't enough apparently, they had to throw in unnecessary homophobia. This movie was going to be just barely okay in as much as I'll basically watch any big animal monster movie, but seriously that was not necessary.

You get props at least for adding the political drama of an unstable country, but then you ruined that by having a white lady singing amazing grace just to remind the audience that not only did we capture and enslave these people for centuries in your own country, but also that we forced christianity on the ones we left.

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An American Werewolf in London

This holds up surprisingly well considering its age and low budget. A little slow, with some random casual nudity I feel was thrown in to get a higher rating, but the characters are engrossing, the special effects makeup is fantastic, and the transformation sequence is iconic. Overall a classic for a reason, and it should be watched by any fan of horror or warewolf movies.

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The Pyramid

I mean I didn't hate it. It wasn't great, the pull here is Denis O'Hare being a sensational actor as always. It was a fun concept, but trash ending.

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Attack the Block

Simple concept, didn't overcomplicate things. Believable and fleshed out characters with amazing work from Jodie and John. Overall not the best movie in its genre I've ever seen, but worth a watch.

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